Thursday, October 31, 2019
American Missionaries in East Asia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
American Missionaries in East Asia - Essay Example to teach formal education and sensitize the Koreans about the capitalism rule that was befalling Asia in 1800s since there were local schools, already established before missionaries’ arrival, though it only offered informal education to woman and girls (Hyaeweol 78). This was during the era of Tokugawa. They used educational institution to influence the feminist in Japan and china who did not believe in Christianity. Research exercises conducted by Korean missionaries focused only on political and theological matters, taking little considerations on matters pertaining to gender. Missionaries learned that the Korean women were rising up from their hibernation state and were looking aggressively for something to keep them occupied. They contrasted between the valueless world characterized by limited Christian concepts and a Christian world which was peaceful, optimistic and morally pure (Hyaeweol 94). Though the missionaries still believed that a woman’s place is in the traditional home setting, they also believed that women should not be restrained by traditional boundaries within a household. Therefore, they used educational institutions to encourage Korean women to take part in formal education where new ideas could be introduced to them, especially ideas of definite career fields like medicine, sports and other professional fields, which were conventionally unachievable to Korean women. In this regard, education institutions were the best option for missionaries in their efforts of reach out to Korean women. Apart from training the professionally, missionaries also wanted to portray out that formally educated women were liberated and modern. During their early times in East Asia, missionaries used â€Å"enlightened†western woman as an example of enticing Koreans into accept the modernized way of living. Typically, western women were perceived as being inherently enlightened as they were well versed with affairs around the world. Western women actively
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Letter to Hospital Adminstration Essay Example for Free
Letter to Hospital Adminstration Essay I am sure you are aware of some of the long standing problems which we are facing within our department and that the difficulties have only increased over the past several years. The main problems within our division are staff incompetence and lack of resources, and many other difficulties spring from these points. The demands for improved patient services are obvious on hospital, local, state, and national levels, and yet financial and educational endeavors to support our department are pushed aside.  Staff members have been plunged into survival mode, patient care has plummeted, and morale is terrible. It is obvious that we are not practicing state of the art development, including having an overall vision and plan as well as plan implementation. Ideas in regard to solutions have already been submitted to administration several times, and yet the sympathy we have received has not translated into action. Action is desperately needed in our department in order to provide real care to the patients we aim to serve. The hospital has the responsibility to function as a dynamic system which operates for the wellbeing of all members. In order to solve the many problems we face in our department, there needs to be the implementation of several specific measures which serve to restructure the department. Please take attention to the following ideas which are necessary for the building of a competent and adequately funded department, as solutions for our department are desperately needed now: Regular and positive communication between all staff members and associates, including administration. Transparency in regard to the relationships between all staff members and associates, including administration. Defining departmental practice to meet hospital mission and implement a solid mechanism for success. Streamlining of daily work by creation of maps and guidelines. Hiring of qualified staff members. Implementation of educational activities. Commitment to increased resources for items such as beds, labs, and high technology. Recruiting of a senior staff member who is contracted for department development. In looking to the latest research about dynamic hospital systems which are developing in the most progressive ways, it is easy to see what is needed for our department. McKneally points out that â€Å"the integration of effective subsystems into a well coordinated healthcare system is an achievable ideal. Like a well trained athlete whose brain, nerves, muscles and bones are coordinated to achieve an ideal performance, the final product will require coaching, training, patience and persistence†(2006). It is important to consider our department as a vital subsystem which must be well coordinated into the hospital system in the goal of optimal health care. It would be wonderful to be contacted as soon as possible regarding a response to the need for concrete action now for our department. It is not fair for anyone, including administration, staff, associates, and patients, for the current situation to continue. Health care necessitates the provision of excellent patient treatment, buoyed by successful and high quality staff members and resources. I am confident that with enough interest being invested into our department, we can emerge as a cutting edge team of professionals within a cooperative hospital system. Best regards,
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Tourism As An Industry Tourism Essay
Tourism As An Industry Tourism Essay According to Tucker and Sundberg 1988 cited Loannides and Debbage 1998 Tourism is not an industry in conventional senses as it does not have a single production process, homogenous product or a locationally confined market. Tourism might be considered as partially industrialized as it serves its visitors. He also states that it is a mix of industries which provides services in varied forms Leiper (1990 cited Loannides and Debbage 1998). Smith (1998 in Loannides and Debbage 1998) viewed tourism as a composition of businesses which facilitates business, pleasure and leisure activities by providing goods and services, and may be considered as an industry. According to Thomas Lea Davidson (1998 in Theobald 1998) defining tourism as an industry is incorrect. He states that it is a socio-economic phenomenon which assists economic and social progress and a sector which influence a wide range of industries. In his view designating tourism as an industry may be for many reasons like to gain respect, need for a sound framework, analyze and publish data or need for some to gain self identity. There have been long standing debates on whether tourism is an industry or not. The size and structure of the tourism industry made up of highly fragmented and diverse components. The tourism industry is composed of different components such as tour operators, travel agents, accommodation providers, carriers, tourism associations, destination organizations and consultancies (Mowforth and Munt 1998). As stated by Bhatia (2006) it is a collection of various industries with varied scope of operation mainly targeting revenue generated from tourism. Careful planning and implementation is necessary for economic development of any country. In the tourism sector the need for planned development is of great importance. It involves many industries working together in a complex way and needs special attention. Planning basically tries to allot limited resources between various competitors with a view to maximize output, income and employment and to make sure different sectors have fair growth. Tourism planning is a process through which the set goals can be achieved and the various choices linked to tourism development can be addressed. It is a long term and constant process of preparing, upgrading and improving a destination for tourist. Communities are the basic elements of tourism. It mainly depends upon the level of acceptance shown by local communities. In the process of planning their involvement is essential (Khan 2005). Role of Government in Tourism Planning: As stated by Hall (2008) the involvement of Government in tourism planning is very essential. The Government and private sectors play a very compelling role in the planning of tourism (Cruz 2005). It facilitates by providing Infrastructure, educational requirements, launch of regulatory surroundings for operation of businesses and participates in promotion and marketing of tourism products. Strategic Tourism Planning: The need for strategic tourism planning arises to handle crises at tourism destinations (Kerr 2003). The essential steps for strategic tourism planning are Setting objectives Explore of tourism development factors Drawing conclusions about an destinations potential Bringing new ideas for tourism development Making recommendations for destination development (Gunn 1988) Issues and Constraints for Planning: Cruz (2005) outlined some barriers for planning Small enterprises view tourism planning as an intrusion into their field and doubt about its value. It is considered to be expensive as analysis and market research is required. The complex and diverse structure of the industry. It is differentiated large and small enterprises. The tourism planners should plan strategically keeping the barriers for planning in consideration along with the short term impacts along with the long term impacts on the destination (Gunn 1988). Tourism Impacts: The development of tourism creates impact on mainly environment, socio-culture and economy of the host community at any destination. These impacts produce both negative as well as positive impact. Planning is necessary to reduce the negative impact and boost the positive impact for sustainable development of a destination. Economic: The domestic economies are supported by tourism and are considered to be a means of trade. The economic impact can be assessed at three different levels- the direct, indirect and induced. Direct impact is the value of tourist expenditure after deducting the imports which was necessary for providing the service. The firms that directly receive the tourist expenditure spent on other sectors like water, electricity etc to provide the services. The generation of the economic activity through these frequent rounds of expenditure is called as the indirect impact. The money which is re-spent in the economy by the community which was gained through the tourism in the form of salary, wages etc is called as induced impact. The positive economic impact of tourism is accessed by considering all three levels of impacts. (Cooper et al. 2008). Tourism also creates negative economic impact like employment due to seasonality (Youell 1998). Environmental: According to Mathieson and Wall (1982 cited Hall 2003) the tourism industry is environment dependent. There is little scope for tourism to flourish if a destination is not environmentally attractive. The positive impact of tourism on environment includes, preservation of ancient monuments, sites and historic buildings; creation of national parks and wild life sanctuaries; safeguarding of reefs and beaches and maintenance of forests (Cooper et al. 2008). The negative impacts are waste disposal, water pollution, deforestation etc (Youell 1998). Socio-cultural: According to Hall (2003) the way in which tourism brings changes in the value system, behaviour, lifestyle and quality of life of the local community can be termed as Socio-cultural impacts. The major positive impact of tourism on society includes creation of employment, revival of poor and non-industrialized areas along with revitalization of local arts and crafts. Tourism creates negative impacts like prostitution, crime, lose of tradition etc. In areas where tourism is the major employer, traditional activities like farming may deteriorate. It may also pave way for demonstration effect where host communities try to imitate the life style of visitors. The host communities have to adjust their routine according to the seasonality of tourism which might create disturbance in the host community (Mason 2008). Planning to mitigate the impacts: Tourism generally brings positive impacts on host communities but also carries some negative impacts (cooper et al. 2008). The concept of planning is very vital to yield high-quality benefits out of tourism. English (1986 cited Gunn 1988) gives a series of ideas to minimize the negative impacts and enhance positive ones. Measures can be taken to assist local ownership and control foreign tourism services and facilities. He states that encouraging indigenous design and absorption of local transportation, tour companies, accommodation and food services can increase attraction to tourists and can lower dependency on outsiders. The government needs to promote small and medium size businesses so that the leakage from local economy can be sealed. This in turn will ensure local participation in tourism development (Equations 2008). According to Youell (1998) both public and private sector should work together to develop sustainable tourism. Environment is the base of tourism and has to be p rotected. The importance of sustainable tourism is growing among tourists. Thus proper planning is necessary for achieving sustainable tourism (Edgell et al. 2008). The public sector should plan and implement policies to maximize the use of renewable source of energy; waste water treatment; infrastructural development and use of cleaner technology which reduces pollution (WTO). Proper legal planning and maintaining control over society would reduce crime and other harmful social activities. Educating and giving awareness to local community about tourism will enhance positive impacts and reduce negative ones (Hall 2003). Advantages of tourism can be obtained only by planning, viewing the future and dealing with anticipated consequences. These points should be carefully studied with respect to the local environment as it can affect the quality of the tourism product and may also no longer satisfy the targeted audience (English 1986 cited Gunn 1988). Conclusion: The structure of the tourism industry is very complex with different sectors such as accommodation, travel, attractions and support services working together to create the final product. Due to this fragmented composition it is very important to have planning for sustainable development. In traditional sense it cannot be called as an industry but can be termed as a collection of small and medium size businesses. For the long lasting and future of these businesses sustainable development is necessary. The essay underlines the importance of planning in tourism industry as well as the limitations to planning due to various external factors. Tourism can be considered as a very diverse and complex form of industry which has impacts on the community. It carries long lasting economic, socio-cultural and environmental impacts. Both positive and negative impacts are induced in a destination through tourism. Strategic tourism planning can mitigate some of the negative impacts but some have to be accepted as the beneficiaries part of tourism development. Strategic planning is very critical as it tries to manage crises. It attempts to enhance the positive impacts and reduce the negative impacts. The report emphasizes the importance of planning by giving approaches for sustainable tourism.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Life Without N Sync - A Satirical Essay :: essays research papers
Life without N’Sync: A soon-to-be reality, or a teenaged girl’s worst nightmare? I would hate to even suggest that we might soon exist in a world without N’Sync. Their songs inspire us, as well as being very morally sound. Their creative and innovative fashions and tunes gives us the much needed variety that keeps us interested about the next aptly-titled CD they put out. They are great role models for every aspiring ‘teen dream’, and give teenaged boys something to aspire to. N’Sync is a positive contributor to our society. N’Sync’s writers have written some very memorable songs in the past, including ‘Digital Getdown’ and ‘That’s When I’ll Stop Loving You’. These songs are filled with inspiring lyrics such as, â€Å"Don’t wanna be the reason for your love no more†and â€Å"Baby, baby get nasty, nasty and we can get freaky deaky.†These lyrics teach the 8 year old fans just what girls are good for, and make them feel loved and respected; at the same time they teaching them some interesting vocabulary that they can use in everyday life. I like the consistency of the song titles, because consistency is very important. A large portion of their titles include the word ‘you’, or ‘me’, which definitely showcases their creativity. The fact that they let talented musicians do the instrumental sections proves that they care about how their music sounds. N’Sync’s songs are a positive influence on to day’s youth. It’s a definite relief to know that Justin Timberlake is having a good hair day, and that Chris Kirkpatrick had a good photo shoot. I am glad to know that their latest CD has gone multi-platinum and they have made lots of money, because their happiness is very important to me. One can never get tired of their adorable puppy-dog faces and their cute plays on words that have been carefully scripted. Their intelligence, ingenuity and creativity has led me to believe that they are very positive role models for their fans, and they are who every teenaged boy should strive to be. The things I like most about N’Sync are the fact that they went from having no talent and no money to having no talent and lots of money. It’s good that magazine publishers have made entire series of magazines all about them. I enjoy reading the countless articles and interviews about them, because I say â€Å"The more, the better!!†Without N’Sync, many teenaged girls wouldn’t have music to listen to, or any pictures to put on their walls.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Choose one scene or incident Essay
Choose one scene or incident, which seems to you to be of crucial importance in the development of the play. Explain its importance and outline the dramatic consequences of decisions which are made or events which take place. Hamlet is a play which seems to me to have an incident of crucial importance which has dramatic consequences. This incident occurs in Act III, scene III, where the King Claudius is kneeling in thought, too guilty to pray to God. This provides Hamlet with the key opportunity to put an end to his procrastination and kill the King to seek revenge, yet Hamlet does not act. This inaction has many dramatic consequences, one of which eventually is Hamlet’s own death. From the outset, Hamlet has been conveyed as a fairly sensitive young adult, he is very indecisive and for much of the play, struggles between his duty and his conscience. Hamlet is a thinker, and this may in fact, have proved to be his downfall. He finds spontaneity impossible and tortures himself with his thoughts from Act I scene V, where his father tells him of his uncle’s actions and begs for revenge to be sought, until the final scene, where Hamlet finally takes action. Although depressed and upset about his father’s death and his mother’s hasty marriage, Hamlet is completely devastated by the news that his father’s ghost brings him. He was already angry at his mother and disliked his new step father as he saw him to not be fit for comparison with his father â€Å"So excellent a King, that was to this Hyperion to a satyr†This also shows just how high a regard he had for his father, he has obviously acquired this view of perfection where his father is concerned and we cannot help feeling that this must be exaggerated. Hamlet’s initial reaction to the news that his father was murdered was shock and then anger which soon turned into unease about what he should do. Hamlet wishes to seek revenge, but his nature makes this difficult, it simply is not in his nature to plot and kill someone in cold blood. So whilst struggling with this decision he removes himself from suspicion by feigning madness. During this time of thought (mostly during Act II) Hamlet becomes very depressed and moody, he also contemplates suicide on more than one occasion â€Å"To be or not to be†yet cannot tackle his conscious even for a decision over this. Hamlet then, becomes angered by the moving acting of a player, he finds fault in everything about himself and feels cowardly for not yet having taken any action. The only action to result from this is another plan which enables him to procrastinate even further. He decides that he cannot trust this ghost in case it is in fact an evil daemon and puts on a play to find the truth through his uncle’s reaction. This plan works and leads to the incident which could have changed the play entirely. Hamlet feels he cannot kill his uncle at this time, there is dramatic irony in that the reader knows that Claudius is in fact not at prayer, as he feels he cannot talk to God, so Hamlet has really been provided with the perfect opportunity to seek revenge for his father. Yet another reason Hamlet does not act may be the fact he was on his way to see his mother, At one time Hamlet had an incredibly close relationship with his mother, maybe he views trying to convert his mother as higher in priority than seeking revenge. Either way, Hamlet does not act and this leads to many dramatic consequences. Hamlet, then carries onto his mother’s chamber, still with the rage that he felt after the confirmation of his father’s murder. He then has an in depth talk with his mother. Hearing a noise which was made by Polonius who was spying on the conversation, Hamlet strikes without thinking and kills Polonius. Hamlet was able to act here due to the lack of time or thought to allow a conscience decision, this was not a premeditated murder like the one which his father’s ghost asked of him. Hamlet could not have possibly seen the effect that his actions would have. Ophelia, whom he had once cared for, and had also greatly upset during his time of feigning madness, was driven to despair by both the rejection of her lover and death of her father. She firstly went mad and then died as a result of it. She did not fully commit suicide but lost the will to strive to live. When Hamlet found out about Ophelia’s death he was overwhelmed with grief and guilt which he then turned into anger and fought with Laertes in Ophelia’s grave. The killing of Polonius also had a â€Å"knock on effect†with Laretes, he was already irate and vengeful because of his fathers murder, this was greatly heightened when he heard of his sister’s death. With this wish for revenge on Hamlet, Laertes played straight into the hands of Claudius and became nothing more than his pawn. Laertes had a completely different nature from Hamlet in that he found no qualms in acting instantly when he hears of his fathers murder, he had one aim and that is revenge â€Å"To cut his throat i’ the’ church†this contrasts greatly with Hamlet as he wouldn’t even kill Claudius when he suspected he was at prayer. The King hatched a plan to kill Hamlet, he couldn’t do this publicly as he was very popular with the subjects of Denmark. The duel scene is very dramatic and becomes the climax of the play, and this situation would never have been reached the point where practically everyone dies if Hamlet had simply used his opportunity in Act III scene III, and hadn’t hesitated.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Avoiding Future Frauds with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act Essay
It is clear that the establishment of the Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) act in 2002 was specific to reducing future financial fraud and imposing criminal penalties for publicly traded companies. What is not clear is whether or not the act has proved to be successful in its implementation and governance. The establishment of the act and subsequent amendments are intended to protect the public from fraud in the financial accounting of publicly traded corporations. In 2002, there were opinions both for and against the effectiveness of SOX. More than a decade later, there are still opinions on both sides of the debate. Criticism of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act The effectiveness of the Sarbanes-Oxley act has been highly criticized since its inception. One of the major contentions is that the Sarbanes-Oxley act has no provisions to differentiate the requirements for small publicly traded businesses from large conglomerates (that lead and often monopolize the marketplace). Publicly traded companies that are small in size may find the costs of compliance prohibitive to the future of their business (Coustan, 2004). Critics of SOX believe that this unnecessarily reduces the number of players in a competitive marketplace. The cost of compliance can be excessive for some smaller companies. Auditing expenses cause companies to seek private investment and become privately owned (San Antonio Express-News, 2007). Ten years ago, critics expressed â€Å"fears that small, publicly listed companies might not meet internal control reporting requirements without substantial additional expense; some may have to delist because of it. It could mean only larger companies will go public†(Coustan, 2004, p. 1). In recent years, this debate continues. Critics still express concerns â€Å"that Sarbanes-Oxley is overreaching and has placed unnecessary restrictions on corporations that have and will continue to unduly inhibit corporate performance until they are removed†(Brite, 2013). Another major contention of critics is that the costs of compliance for outweigh the benefits in an international marketplace. Those against SOX feel that the costs outweigh the benefits and speak out in public forums stating that the â€Å"Sarbanes-Oxley has burdened the US financial market with costly rules and regulations that have reduced international competitiveness†(, 2014). There are those that openly share the opinion that the implementations of regulatory overkill through the 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley act â€Å"wrongfully make the innocent suffer for the guilty†(Gilmore, 2013). The reporting requirements of SOX are specific to businesses in the United States. Unlike American business, international business does not have the same requirements. â€Å"Regulatory compliance opposes economic costs on organizations and can affect their competitive advantage†(Srinivasan, 2014, p. 44). Increasing the cost for American business decreases competitive advantage in the worldwide marketplace. In addition to cost and competitive advantage, the structure of the bill has also been called into question. The Court of Appeals recently found difficulty with the wording of the amended 18 USC, citing that â€Å"paragraph (b) of the statute includes the word â€Å"knowingly†while paragraph (c) does not†(Bishop, 2013). The opinions of the Court of Appeals lends to the public opinion expressed in published CPA perspectives that â€Å"SOX was a hastily assembled bill†(Moran, 2013). Involved and cumbersome requirements cause confusion and frustration for companies attempting to comply with the Sarbanes-Oxley act even more than a decade after its implementation. Companies and lawmakers alike have had difficulty over the years with the interpretation of and compliance with the act. â€Å"SOX brought about many changes to the way public companies had to operate, and there was some question as to how these would stand up over time†(Moran, 2013). Positive Aspects of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act Despite complaints by critics, there are positive aspects of the Sarbanes-Oxley act that have withstood the test of time. Initial reactions have softened after smaller businesses were granted some relief in later amendments of the act. Larger businesses found that compliance with the act increased investor confidence and contributions. In addition, the resultant increase in financial transparency has improved business relationships on many levels. First and foremost, there are many of the opinion that the enactment of the Sarbanes-Oxley act increased investor confidence and protection in the marketplace. â€Å"Does Sarbanes-Oxley prevent all bad actors from defrauding investors? No law could accomplish that. But it can and has deterred such activity†(Gillian, 2012, p. 1). Those in support of the Sarbanes-Oxley act agree that there is a positive side for investors and the businesses in which they invest. â€Å"A 2005 survey by the Financial Executives Research Foundation f ound that 83 percent of large company CFOs agreed that SOX had increased investor confidence, with 33 percent agreeing that it had reduced fraud†(Hanna, 2014, p. 2). With an increase in confidence and a perceived reduction of fraud, investors could more confidently make intelligent business decisions on the purchase and sale of publicly traded companies. Those on the positive side of the SOX act believe that the effects on small business have softened. Studies show that as companies become more accustomed to the costs of compliance, the expense decreases (San Antonio Express-News, 2007). In addition, the effects on smaller companies were ultimately deferred. â€Å"Audit standards also were modified in 2007, a change that reportedly reduced costs for many firms by 25 percent or more per year†(Hanna, 2014, p. 1). Although the costs of compliance decrease retained earnings, investors are more confident in the reliability of company reports (Gillian, 2012). â€Å"The cost of being a publicly traded company did cause some firms to go private, but research shows these were primarily organizations that were smaller, less liquid, and more fraud-prone†(Hanna, 2014, p. 1). These modifications of the act allowed more small businesses to remain competitive in the marketplace. Business relationships have also improved with increased transparency. The reduction of information asymmetry is a direct benefit to both the company and the investors. â€Å"Information asymmetry is a situation in which one party in a transaction has more or superior information compared to another†(Brite, 2013, p. 1). Periodic testing of internal controls required by SOX 404, increases transparency among internal and external stakeholders of the business. The American Institute of CPAs states on their website that â€Å"section 404B has led to improve financial reporting and greater transparency†(American Institute of CPAs, 2006 – 2014). Conclusion and Opinion To evaluate the effectiveness of SOX in preventing future frauds, one must take into consideration the many different situations in which the legislation is applicable. Enactment of the Sarbanes-Oxley act increases corporate responsibility and sets restrictions on auditor services. This certainly reduces the potential for fraud; however it does not eliminate it. From a business perspective, compliance is beneficial. The costs of implementing the requirements may be high; however the benefit of increased investor confidence in a publicly traded environment is higher. There are going to be situations in which fraud is inevitable. Fraudulent wrongdoers and companies will find loopholes and the recent Court of Appeals case is evidence of that fact. As with any law, this regulation will reduce the frequency of, but not prevent, purposeful future criminal activity. References American Institute of CPAs. (2006 – 2014). Section 404B of Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. Retrieved from AICPA: American Institute of CPAs: Bishop, K. (2013, June six). Grand Theft Auto Meets the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Retrieved from California Corporate and Securities Law: Brite, C. (2013, June 30). Is Sarbanes-Oxley a Failing Law? Retrieved from University Of Chicago Undergraduate Law Review: Coustan, H. L. (2004, February). Sarbanes-Oxley: What It Means to the Marketplace. Retrieved from Journal of Accountancy: (2014). Do you believe the Sarbanes-Oxley Act has failed? Retrieved from -has-failed Gillian, K. (2012, July 24). It Enhanced Investor Protection. Retrieved from
QUIZ What Career In Health Should You Choose
QUIZ What Career In Health Should You Choose So you’re thinking about going into healthcare but not quite sure where you would fit in best? The healthcare field is always growing and constantly in need of new hires. Healthcare is so broad it ranges from being a medical assistant, registered nurse, therapist, pharmacist, home health aide, and there’s so much more. The field is so diverse so you’re bound to find your perfect fit. This quiz is perfect for helping you decide your path into health care. Source [Playbuzz]
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Health safety at work Essays
Health safety at work Essays Health safety at work Essay Health safety at work Essay Employers and employees must comply with the duties set out in out which are as follows: Section 2 places a duty on employers for the health, safety and welfare of employees by consulting with read union safety representatives on health and safety matters within workplace. Moreover, employers with more than five employees should prepare written health and safety policy and bring it to the notice of employees. Section 3 requires employers to make sure that non employees who may be affected but work are not exposed to their health and safety. Section 4 requires ensuring that the premises, plant and machinery do not harm the people using It. Section 5 requires the prevention and control of harmful, noxious or offensive emissions into the atmosphere. Section 6 places duties that designers, manufacturers and suppliers are that the articles and substances provided are safe to use. Section 7 requires the employee to take care of him or her and any of other who may be affected by his or her actions. And also require the employees cooperation with their employer in health and safety issues. Section 8 requires employees to not Interfere or misuse anything provided in the Interest of health and safety. This brief sets out to identify health and safety legislation and procedures applied in Food retail industry McDonalds. Background From the article published on leading newspaper on 2nd April 2008, McDonalds at Leister has been fined a total of almost 40000 after a worker was badly injured following a fall. During hearing in the court, the company admitted breaching health and safety regulation. Worker also complained about the failure to correctly complete an accident investigation form, and also there had been failure to complete a falls risk assessment which would have averted the accident. After that accident, McDonalds has a strong health and safety culture and then design of kitchen had en altered and safety upgraded. So It Is very Important that food Retail Industry company McDonalds should take health and Safety of their employers seriously and therefore in safety procedures are been discussed in rest of the briefing paper. One of the major priority of Macdonald is to ensure the safety of employees, customers and visitors. Co-operation on the part of us all is vital to the success of the Health Safety Policy. Every staff have their own responsibilities to ensure that the risk of Injury or Ill health Is enameled. As with all other aspects of business , Macdonald re continually Improving tenet performance Day measuring gallant standards Ana reviewing safety progress on daily basis. Negation of health and safety requirement is considered as the serious breach of discipline. Employee Responsibilities in McDonalds As being the employee of Macdonald, there are various responsibilities one needs to follow to ensure health and safety at workplace. First and foremost to take reasonable care for health and safety of oneself and other persons who may be affected by your acts or omissions at work; In order to fulfill company statutory obligations and comply with company policy, employee needs to cooperate with management teams and other crew member. All the safety rules and procedures must be carefully observed and PEP should be worn all the time when handling any risky objects and any safeguards provided shouldnt be misused or recklessly interfered with anything in interest of health and safety. Managers should have responsibilities for training and supervising the crew members during the shift and have to ensure that staffs are adhering to correct procedures. Witness of Heath and Safety Hazard If any specific health or safety hazard which is not covered in rules book, comes to attention then one should isolate the area or equipment immediately and report to the shift manager. Likewise every restaurant , Macdonald also has a Hazard Reporting Book ,where any seen hazard must be recorded. And Failure to record the hazard in that book provided will be treated extremely seriously and results in disciplinary action. Informed about health and safety issue One of the internal part of all procedures is Health and Safety. Additional specific training is provided to employees as a part of training courses in line with susceptibilities provided. Health and safety manual is provided at each restaurant the gives the details of Additionally specific training in safety matters is included in various training courses in line with your responsibilities. A Health Safety Manual is provided at each restaurant and gives details of the organization and arrangement for implementing and developing health and safety policy,Risk statements for various tasks, equipment and chemicals handling, safety bulletins are provided to highlight safety issues in regular interval. Staff and management held safety circle tenting to review the progress and effectiveness of safety within the restaurant in regular basis. Macdonald always involves the participation of crews and managers in the development and operations of health and safety policy. Opportunities are provided to crews and manager to address any safety measures or any concern at safety circle meetings. Additionally, any specific or general comments on health and safety matters is always welcomed any time by contacting the managers. A Risk Assessment As with any workplace, there is a risk of injury or ill health to yourself and other if not now about hazards. So one has make sure to follow company policies and procedures when handling with hazards. Incase of Accident All injuries must be reported to manager and shift managers must ensure that their first aid qualification is up to date. If any accidents occurs in the shift then it should be recorded on accident book. The checklist inside the accident book also highlights ten legal Dilation to report spectacles types AT Injury to employees, essences Trot work following an injury , or incidents known as Dangerous Occurrences to the Local Authority within strictly defined time period. The shift managers is reprehensible for the communicating the accurate information to Hygiene Safety Department within right period of time for the company to fulfill its statutory duties. Health and Safety Procedure at McDonalds Every staff working in McDonalds must complicity with following heath and safety procedure while working in restaurant: Firstly Uniform must be neat and clean including apron. Hair must be way from face, completely under hat. Hand must be washed using correct methods. Hands must be washed and dried thoroughly whenever contaminated. Hands must be washed every 30 min when working in itched an in every hour when working front counter, drive-thru or dining area. Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls Commonly occurred accident in workplace is slip and fall. The following procedure must be followed to ensure safety for everyone: Floor should be always kept clean by sweeping and mopping the floor with fresh Solidness Floorer Solution. Wet Floor sign must be placed on the area when needed. Mopping should be avoided during busy periods. Any spillages seen should be cleared straight away and wet floor sign should be placed near spillage. Never run. Correct shoes must be worn overtime. Shoes must have good grip, be enclosed,comfortable and clean. Trip hazards must be avoided by not leaving boxes, cables or other obstruction near doorways or where others might trip over. Working at Height Whenever working in height ,either to access items or for cleanliness step ladders must be used all the time. Following procedures must be applied when using step ladders: Ladders steps must be clean and dry. Ensure steps are in good condition and are clean and dry Ladders should be fully open with side bars locked into position. Standing on the top two steps should be avoided. Never lean sideways. Always climb down and the steps should be repositioned. Help should always be asked when needed. Standing or standing on equipment, chairs or stock room shelves should be avoided. Roof access is restricted to Managers and Service Engineers, unless otherwise stated. Preventing Burns There are various equipment in Macdonald which are operated at high temperatures and can cause burn and injuries. Following procedures should be applied to prevent from burn: Upper grill platens must be closed and left standby hen not in use. All equipment must be left to cool down prior to cleaning. Toasters are lowered or locked before moving them. Extra care should be taken when pouring and serving hot drinks to customer. Handling Vats and Hot Oil Vats shouldnt be cleaned or filtered by someone who are not trained to do so. Protective clement must De worn when Telling Ana cleaning vats 011 consultant be discarded unless it has cooled below ICC and have been trained to do so. Vat covers should always be on place when cleaning and pulling vat. While topping up vat,to avoid splashing it should be poured to front edge. If someone is burnt, call the Shift Manager or the designated First Eider. Fire Precautions Fire doors must be closed at all times to prevent fires spreading. Fire exits must be clear at all time to allow evacuation in event of fire. Doors shouldnt be disconnected with door closers or wedges. Every staff working in restaurant should know the fire exits location, alarm call points and assembly points. Smoking is prohibited within all restaurant areas. There is separate smoke area away from the restaurant. Be Alert Be alert for situations that might lead too fire, such as: Gas Doors Damaged plugs, sockets or cord. Extra rubbish from overflowing bin. Managers should be informed immediately in case of any fire safety risks. General Evacuation Procedure In the event of fire the nearest fire alarm is activated. One should only tackle the fire if been trained to do so or else should be reported to shift managers. Restaurant should be left medially with nearest exit available. Even on the case of hearing the alarm,one should leave by nearest exist and proceed to assembly point and report to anger immediately. The important things to remember are DO NOT stop to collect personal belongings,use any lifts and do not return to building until authorized. Use of Fire Extinguisher Extinguishers are made for different types of fire and one should know which one to use and how to use Lifts and Carrying Following are the procedures when lifting and carrying any objects in restaurant. Using chemicals All chemicals and substances used in McDonalds are safe to use when used in correct way. Instructions on the packaging should always be followed and extra care would be taken handling it. Read the label. There are different chemicals for different Job so to ensure proper cleaning right chemicals should be used. In order to minimize the risk of chemical contamination, chemicals shouldnt be transferred from one container to other and should never be mixed. Hand should be washed after handling chemicals. And managers should be informed if any skin irritations arise. Chemicals should be stored away from food and food packaging areas. Working Outside Some of Jobs should involve working outside such as assisting delivery, taking orders room cars in drive thru. In such case high-visibility vest or Jacket should be worn.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Book Report #2 for Rabbi School Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Book Report #2 for Rabbi School - Research Paper Example It is through intelligent inquiry into the nature of reality that the phenomena begin to emerge as an important part of understanding the existence of man. In a section that he calls The Disparity of Soul and Reason, Heschel (1976) begins by suggesting that we are far more aware of what is unknown at an earlier time in life than aware of what is actually known. He makes emphatic statement that â€Å"Soul and reason are not the same†(Heschel, 1976, p. 7). This sets the stage for an understanding of how the unknown is such an important part of the acceptance of faith. In addition, he makes an argument for the idea of how it is so easy to lose track of a sense of amazement, sending reason over the wonder that evokes the sense of God within the soul. As he introduces his thoughts, he has created a sense of admonishment to those who would fail to see the world through the sense of wonder that comes from the grandeur of the essence of God. The author is adamant about the problem of human beings trying to use reason instead of depending on faith. Heschel (1976) turns the tables in terms of how companionship between man and God takes place, stating that God intends for man to have a place in companionship with Him. Eventually, he wrote that ‘God is unwilling to be alone, and man cannot forever remain impervious to what He wants to show†(Heschel, 1976, p. 91). He emphasizes the originality of each relationship that individuals create with God. It is through an inability to be able to understand God that brings us closer as the inconceivable ability of the existence of God becomes the basis on which to assert that He is real. There is a point where he goes back to discussing the concept of God and how man often constructed concepts of gods that were more human than divine. Heschel (1976) quotes Xenophones who wrote â€Å"Homer and Hesiod have ascribed to the gods all the things that are shame and a disgrace among mortals,
Friday, October 18, 2019
Art response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Art response - Essay Example Art theory is a factor that is very relevant to this country since the interpretation is not uniform and there is need to evaluate the relevance of each work presented in museum to form part of the cultural heritage. Successful evaluation requires in-depth understanding of content and context in which the work is relevant. It is important to note that various theories of criticism have been formulated by scholars to ensure that all the elements of art are applied relevantly in any production. The context in which the piece of art is established determines its application and serves to bring out the meaning in simpler way. For the works of art to portray the actual picture of the social context in which they are set, various critical analysis tools have been applied as in the case of the museum in Denver, USA. Another important aspect of American Art is the expression of the aesthetic values present in the pieces. USA has a wide variety of art and therefore serves as the center of anc ient studies on history and art. Art as shown from the past drawings and sculptors sets emotional status and therefore gives the real context and setting in which it was taken. Considering some of the artifacts found in the museums, it is worth to note that the emotional aspect of the works makes the viewer create a picture of the setting and context in which it is relevant. A collection of various pieces of art presents diverse abstraction which has remained a critical aspect of art. In the modern society, creative art still incorporates the ancient concepts in expressing the scene, meaning and context for the piece of art. It is important to note that art stands for past events which are useful in defining the lifestyle observed on a given society. The common saying that a picture speaks a thousand words asserts that artistic pieces say more. The posture, facial expression and other decorations gives detailed information about the moral concepts being conveyed. It is common to see the drawings painted in different colors and texture differentiated with a main aim of creating a particular impression. This is the reason behind the multiple colors, textual indentation and varied body features expression found in various artifacts kept in museums across United States. American art is not limited to artifacts but also written history. The complex social structure of the modern United States can be attributed to the Red Indian community and the immigrants who cumulatively formed the Amerindians. There is great history that covers the ancient tribes that inhabited the modern day United States. The story of art in this country dates many years back but some of the outstanding monuments like The Twins meets the Gods of Xibabla (The underworld), cylindrical vase e.593-830 CE among others gives a long period of art and history development ranging from 16,000 to date. Taking the Mayan tribe as an example, the art they left behind has been a ground for research study on the ancient American society and their way of life. The modern American society traces its roots from a very complex cultural fusion which is always exhibited in form of art. Some of the writings, paintings, drawings left behind and collected for stewardship in museums are important as far as the development of ancient art is concerned. Other art forms
Business Management and Information System Essay
Business Management and Information System - Essay Example The article specifically outlines ten events and forces that have led to this. Out of these ten events and forces, all bar one – fall of the Berlin Wall – have been enhanced by ICTs. This paper uses the principles of business process reengineering (BPR), enterprise resource planning (ERP), and knowledge management to critique the ideas Friedman’s raised in this article. Business process engineering The world is increasingly being driven by customers, competition and change. These three challenges have necessitated companies to be constantly on the lookout for new solutions to their business problems, hence the emergence of business process reengineering (BPR). In his book, â€Å"Business @ the Speed of Thought†, Bill Gates states that the 1980s was about quality, the 1990s about reengineering and the 2000s about speed. It is this speed of innovation independent of location that Friedman speaks of with regards to the emerging economic powers of China, India , and Russia that America must be wary of. BPR is the fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical, contemporary measures of performance such as cost, quality, service and speed (Muthu et al., 1999). The purpose of which is to redesign the strategic and value added processes that transcend organizational boundaries. IT is a key enabler of BPR, an attribute that is manifest in the roles that it plays: before the process is designed, while the process design is underway, and after the design is complete (Attaran, 2004). Friedman points out that misnomer that many Americans have been led to or lead themselves to believe that China, India, et al are racing them to the bottom whereas in actual sense they are racing the US to the top. These emerging economic powers have rich educational heritages an ambitious youth and access to work experience from leading corporations that have outsourced, offshored to their countries and access to a wide range of information over the Internet. According to Friedman (2005) American multinationals previously outsourced and offshored to minimize cost but now it is because they are unable to find the talent they need locally so they source it abroad. The seven principles of BPR according to Hammer 1990 are: outcome orientation, integration, local responsibility, pooling or resources, fasten processes, empowering and control, and reducing data duplication. Outcome orientation implies that the organisation needs to organize around outcomes and not tasks. The goal is not just to focus on a few things at a time, but to focus on the right things, to target those activities that will make the biggest impact in terms of customer perceived value. Outsourcing – one of the forces that has led to flattening of the world – is focused on moving those activities that are not core to the company to be done by companies that can perform them better and cheaper. Out sourcing improves efficiency and reduces cost. Another ICT-driven force that Friedman cites as a world flattener is offshoring. Offshoring is the migration of jobs, but not the people who perform them, from rich countries to poor ones. It is also referred to as offshore outsourcing and works much in the same way as outsourcing. It is almost obvious that organizations that hope to
Dissertation - How has Commercialisation affected professional Essay
Dissertation - How has Commercialisation affected professional football since the formation of the English Premier League and what effect has this had on the 'a - Essay Example d the 1980s witnessed England entering into a rather novice phase marked by lack of commercial enterprising on the part of sponsors and top brass of soccer administrators. In fact European football in general followed a downward curve during these two decades (King 59). Several key factors were responsible for this lean period in the history of English soccer. These factors ranged from societal issues to lack of technical adroitness. However, the Premier soccer League teemed with the very best from the global arena and players from all continents signed for various clubs featuring in the League (Storey 108), thus turning English club football into an action-packed display of power and dynamism. The charm of English soccer ebbed away following the series of poor performances by the national soccer team in FIFA World Cups after their historic win over West Germany in the 1966 version of the premier title. It was imperative for the administrators and players alike to bring people back to where they could relate themselves to. However, due to a pervasive sense of hopelessness prevailing among the average followers of the sport, the task was not an easy one. Moreover, hooliganism was on the rise in the 1980s both on English soil and outside (Dunning and Malcolm 101). In fact English football had earned a notorious distinction of promoting hooliganism across Europe and to other soccer playing countries (Bloom and Willard 306). Political reasons also came into contention in this regard, as some of the earlier events in the annals of world history were believed to have contributed to the imperialistic aggression displayed by English football fans (Chesner and Hahn 168). It was in the 1980s when the problem of vandalism, on and off the soccer field, increased beyond the level of tolerance, as English fans were involved in atrocious activities numerous times, that the game was brought to shame and disrepute. Another issue that plagued English soccer during the 1970s and
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Military's last barrier to Equality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Military's last barrier to Equality - Essay Example McSally therefore, justifiably argues that ban on women in combat should be repealed. The author, Martha McSally is a retired Air Force colonel who had led several combat positions and repeatedly proved that women are equal if not better than men in the area hitherto dominated by men. Indeed, many women who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan have even won silver medal for bravery in the field. They have proved their usefulness in various positions vis-a-vis at checkpoints for searching women and children for weapons, acting as agents under counterinsurgency strategy, going as frontline soldiers to kill enemies etc. But unfortunately, their meritorious actions have yet to be recognized as such in their own country of birth. They are still relegated to areas that are least equipped to exploit their huge potential as a military person in their home country. McSally is absolutely correct when she says that ‘current policy is a legal fiction, which not only degrades combat efficien cy, effectiveness and flexibility but confuses military commanders’. ... Women have not been the isolated cases where gender differences were used to subvert the rights of citizens. In the contemporary environment of sexual freedom, sexual equality has wider implications. The categorization of sexual preferences has resulted in people exhibiting homosexuality, gay or lesbian behavior. Thus, rights of such people have also come under lot of controversy. But recently, allowing homosexuals within the military services, President Obama has succinctly indicated that time for change has become a necessity. He has particularly emphasized that homosexuals’ contribution in military could significantly increase national security. Justice, fairness and equality must be enjoyed by all. But McSally is not impressed because the same has yet to be filtered down to encompass women who are still deprived of coveted positions in many areas of military services. Diversity within the workforce, especially related to sexuality of persons must be included at all levels of services. Equal opportunity has become a ground reality that must cut across gender. The patriarchal society has been the major factor that has consistently denied women their rightful place in the society. Their empowerment therefore, has become a major issue that must be addressed. While the constitution has been amended to facilitate their inclusion and gives them equal opportunities, the court of law has surprisingly been quiet in the matter of American military services where women are openly differentiated. The court’s intervention in the case of homosexuals is a positive step that should greatly influence the decisions of higher hierarchy of military services to ensure that army
No topic Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
No topic - Assignment Example Finally, the overarching application of philosophy in current times were asserted in terms of updating previously archaic topics and issues to make them relevant and useful. These topics include a discussion on three identified areas: medicine, environment, and feminism (Hildebrand). One found the intention to provide a definition of God as interesting; yet still wanting. The definitions that were presented were still very much abstract and readers from a wide range of demographical and cultural background could find it challenging to grasp the concepts being asserted. It was, likewise, commendable to try and explain the different constructs of religion as containing three common elements: a content; a method; and a divine guarantee (Hildebrand). Some ideas which were unique included establishing a link between religion and democracy; as well as affirming that religion no longer plays a significant credible appeal in Western society’s existence (Hildebrand). It could be asserted that the notion was primarily taking the author’s perspective. One strongly believes that religion still plays an active role in contemporary societies’ values and beliefs; as it assists in the formation of values and conformity with moral and ethical standards on a more universal and global scale. However, one finds it difficult to agree with the contention that â€Å"If it can be appreciated that many of our most celebrated achievements have been directly facilitated by a human community (and not by God), then community may provide a powerful source of inspiration for this new, common faith†(Hildebrand 202). One is convinced that human community, by nature, cannot be separated from the purpose of God’s creation. As such, the driving force of human community is still believed to be theologically spurred, especially for very religious groups, like predominantly Catholic nations. The steadfast and firm believe in God has entrenched values and beliefs which emphasize
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Dissertation - How has Commercialisation affected professional Essay
Dissertation - How has Commercialisation affected professional football since the formation of the English Premier League and what effect has this had on the 'a - Essay Example d the 1980s witnessed England entering into a rather novice phase marked by lack of commercial enterprising on the part of sponsors and top brass of soccer administrators. In fact European football in general followed a downward curve during these two decades (King 59). Several key factors were responsible for this lean period in the history of English soccer. These factors ranged from societal issues to lack of technical adroitness. However, the Premier soccer League teemed with the very best from the global arena and players from all continents signed for various clubs featuring in the League (Storey 108), thus turning English club football into an action-packed display of power and dynamism. The charm of English soccer ebbed away following the series of poor performances by the national soccer team in FIFA World Cups after their historic win over West Germany in the 1966 version of the premier title. It was imperative for the administrators and players alike to bring people back to where they could relate themselves to. However, due to a pervasive sense of hopelessness prevailing among the average followers of the sport, the task was not an easy one. Moreover, hooliganism was on the rise in the 1980s both on English soil and outside (Dunning and Malcolm 101). In fact English football had earned a notorious distinction of promoting hooliganism across Europe and to other soccer playing countries (Bloom and Willard 306). Political reasons also came into contention in this regard, as some of the earlier events in the annals of world history were believed to have contributed to the imperialistic aggression displayed by English football fans (Chesner and Hahn 168). It was in the 1980s when the problem of vandalism, on and off the soccer field, increased beyond the level of tolerance, as English fans were involved in atrocious activities numerous times, that the game was brought to shame and disrepute. Another issue that plagued English soccer during the 1970s and
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
No topic Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
No topic - Assignment Example Finally, the overarching application of philosophy in current times were asserted in terms of updating previously archaic topics and issues to make them relevant and useful. These topics include a discussion on three identified areas: medicine, environment, and feminism (Hildebrand). One found the intention to provide a definition of God as interesting; yet still wanting. The definitions that were presented were still very much abstract and readers from a wide range of demographical and cultural background could find it challenging to grasp the concepts being asserted. It was, likewise, commendable to try and explain the different constructs of religion as containing three common elements: a content; a method; and a divine guarantee (Hildebrand). Some ideas which were unique included establishing a link between religion and democracy; as well as affirming that religion no longer plays a significant credible appeal in Western society’s existence (Hildebrand). It could be asserted that the notion was primarily taking the author’s perspective. One strongly believes that religion still plays an active role in contemporary societies’ values and beliefs; as it assists in the formation of values and conformity with moral and ethical standards on a more universal and global scale. However, one finds it difficult to agree with the contention that â€Å"If it can be appreciated that many of our most celebrated achievements have been directly facilitated by a human community (and not by God), then community may provide a powerful source of inspiration for this new, common faith†(Hildebrand 202). One is convinced that human community, by nature, cannot be separated from the purpose of God’s creation. As such, the driving force of human community is still believed to be theologically spurred, especially for very religious groups, like predominantly Catholic nations. The steadfast and firm believe in God has entrenched values and beliefs which emphasize
Sample Statement of Purpose for Learning Technologies Essay Example for Free
Sample Statement of Purpose for Learning Technologies Essay I have enjoyed sharing my ideas and thoughts with other throughout my education years whether as a teacher or a student. I chose elementary education as a profession in classroom technology particularly because of many reasons. First, I think this major will help me a lot to understanding children who are the basic part of our societies. Also, I believe this major will increase my knowledge about their needs in our daily life which will eventually lead to an appearance of a new educated generation. This major which is in particular about the technology in classroom will also develop my skills in teaching by using the newest technology in the world to create a suitable atmosphere for the children. However, since I am from a developing country, which is Saudi Arabia, and based on recent observations on the general situation of education in my country, the use of technology has become an important part of the education in our schools and universities. So, I should learn some new ways of teaching to help my country and the children to generate good educators in different fields of study. Because of all above reasons, I have decided to pursue my education in this major to be an effective and helpful person in my society. During my experience in teaching back in Saudi Arabia for more than ( ) years, I was in a deep contact with children and I became familiar with their needs and aware about the effective ways to deliver any information to them. One of those effective ways is use of technology in classrooms which has many features that can enable the children to understanding the subjects’ materials easily and effectively. Therefore, I believe that ( University name ) has very excellent program for this major that will develop my skills in teaching and dealing with children. Also, I hope to learn through this program how to use the technology properly in classrooms. I am interested in the study of the children behavior and how to use the technology to help them out to achieve their goals. I used to do a lot of research papers about the technology in schools and classrooms throughout my college years. I believe these papers will assist me in my new study as they helped me in my teaching experience before. I think my experience beside those papers will give me a starting point in my future research to create new ways for teaching children by using the new technology which is thriving now back home. From an early age I have learned that working hard is an important concept and everybody should know it in order to succeed in their life and that concept is one of my personalities that make me confident about enrolling in this program. I feel optimistic about my graduate studies because I think when the person is an ambitious in the life, he or she won’t face any obstacles in their way to success and that is what I feel toward myself.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Unemployment In Jamaica Cause and Effect
Unemployment In Jamaica Cause and Effect This project is consisting of information on unemployment in Jamaica and what can be done to improve employment. Unemployment is macroeconomics There are different types of unemployment such as frictional unemployment this is a type of voluntary unemployment that arises because of the time needed to match job seekers with job openings, structural unemployment this happens when a large amount of unemployed workers (labor force) isnt qualify for a large amount of labor force demand. seasonal unemployment, this is when persons are employed temporary for reasons such as a hotel or supermarket needing extra help because of a season (Christmas, summer) but will cut loose those workers when that season period is finish and cyclical unemployment this is used to refer to the fluctuation in unemployment that is incurred by business cycles, more specially, the unemployment caused by economic recessions. In this project you will find information on this problem and why it is consider being an ec onomic one, the theories and model pertaining to unemployment, recommend economic concepts and inventions that can be employed to correct unemployment and the benefits of applying these concepts and inventions. What is the economic problem? Unemployment in Jamaica Unemployment Spikes to 14.1% with 23,000 Jobs lost Unemployment is one of the main problems affecting Jamaica. According to Streetdirectory, Unemployment refers to the condition and extent of joblessness within an economy, and is measured in terms of the unemployment rate, which is the number of unemployed workers divided by the total civilian labor force. (Sinha, 2012) According to The Gleaner, published Friday May 18, 2012, Some 23,000 jobs were lost last year after the current survey was done. In January 2012, The Labor force Survey release in May put the unemployment rate at 14.1 per cent compared to last year, which was at 12.9 per cent. The labor force has grown to 177,200 and the latest survey shows that some 9,300 people dropped out of the labor force, cutting the pool from 1.27 million to 1.26 million. The Gleaner also stated that The result for the January 2012 survey, which was conducted over the period December 18-24, estimate that there are 686,900 males and 573,700 women in the labor force. The employed pool totaled 1.08 million, of which was 56.7 per cent or 614,800 are men and 468,600 or 43 per cent are women. The Gleaner also states that, The spike in unemployment is heavily skewed towards females among whom the unemployment rate is 18.3 per cent, while for men it is 10.5 per cent. Sectors with the largest jobs cuts over one year included construction, 10,900 jobs lost, and professionals, senior officials and technician, 10,200 cuts. Statin estimates that the persons seeking work in the January 2012 survey as increased by 4.3 per cent. The effects unemployment has on Jamaica Unemployment affects majority of our Jamaicans especially the inter city areas and in particular the youth of this area. Unemployment creates many problems such as crime and violence, lowering of ones self-esteem, and poverty. Etc. Crime and Violence comes to present because when unemployed person are in need and cannot assist themselves or other, they turn to robbing and killing others to satisfy their needs and wants. The lowering of ones self-esteem may occur when they see another working and being able to assist themselves while he/she cant do the same. This can lead to crime and violence. Poverty is a big issue in today economy and most unemployed person are the one facing this situation. When person cant work and afford things, this lead to financial problems, divorce, children losing their education and health, hunger, fights and more which then can lead to poverty. Why consider unemployment to be an economic problem? 1. Unemployment is an economic problem due to the fact that when the economy is not doing well, businesses begin to lay off workers 2. It affects consumer confidence in terms of consumers that are employed will start to devote their money more in savings than to spend it on unnecessary items because of the fear of them losing their jobs. 3. High unemployment creates pressure on the government budget. High unemployment reduces the total taxation receipts the government receives because people without an income wont be able to pay their income tax. This will then place a drain on the government funds as the unemployed claim the job search allowance. 4. Unemployment reduces the output of goods and service that could otherwise have been produced by unemployed labor force. If unemployment rate is very high, an economy will produce below its potential. Etc Question 2 Economic Theories and model pertaining to this problem Classical economic theory 1. According to the lead authors, Global Development and Environment Institute, Neva R. Goodwin, Julie A. Nelson, Frank Ackerman, Thomas Weisskopf classical economic theory, unemployment is seen as a sign that smooth labor market functioning is being obstructed in some way. The classical approach assumes that markets behave as described by idealized supply-and-demand model. The labor market is seen as though it were a single, static market, characterized by perfect competition, spot transaction, and institutions for double auction bidding (Global Development and Environment, 2006). Resume help for Unemployed Assess the Gap 2. According to Teena Rose, director of resume-writing firm, the best way to address an employment gap depends on how long one has been out of work. She states that if one is unemployed for a year or less, then the best thing to do is to not say anything. This is not necessary to place on resume (Kim Isaacs, 2012). 3. Short Run Phillip Curve The short run Phillips curve shows the inverse relationship between unemployment and inflation rate. According to theory, when there is high unemployment, producers can set lower wages and still attract labor. When unemployment level is low, firms will have to pay high wages in order to attract labor as there wouldnt be much competition between them. This theory contradicts with two of the four main aims of the government low/stable inflation rate and low unemployment level. Question 3 Economic concepts or intervention that can be used to correct unemployment 1. According to Kimberly Amadeo and Guide, the solution for unemployment is obviously to create new jobs. They state that a healthy economic growth rate of 2-3% is enough to create the 150,000 new jobs needed to keep unemployment from rising. (Kimberly Amadeo, 2012) 2. According to Answers, the solution for unemployment can be correct in many ways, such as, a) cutting in real wage, cutting in real wage are a reaction to the view that through their demands for higher wages, some groups of workers have priced themselves out of a job. b) Unemployment agencies could tighten their job search and acceptance requirement. c) Improving the education and training provided to young people, with a greater focus on vocational skills. d) Government support to struggling industries in order to try and save jobs. e) The government needs to try and create demand in economy. This could give grant to businesses to produce goods, have projects such as road building, cut interest rates to encourage spending and cut income tax to encourage spending. f) Countries need to ensure that their welfare systems do not provide disincentives to workers. (Answers, 2012) 3. Phillip curve Its a large believe that unemployment could be solve using the Phillips curve. This involves increasing inflation to reduce unemployment by fooling workers into accepting jobsat at a lower rate than they would otherwise have done, due to the declining value of money. 4. Demand side supplies Monetary policy and fiscal policy can both be used to increase short-term growth in the economy, increasing the demand for labor and decreasing unemployment. The demand for labor in an economy is derived from the demand for goods and services. As such, the demand for labor will increase, increasing employment and wages. 5. Supply side policies Minimum wages and union activity keep wages from falling, which means too many people want to sell their labor at the going price but cannot. Supply-side policies can solve this by making the labor market more flexible. This includes removing the minimum wage and reducing the power of unions, which act as a labor cartel. Other supply side policies include education to make workers more attractive to employers. Cutting taxes on businesses and reducing regulation, creates jobs and reduce unemployment. (curve) Question 4 What are the benefits of applying the economic concept above? 1. Creating new jobs Creating new jobs accommodates employment, growth in GDP, develop infrastructure, help to reduce depts and more. Having a job is essential in living life and retiring at a comfortable age and this is something that all individual looks forward to and without them having a job this may lead to crime and violence. The concept of creating new job will increase employment and decrease unemployment. 2. A. Cut in wage Not cutting the real wage can allow persons to keep their job instead of pricing themselves out. B. Unemployment agencies could tighten their acceptance requirement and job search. Job agencies tightening their acceptance requirement and job search could lead to more persons that are not fully qualified or have the right requirement to have the chance to be employed instead of them being unemployed. C. Improving the education and training provided to young people, with a greater focus on vocational skills. Improving the education and training of young adult will help them to be better equipped for the working world. One way is to train them by actually allowing them to do the work instead of teaching them orally and from them writing. This will help them to better understand and to have gained some experience. D. The government needs to try and create demand in economy. Government creating demand in the economy will also workers to produce more goods and interest rate will be cut which will then produce more spending of consumer. E. Government support to struggling industries in order to try and save jobs. Government supporting struggling industries and trying to save jobs will help in building the economy, reduce unemployment and more. 3. Supply side policies Inputting supply side policies will allow wage and union to not fall to a lower price so a lot of person will be able to sell their labor at a going price. This can make the labor market more flexible by removing the minimum wage and reducing the power of union, which act as a labor cartel. 4. Demand side supplies Monetary policy and fiscal policy can both be used to increase growth in the economy. This can increase the demand for labor and decrease unemployment, the demand for economy is derived from the demand for goods and services so the demand for labor will increase which will increase employment and wages. Recommendation I would strongly recommend that the government of Jamaica try to find new ways to implement strategies that can produce employment in Jamaica because with so many person unemployed, it is affecting the economy and also affecting the citizens. With so many persons being out of job it affects their daily life which leads to disaster such as robbery, crime and violence, lack of education to children and young adult and more. Conclusion It has been concluded that unemployment have a major effect on Jamaica economy. With unemployment rate increasing each year, it affects families, students and others. Unemployment is an economic problem due to the fact that when the economy is not doing well, businesses begin to lay off workers, It affects consumer confidence in terms of consumers that are employed will start to devote their money more in savings than to spend it on unnecessary items because of the fear of them losing their jobs and more.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Visions and Dreams in James Welch’s Fools Crow :: James Welch Fools Crow Essays
Visions and Dreams in James Welch’s Fools Crow In the novel Fools Crow, by James Welch, several characters have visions and dreams. The dreams are so realistic that they are a vision of what's to come in the future. A lot of the visions and dreams become a message or some type of warning to the people so that they are aware of thing that are going to happen. Many of these dreams that the characters have affect them positively or in a disastrous way leading to misfortune. The first dream is a dream that White-Man's Dog known as "Fools Crow," has while he is on the first raid against the Crows. He dreamt of a lodge within an enemy camp containing young naked girls. As one of the girls approached him, he began to awake. After his awaking, he felt that in his dream he wanted to approach the girl but knew that there was danger in her direction. He kept thinking that he should tell Yellow Kidney, their leader, of this dream but his father had told him that it was not wise to speak of your dreams to others. After the raid, Yellow Kidney did not return with the others. Several months later he returned to their homestead and began to tell of what had happened to him. He had entered the enemy camp and discovered the lodge of young naked girls. The girls were infected with the white scabs disease; he had sexual contact with one of them and almost died. White Man's Dog felt horrible and blamed himself for what happened to Yellow Kidney. He thought to himself "Wh y hadn't he told Yellow Kidney of his dream? Such a dream would have been a sign of bad medicine and they might have turned back" (76). The second dream is a dream that Mik-api, the medicine man, has about the raven. The raven was a bird that had heard a cry of a four-legged creature named the wolverine. The wolverine had crossed through one of the Crow's caged traps and could not escape. When the raven tried to free the wolverine, he was not of strength to succeed. He told Mik-api in his dream that he knew of White Man's Dog and the strength he pertained. "It will take such a man to release our four-legged brother" (52). Mik-api told White Man's Dog of this dream and he agreed to find the wolverine and set him free.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Ethnicity and Group Rights :: Sociology Race Gender Essays
Ethnicity and Group Rights ABSTRACT: Recent developments in biology have made it possible to acquire more and more precise information concerning our genetic makeup. There are four groups of people who may want to know about our genes. First, we ourselves can have an interest in being aware of own health status. Second, there are people who are genetically linked with us, and who can have an interest in the knowledge. Third, individuals with whom we have contracts and economic arrangements may have an interest in knowing about our genetic makeup. Fourth, society as a whole can have an interest in the composition of our genes. As regards the question of motivation, the term 'should' can be interpreted in three ways. Prudentially speaking, to say that individuals should act in a certain manner is to say that the actions in question promote the long-term self-interest of these individuals. From the viewpoint of morality, we should do what is right and avoid doing what is wrong. When it comes to legal thinking, it is held in most liberal societies that grave other-regarding harm should be the primary justification for the use of coercion and constraint. In the paper, all these aspects are examined in more detail. In multicultural Western societies more and more frequently members of ethnic minority groups behave and act in ways which the majority find 'different', 'strange' or 'alien', sometimes even 'irrational', 'threatening' or 'immoral'. Differences in action and behaviour range, for instance, from clothing and fashion accessories to the observance of religious holidays and the mutilation of the human body. The question that I propose to address in this paper is: How should the majority respond to these differences? Should the reaction be tolerant and permissive? Or should it be cautious and restrictive? Should the majority hold that individuals are entitled to act as they wish unless their actions inflict harm on other people? Or should they think that ethnic groups as collectives have rights which ought not to be violated by constraints on the behaviour of their members? The questions concerning the group rights of minorities have recently been discussed in considerable detail in the frameworks of communitarianism and deontological liberalism. However, the difficulty with these approaches is that they presuppose complicated and sometimes metaphysically and ideologically loaded accounts of liberty, personal identity and interpersonal relationships. I have therefore opted for a simpler and more accessible starting point.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Human Activities In Causing Climate Change Environmental Sciences Essay
Climate is altering in a horrid manner. The alteration is influenced both by natural ground and human activities. El Nino, the Earth surface temperature increased, acerb rains and many phenomenons are damaging the environment. Experts are worried about the rapid altering clime, because the alteration may bring people many large catastrophes. Worldwide people are seeking to happen the solution and salvage humanity. This essay will discourse how human activities contribute to climate alteration, and give some advice how to forestall the Earth.Human activities in doing clime alterationIt is clear that human activities accelerate the clime alteration. The first portion of essay will poll 2 human activities that consequence clime alteration.( 1 ) Burning fossil fuelsThe Earth surface temperature increasing owe to greenhouse gases, because they carry the short-wave radiation from the Sun to the Earth ( NSW Department of Primary Industries, 2008 ) . Obviously, more nursery gases mean terrib le clime alteration. Before demoing the grounds of nursery gases growing, people need to understand what nursery gases are. The ground why people call these gases greenhouse gases is because they work like a glass nursery that heats up with the radiation trapped by the glass ( NSW Department of Primary Industries, 2008 ) . Greenhouse gases are non merely one sort of gas, really it includes ‘water vapour, C dioxide, methane and azotic oxide ‘ ( NSW Department of Primary Industries, 2008:2 ) . Obviously, because of the high-ranking nursery gases concentration, the temperature became higher than earlier. However, firing fossil fuels are the arch-criminal of lifting nursery gases in atmospheric has accelerated. Excessive human emanations besides caused 1.4 & A ; deg ; F gone up in the past century ( Pew Centre on Global Climate Change, 2008b ) . Burning fossil fuels non merely do nursery gases to lend to climate alteration, but besides sulphur dioxide and N oxides. Sulphur d ioxide and N oxides contribute to climate alteration because of their ability to make acerb rain. Acid rains which have deadly influences on edifices, trees and animate beings are besides bad for clime ( John, S et Al. 2006 ) .( 2 ) Overexploitation of the natural resourcesApart from firing fossil fuels, the ground why clime alteration in such a fast manner is overuse of the natural resources. The natural resources on the Earth are limited, no affair non-renewable resources or renewable resources. It seems that the turning population of world does non recognize the facts ; people ever exploit more resources than people ‘s demand to do certain the tendency of growing. Conspicuously, overuse the nature resources becomes one portion of causing led to climate alteration. Peoples knows that many day-to-day supplies made from wood, such as documents, some apparels and furniture, ordered more and more trees felled. As antecedently mentioned, nursery gases are bad for clime, and one o f the methods to diminish is more workss. Braid can absorb C dioxide, and extenuate the consistence of nursery gases. However, the bad intelligence is that the solution is dissatisfying for overdriving the natural resources. As a consequence, deforestation exacerbates the clime. On the other manus, deforestation besides conduces to desertification which contributes on clime alteration. Land debasement can besides take to environmental debasement, poorness, migration and the rhythm of struggle, but besides frequently affected states and parts, political stableness hazards ( UNCCD: United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, 2009 ) . Peoples who live here need to disforest to gain money to do unrecorded.Outline farther impairment may be preventedAfter discoursing the human activities, the 2nd portion of essay will convey frontward 2 solutions that may protect the environment.( 1 ) Government governmentAs mentioned above, firing fossil fuels is one of the human activities that contribute to climate alteration. Factories create electricity by firing fossil fuels. To work out the jobs, authorities government seems to be an indispensable method. Nowadays, there is an effectual policy that is accepted in Australia and some European states, which named ‘cap and trade ‘ ( Minter-Ellison, 2007 ) . The government relate to ‘electricity coevals, conveyance, industrial procedure, forestry, agribusiness and waste ‘ ( Minter-Ellison, 2007 ) . The policy means authorities will crest the nursery gases emanations for every mill or else. For case, a mill has to pay for the emanations if it emit more nursery gases than the cap, besides a mill can sale its emanations if it emit less nursery gases than the cap. With authorities government, people and mills are encouraged to cut down the step of firing fossil fuels. This is a good illustration for authorities to represent some policies, order emitters prevent environment on their ain inititiative.( 2 ) Exploit new energy and happen how to utilize the new energyThe 2nd solution is to work new energy, and happen how to utilize the new energy. Because people is used to fabricate some fuels by wooden, deforestation is difficult to avoid. Account for the job, to work new energy is at hand. Actually some new energy like air current and solar power have been found for many old ages, but for the bound of scientific discipline, people can non utilize the new energy good. For illustration, people have no thought approximately solar power when it is nebulose. Fortunately, PSEG Global, a company found the method to utilize air current and shop air current. Harmonizing to their proclamation, when air current power beyond the demand of consumer, they will hive away the air current in belowground caverns or in armored combat vehicles. During the peak hours, the stored air current will let go of and go energy ( Davidson, P. 2008 ) . Besides, scientist besides exploited some other new energy an d found how to utilize. E-Coal is one sort of new energy which substitutes for coal. E-Coal was called no nursery gases emanation fuel, because it was made by biomass, though E-Coal liberate C dioxide when combustion, E-Coal can absorb equal C dioxide during their life ( Davidson, P. 2008 ) . In decision, human activities like firing fossil fuels and overdriving the natural resources changed climate a batch. Merely nowadays people are cognizant of the importance of environmental, and get down to work out the jobs. Government and scientists have been working to happen the solution. Everyone lives in the Earth, so everybody has to make their best to protect environment. ( 950 words )
Thursday, October 10, 2019
The Effect of Drugs on the Rock and Roll Culture
Music and drugs have gone together hand-in-hand ever since the explosion of rock and roll on the American culture in the sass's. Since then, many gifted performers have succumbed to drug-induced deaths, which Is why I feel that drugs negatively effected rock music. Many great pieces of art have been rumored to be created while under the influence of several drugs, or to be inspired by these drugs. Many artists over the years have used drugs as an excuse to escape their fame, and many have used different types of drugs for inspiration for writing pieces of music, or as for an â€Å"extra boost†for a live show.While drugs may have helped great works of art to be enjoyed by many, drugs are ultimately responsible for many untimely deaths of many great artists, who died before we could truly see their potential. The sass were an era unlike any other in American history both culturally and politically. Many new changes were being made at this time in our government, and with severa l tragic events occurring In what seemed to be a series of events (the assassination of JEFF, the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jar. And Vietnam), the styles of music during this time often reflected the emotions of people. The lyrics of the music of the time were changing from simple love songs, to harsh songs about topics such as rebellion, protest, sex, and more increasingly, drugs. As psychedelic drugs became more and more popular in America, bands such as the Jefferson Airplane and The Grateful Dead saw an immense increase in their number of fans, due to large amounts of people who had an affinity for this new, Jam rock style of music which was very popular with the psychedelic drug scene (â€Å"American Culture: 1960-1969†).Many artists at the time were coming out with albums dedicated to drugs, or albums whose intent was about drugs. One such album was The Beetles' SST. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, which, In addition to including drug-oriented songs, presen ted a body of Interrelated pieces that constituted an organic whole. This is considered the first â€Å"concept album. †In a concept album, all songs contribute to a single effect or unified story.The Beetles' album was often considered to have been the first concept album, primarily because the title song, occurring In two versions, wraps around the rest of the album like bookends: however, most of the songs on that album are actually unrelated to one another (â€Å"Rock Music: The late sass and sass's: rocks golden age†). These new â€Å"concept albums†would come to dominate music over the next 10-15 years, as many new artists came to surface with music that mixed with drugs, and often provided fatal results.During the sass and sass, the influence of drugs in musical culture was at its peak. Woodstock; a three-day public concert that became notorious worldwide as a concert protesting the Vietnam War, was heavily saturated with drug usage. During this time pe riod, some of the most gifted musicians of the last 50 years died to drug elated problems. Those who were not dead by drug overdose, such as David Bowel and Alice Cooper became more popular due to their Increasingly bizarre and drug fueled stage antics.Artists at the time had been in tune to the restlessness of American college students, tenet primary announce, Ana Ana uses tenet audiences willingness to accept new ideas and new things as a way of promoting the â€Å"rock and roll lifestyle†of free love, new music, and of course, drugs. Many great musical masterpieces were produced during this time, as â€Å"concept albums†, such as The Who's â€Å"Tommy', and Pink Flood's â€Å"The Dark Side of the Moon†.Both of these albums proved to be wildly popular to both the band's fan following as well as the mainstream public, as rock music and drug usage seemed to blend together, and were becoming more accepted by the public as the norm (â€Å"Tomorrow Never Knows: Rock Music & Psychedelics in the sass†). Although everything so far seems alright; things take a turn for the worse. It unfortunately took a few tragic deaths to derail the change in public opinion that was happening at this time.The deaths of superstars such as Janis Joplin (a famous and talented singer who was a star at Woodstock, died of a heroin overdose), Jim Morrison (lead singer of The Doors, died after a heart attack brought on by drug abuse), and Jim Hendrix (considered to be one of, if not, the greatest guitarist of all time, death by choking after barbiturate abuse), brought a shock to the music culture, as seemingly more and more musicians were dying due to the abuse of drugs, day after day.It seemed as if the music and drug cultures were slowly drifting away from each other and out of the mainstream spotlight, until the sass when several new deaths involving musicians and drugs came into the limelight. Kurt Cabin considered by many to be the most talented musician of the last 1 5 years, committed suicide by shotgun, after using extremely high amounts of heroin. This event came as a shock to almost everyone not only in the music and drug worlds, but everywhere because Nirvana (Cabin's band) was becoming internationally known, partially the reason for Cabin's suicide.Heroin was an inspiration for Cabin, and while it may have helped him to produce his music, it ultimately lead him into the pitfalls of depression and caused the death of a great musician, and the breakup of an excellent, growing, nouns band with limitless possibilities. Another death that occurred in the sass due to drug overdose was Bradley Newell, the lead singer of popular southern California band â€Å"Sublime†, who died off heroin overdose.Sublime was another band with great possibilities to become a lasting force in the music industry, however, Newell decided to destroy himself and his family by forming a deadly habit. Many of the deaths that occurred in the sass con cerning drugs and rock and roll were mostly in the sass, a result of depression and heroin abuse, as heroin usage came increasingly popular with the mid-ass grunge movement, and more and more musicians starting to do it. The sass and sass were both eras of change and protest, Just in a different light.The sass were an era of psychedelic drug usage, where musicians were outgoing, and held Jam fests and large outdoor festival concerts, where the usage of drugs was permitted and most often encouraged. In the sass, music fans and musicians were using drugs as a way of protest and inspiration; however, the sass were a different case. In the sass, musicians often kept to themselves, as most deaths were due to a lethal mix of depression and previous mental problems and the addiction to dangerous street drugs such as heroin and cocaine (â€Å"Sex, Drugs N' Rock & Roll? Nah†).While the sass were an era of freedom, where individuals were encouraged to express themselves Ana level Trebl y, ten Ana Tolling were an era of oppression, where everyone was put together as one big piece, and in order for people to break free from this â€Å"piece†and establish themselves, they must do something groundbreaking or different than what is typically expected. Music and drugs have always been intertwined; however, this relationship has offered over time due to changes in the cultural and political atmosphere of the area during the time where sad music was created.The general publics feelings about certain events and policies at the time of occurrence is often what most influences how something will interact with something else (and in this case, the interaction of the drug culture and the music culture). During the sass and ass, many artists released experimental types of music and experimental albums simply because the material they were producing was groundbreaking, it was simply music that no one ad ever produced before.In the sass, artists were often trying to gain infamy for their music and for their uniqueness, not for the corporate material that the executives had packaged them to be. Drugs and music will always be related, as long as there is something to speak out against and someone, somewhere to speak out against it. People use music as a way of voicing their opinions, and thus drugs and music will remain related, and drugs will continue to influence the musical culture, despite the possibility of death or mental depression they can cause.
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