Monday, September 30, 2019
Provinces of the Philippines and Local Markets
Tapsilog is a popular Filipino dish commonly served for breakfast. The term is coined from combining the Filipino words tapa, sinangag, and itlog which are the main components of the dish. We chose to show how tapsilog can be geographical because we want to emphasize that anything can be geographical, and tapsilog, a common Filipino dish is usually not the kind of product that people would associate with geography. As mentioned, tapsilog is made up of tapa (dried meat), sinangag (fried rice) and itlog (egg), but it doesn’t stop there.Each ingredient is also made up of even more ingredients that we have traced to have originated from and traveled through different places in and out of the country before it reaches our plates. This further supports the idea that tapsilog, like every product, is geographical. Tapa, the first and main ingredient, is made from beef marinated in different spices. The beef is usually bought at the nearest local market by most cooks, but before reachi ng the local markets, it is first brought from a farmer’s market which is locally called bulungan or bagsakan.One example of this bagsakan is the Farmer’s Market Cubao from which its name was derived from. Slaughter houses and cow farms from different municipalities sell their product to the said farmer’s market. One of the biggest sources of cow meat in the Philippines is Padre Garcia, Batangas, the cattle trading capital of the Philippines, where they have the best temperature here in the country for raising cows. Cow breeders ensure that their livestock are bred well by supplying them with good feeds and steroids. Their diet usually contains well-grown grass and corn.The marinade consists of a blend of sugar, garlic, pepper, and salt, which are locally- found ingredients. The sugar comes from sugar mills like the San Carlos Bio Energy Inc. in Negros Occidental, while the sugarcanes are provided by small sugarcane farmers from Bukidnon, Misamis Oriental, Negro s and Panay, or by large agricultural companies like Del Monte and DOLE. Pepper is mostly from small and big exporters from Batangas, Laguna, Quezon, Negros Occidental, Zamboanga and Davao. Garlic usually comes from Sinait, Ilocos Sur, the garlic center of the Philippines where they celebrate the Sinait Bawang Fest.Like the beef, the spices are brought from its respective farmer’s market before reaching the local markets. Sinangag is the term for Filipino fried rice. Rice, the main ingredient of sinangag, is also bought from local markets that got their stocks from the National Food Authority. The NFA serves as the biggest warehouse or post harvest facility here in the Philippines. Before reaching the NFA, rice is harvested from rice fields, especially in the province of Central Luzon or sometimes imported from Vietnam. Farmers exert effort in tilling the lands for their crops to grow and watching the seasons to find the best time to plant and harvest.Like tapa, sinangag is a lso composed of the spices discussed earlier. Egg, the last main ingredient in making a tapsilog, is also bought from local markets. Like the other ingredients, eggs are brought from farmer’s markets before reaching local markets, or sometimes large companies or poultry farms like Bounty Fresh Inc. , which is located in Bulacan. They directly deliver their egg products to local markets to maximize profit. Maintaining a poultry farm requires water, chicken feeds, hormones and supplements, and machines which are commonly imported from Japan.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Earth Liberation Front Essay
With over 600 criminal acts resulting to more than $100 million in property damages, the Earth Liberation Front has been dubbed as the most active and destructive domestic terrorist group in the United States by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Unlike international terrorism, mostly carried out by Muslim radicals seeking â€Å"Holy War†with America, domestic terrorism falls under the category of special interest extremists according to the FBI, the lead agency in counterterrorism. Special interest extremists conduct acts of politically motivated violence to force segments of society, including the general public, to change attitudes about issues considered important to their causes. These groups occupy the extreme fringes of animal rights, pro-life, environmental, antinuclear, and other movements (FBI, 1999, p. 20). The ELF conducts random economic sabotage by destroying facilities and industries involve in logging, genetic engineering, energy production and auto making to prevent the exploitation of the natural environment. The group believes that in order to preserve the earth’s ecological balance they have to tear down the U. S. capitalist economic system that continually abuses nature for profit. James F. Jarboe, FBI’s Domestic Terrorism Section Chief, testified in 2002 before the U. S. congress describing the ELF as the top domestic terror group which could become a serious threat to nuclear sites. In 2005, the U. S. Department of Homeland Security branded ELF as the most aggressive terrorist element among the radical environmental movement. Members, who call themselves â€Å"Elves†, engage in a new brand of hostility named eco-terrorism. They are committed to defend their cause by all means necessary through direct actions and revolutionary violence. Due to the autonomous nature of the movement with no formal chain of command, law enforcement agencies admitted that they have difficulty in infiltrating the group despite several major arrests and indictments. The FBI alleged that William C. Rodgers was the leader of the group. He was arrested in December 2005 but committed suicide while in jail using a plastic bag. ELF’s base of operation is mainly located in Canada, United Kingdom, and United States. Origin: ELF originated in 1992 in Brighton, England devoted to protect and save the environment. It was established by a more radical group of activists known as Earth First who thinks that criminal acts like economic sabotage would better advanced its cause rather than legal protests. The name was derived from another movement Animal Liberation Front (ALF) who likewise use the same method in promoting their ideals of liberating the animals from abuse. The two organizations forged alliance in 1997 and have claimed more than 1,200 criminal acts causing over $100 million in property damages for the past 15 years. Members employ illegal direct actions by using arson in confronting companies and practices they see as abusive and immoral. With such tactic they hope to impose economic loss or cripple business operations. ELF surfaced in America in 1996 by burning a U. S. Forest Service truck in Oregon’s Willamette National Forest and spray-painted the building with anti-logging slogans. Since then, ELF continued attacking big businesses year after year becoming the most wanted terrorist group. The movement is funded by wealthy benefactors and other allied organizations sympathetic to its cause like the People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). Organization, Ideology and Tactics: ELF is an underground movement with a decentralize structure. It is a loose network of small groups or individuals who sympathize with the movement. Anyone can be a member as long as he or she simply follows the ELF’s guidelines: to inflict maximum economic damage on those profiting from the destruction and exploitation of the natural environment, to reveal to, and to educate the public about the atrocities committed against the earth and all species that populate it and to take all necessary precautions against harming life (Rosebraugh, 2004, p. 18). The group is practically invisible with no official members, leaders or spokesperson. In this manner, they can continue to freely fight for their cause without the fear of being imprisoned and this practice has been proven to be very effective. The group is rooted in an ideology that considers all living organisms on earth possess moral rights and deserve equal care as the humans. In addition, the ELF also believes in deep ecology favoring the rollback of civilization and restoring the environment damaged by selfish interests brought about by the industrial age. This philosophy maintains that modernization has created endless injustices on the planet that will lead to the destruction of human existence on earth and the extinction of wildlife habitat. ELF recognizes that the environmental movement has failed to bring the message across and brought about changes in preserving the environment. The legal protests did not catch the attention of the public and the government but instead laws have encouraged many big businesses to profit from the exploitation of the earth’s natural resources. Members of the group believe that it is within their rights to protect the environment and enforce the natural law. They accomplish their mission in many innovative tactics or techniques. Their primary weapon is arson burning various properties, research laboratories, vehicles, equipment, and buildings. They would use crude incendiary devices like candles that are attached to a plastic jugs filled with gasoline. They use booby trapped letters with poisoned razor blades and issue death threats to exploiters. Members also engage in vandalism by spray painting their targets as well as break windows and glue locks. In addition, the ELF advocates â€Å"monkeywrenching,†a euphemism for acts of sabotage and property destruction against industries and other entities perceived to be damaging to the natural environment. â€Å"Monkeywrenching†includes tree spiking, arson, sabotage of logging or construction equipment, and other types of property destruction (FBI, 2002,  ¶10). Their main goal is merely to channel public attention to their cause and not kill people. So far of all the criminal acts the group committed there has been no single human casualty reported. The group has become effective in their campaign while eluding authorities because of its leaderless resistance. Leaderless resistance is a technique by which terrorist groups can carry out violent acts while reducing the risk of infiltration by law enforcement elements. The basic principle of leaderless resistance is that there is no centralized authority or chain-of-command. The various cells are linked by shared ideology but otherwise are autonomous, for the most part unconnected and unknown to each other (Leader & Probst, 2004, p. 2). Before an attack is executed, the group plans carefully its every move. Members would thoroughly study the target with video and photo surveillance, conduct intelligence gathering, and research the industry. In 2001, the ELF came out with a handbook entitled Setting Fires with Electrical Timers: An Earth Liberation Front Guide. The 37-page manual details how to assemble an Old-Fashioned Kitchen Timer and a SCR Digital Timer complete with instructions, tips, diagrams, materials, and tools needed. It advises members on the rules of a successful arson, where to place incendiary devices, and fuel requirements to burn down a building. Currently, ELF has launched a nationwide campaign of arson against genetic engineering and genetically modified organism activities. The group believes that these actions, genetically alternating life forms, are types of oppression and destruction. In its Illegal Incidents Report: A 25 Year History of Illegal Activities by Eco and Animal Extremists, the Foundation for Medical Research in Washington, D. C. noted that both ELF and its partner ALF were responsible for 529 attacks against research facilities, universities, drug discovery companies, and various organizations from 1981 to 2005. The assaults were made up of vandalism (45%), theft (23%), harassment (15%), arson (10%), and bombing (7%). According to U. S. law enforcement, radical environmentalism currently poses the most visible homegrown threat to the national security of the United States. As recently as June 2004, the FBI designated â€Å"eco-terrorism†â€â€the use of or threat to use violence in protest of harm inflicted on animals and the world’s biosphereâ€â€as the country’s number one militant challenge emanating from inside its own borders (Chalk, Hoffman, Reville, & Kasupski, 2006, p. 47). Criminal Activities: This shadowy movement has unprecedented record of criminal activities that continuously threaten American society and democracy. Their history of violence expands across the U. S. hitting various institutions such as government, private citizens, education, and other forms of development. In 1997, ELF burned down the Bureau of Land Management horse corral in Oregon and on the following year set fire on a ski resort in Vail, Colorado that resulted in $12 million in damages. The group set seven separate fires destroying three buildings and damaging four chairlifts. The FBI considered this event as the most destructive act of eco-terrorism in U. S. history. In 1999, ELF radicals were involved in the burning of an 8,000 square-foot structure of the Boise Cascade logging company in Monmouth, Oregon and the destruction of the Agricultural Hall of the Michigan State University. In September 8, 2001, the group burned a McDonald outlet in Tucson causing $500,000 in damages. In 2003, this extremist set fire on a housing complex that was under construction in San Diego knocking down a five-storey building and a 100-foot crane. The damage was estimated at $50 million. Six weeks later, they burned three other houses that were being built within the area. In addition, the ELF assaulted three car dealers in Southern California setting ablaze 40 Hummers and SUVs amounting to $2 million in damages. The group vandalized the cars by painting the words â€Å"Fat Lazy Americans†. They did the same in Los Angeles where 125 sport utility vehicles were also vandalized and burned inside auto dealer shops and along the neighborhood. According to FBI investigations the ELF were responsible for attacking vehicle dealerships and construction sites. In February 2005, the group burned down a new Pinewoods apartment complex in Sutter Creek, California with an incendiary device leaving a graffiti that said â€Å"We Will Win – ELF†. Five months after, the same group torched two homes that were under construction in Whatcom County, Washington causing $100,000 in damages to the other house while the other one was destroyed. They also vandalized and damaged a number of construction equipment. The arson campaign went on in 2006 with the burning of more houses. In Camano Island, Washington, the ELF set fire on a 9,600 square foot trophy house worth $3 million. In its official communication made in 1997, the ELF declared their struggle to free all species in the planet. We are the burning rage of this dying planet. The war of greed ravages the earth and species die out every day. ELF works to speed up the collapse of industry, to scare the rich, and to undermine the foundations of the state. We embrace social and deep ecology as a practical resistance movement. We have to show the enemy that we are serious about defending what is sacred. Together we have teeth and claws to match our dreams. Our greatest weapons are imagination and the ability to strike when least expected (Pickering, 2007, p. 10). Operation Backfire: In response to the attacks, the FBI initiated in 2004 Operation Backfire intended to investigate acts of terrorism by the ELF. It put together several independent investigation bodies from the agency’s Portland, Oregon field office and rounded up suspected eco-terrorists. Seven people were arrested in four different states. They were Stanislas Meyerhoff, Chelsea Gerlach, Daniel McGowan, Darren Thurston, Kevin Tubbs, William Rodgers, and Kendall Tankersley. In addition, five others were taken into custody namely Jonathan Paul, Josephine Overaker, Rebecca Rubin, Suzanne Savoie and Joseph Dibee. Federal prosecutors together with U. S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales indicted in 2006 11 suspects with 65 counts of conspiracy charges to commit arson in Oregon, Washington, Wyoming, Colorado and California. Many of those apprehended turned informants for the government. The arrests and indictments were the outcome of a nine-year old investigation on the series of arsons in America where the ELF claimed responsibility. The operation is on going around the country. Those participating in the investigation besides the FBI are the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), the Eugene Police Department, the Portland Police Bureau, the Oregon State Police, the U. S. Forest Service, the U. S. Bureau of Land Management, the U. S. Department of Agriculture, the Oregon Department of Justice and the Lane County Sheriff’s Office. Some of those arrested have been convicted of the crime in U. S. Federal Courts. They are as follows: Stanislas Meyerhoff – 13 years, Kevin Tubbs – 12 years 7 months, Chelsea Gerlach – 9 years, Kendall Tankersley – 3 years 10 months, Suzanne Savoie – 4 years 3 months, Darren Thurston – 3 years 1 month, Daniel McGowan – 7 years, Jonathan Paul – Sentencing in abeyance, Joyanna Zacher – 7 years 8 months and Nathan Block – 7 years 8 months (DOJ, 2007,  ¶4). Other suspects were released on bails while some were placed on restrictions pending their trial. A few decided to cooperate while the rest remain imprisoned. Operation backfire was highly criticized because of coercion and paid informants. Other sectors called the bold move unconstitutional but Atty. General Gonzales argued that such acts only constitute violent criminal activity, which may violate the right of every U. S. citizen. Conclusion Terrorist groups like the ELF are anti-progress and as long as development continues they will not stop their modus operandi in terrorizing the public and businesses, which already have incurred heavy losses. The scenario is extremely dangerous and alarming. It is imperative that authorities and intelligence organizations have to assess the threat and study the behavior of these terrorists who are becoming more advanced and knowledgeable in their strategies. There is a need for effective counterstrategies to detect and prevent acts of terror at the same time proper allocation of resources in order to efficiently combat these adversaries. As a loose organization, ELF could become even more dangerous because its members do not follow any rules. The group constantly poses great risk to the country’s democracy, endangers American lives and undermines the constitution that guarantees protection to the citizens. There is also possibility that such group could turn violence as a way of life and spread its corrupt ideals to the younger generation, which is already affected by media violence. For the government to combat this kind of domestic terrorism, it has to take more proactive actions in preventing further destructions to the economy. While doing so, its programs should remain within the framework of freedom without violating one’s constitutional rights. Authorities must strengthen their intelligence network to prevent arson attacks. Though the ELF has its right to voice their concerns, they must be contained and stopped immediately. References FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation). (1999). Terrorism in the United States 1999. Counterterrorism. 30 Years of Terrorism: A Special Retrospective Edition. Threat Assessment and Warning Unit Counterterrorism Division. Report. Federal Bureau of Investigation Rosebraugh, C. (2004). Burning Rage of a Dying Planet (P): Speaking for the Earth Liberation. Lantern Books, New York. Leader, S. H. & Probst, P. (2004). The Earth Liberation Front and Environmental Terrorism. Retrieved December 2, 2007, from http://cjc. delaware. gov/PDF/ELF%20ALF%20article. pdf Chalk, P. (2006). Trends in Terrorism: Threats to the United States and the Future of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act. RAND monograph series. RAND Center for Terrorism Risk Management Policy. RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, CA. ISBN: 0833038222 Pickering, L. J. (2007). Earth Liberation Front 1997-2002. Arissa Media Group; 2nd ed. , New York. FBI. (2002). Testimony of James F. Jarboe, Domestic Terrorism Section Chief, Counterterrorism Division, FBI Before the House Resources Committee, Subcommittee on Forests and Forest Health. http://www. fbi. gov/congress/congress02/jarboe021202. htm DOJ (Department of Justice). (2007). Final Sentencing Hearing Held in Case of Earth Liberation Front (ELF) and Animal Liberation Front for Acts of Eco-Terrorism in Five Western States. Press Release. Retrieved December 2, 2007, from http://portland. fbi. gov/dojpressrel/2007/elfsentencing080307. htm
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Economics 5100 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Economics 5100 - Essay Example Economic thought began long ago in history with Greek philosophers such as Aristotle, taking part early and later on being greatly developed in the medieval times. Aristotle looked at the ways of wealth acquisition questioning whether it should be privatized or publicize because of its effects. The French, later in the medieval era, were against mercantilism. Mercantilism, also known as commercialism, is the system through which trade was encouraged in order to amass wealth. That is more exports than imports to increase the quantity of gold in stores. The French vied this with little regard and from their works inspired the Scottish philosopher Adam Smith, who is considered the â€Å"father of Economics.†Smith took their ideas expounding them to a thesis on how economies should be driven versus how they were currently being driven. He believed that completion in itself was self regulating and the government should be involved in business unless it was to support free market t rade. In doing so, many of the resultant economists’ works were in a way or the other in reaction to his thesis. From Smith’s work, Marxism came into play. Karl Marx believed that production was the pillar of any economy. This was influenced by Thomas Malthus, who also received Smith’s theory negatively claiming that the food supply was not able to sustain the rapidly growing population. Marx was convinced that capitalism was very unstable and would lead to a collapse in the economy brought about by the different classes brought about by it. He failed to see the flexibility of capitalism (Beattie 4) where investing brought a mixed class of workers and owners who held each other’s interests thus a balance. However, he was able to predict the growth of businesses. He claimed they would grow larger and more powerful. Keynesian economics largely influenced by Marxism led to the development of the mixed economy. Marx saw capitalism’s
Friday, September 27, 2019
Integrated Marketing Communication Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
Integrated Marketing Communication - Assignment Example Secondly, the group also has a careful marketing thought and strategy, which many companies need and which attracts people. Thirdly, Black Eyed Peas learns fast about the changing dynamics of making sales and can translate this to advertising. The group is not content with its corporate connections and seeks to expand often, which is a good mark for business advertising. Lastly, the group gives its customers equal importance when dealing with them no matter how big or small. This makes them attractive. It would not make a difference what type of product the group was endorsing because the group can be dynamic and create a proper endorsement for whatever product they are given (Jurgensen, 2010). Despite the fact that Black Eyed Peas can do a good job with any brand or product, , endorsements by the group can be excellent when the brand or product involves clothes, cars, cosmetics and others such as jewelry. On the other hands, rock bands can make specific endorsements successful such as jewelry, clothes and music equipment. Country music would do best when they endorse hats, boots, land, farming, and tracks (Moore & Mowen, 1994). If I were designing a TV advert for a concern for the Black Eyed Peas, my target market would be teenagers to young adults (male and female) of up to the age of about 35 years old. The message strategy I would use would be an affective strategy to invoke feelings and emotions and relate them with the good, service or the company. The executional framework would be a lifestyle framework that shows how the product or brand will fit into the consumer’s life. An effective television ad would be one that catches the attention of consumers by engaging their feelings, minds and emotions and responding effectively to those engagements. It should be as real as possible to convince the consumer (Clow & Baack, 2012). Despite the fact that the Black Eyed Peas has been successful in endorsing
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Treaty of Versailles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Treaty of Versailles - Essay Example Thus, the Germans came to feel that they were tricked and betrayed into surrendering during a war that they did not believe they were losing. This is the main reason that they hated the treaty. It was drafted and approved without the input of the German people. No consultations were made with Germany. Instead, Germany was forced to accept all of the terms of the treaty under duress. The treaty, which was drafted at the Palace of Versailles by David Lloyd George, Georges Clemenceau, and Woodrow Wilson, known as the Big 3, were the only ones who had the power to decide what the treaty would contain and how Germany would be instructed to respond to it. Lloyd believed that Germany should be treated in such a way that it would serve as a barrier to the rise of communism. Clemenceau, elt that Germany should be prevented from being able to declare another war, which was the view of the French public, who were directly involved in the German-Prussian war. While Wilson, representing the interests of the United States, hoped that the treaty would represent European reconciliation2. While the desires of the big 3 were met, Germany was left to silently seethe and protest the contents of a treaty that it never agreed to. One of the main problems that Germany had with the treaty, was the way that Reparations were listed. Although the word â€Å"guilt†never actually appeared in the treaty, the Germans felt that they were forced to admit guilt under the â€Å"War Guilt Clause†. This caused the country to become open to financial remunerations for their war crimes in the amount of six million six hundred pounds. Germany was also forced to accept total blame for the war 3 In the process, the countries that comprised the whole of Europe was redefined, with Germany suffering from population and land loss in the process.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Beauty by Jane Martin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Beauty by Jane Martin - Essay Example Such a vision makes the individual become jealous. Consequently, the jealously consumes them and makes the unhappy with the characteristics and the assets they possess. At times, individuals can become discontent with their own lives such that they are very much willing to give up everything they own. This is in an attempt to take a different life or start over with different issues or problems. In the play, Beauty by Jane Martin, the main characters portray their lives as not desirable, and they wish to change their present status. Their actions clearly indicate how individuals tend to be not content with their lives despite what they have (NY Essay 1). The play Beauty is about two girls, Bethany and Carla. Their lives and personalities are developed through dialogue. Bethany is intelligent, and Carla is a beauty, and each has her own troubles. Bethany desires to become a beauty just like Carla, and her dream comes true through the assistance of a magic genie. Carla is a beauty, and she is the center of attraction by the men. She is always busy going to dates and having telephone conversations. However, she is not very good at studying and this can be ascertained by the fact that she cannot even remember what she has read previously. Bethany, on the other hand, is outstanding in school. She earns $40,000 from her job, and she has published several short stories. However, she is not as beautiful as Carla, and this makes her desire to become a beauty (Fryfreely 1). As mentioned before, Beauty by Jane Martin is a play, and she introduces the main characters through a dialogue. The first, main character is Carla, and she is seen speaking on the phone with a casual suitor that she had met at the bar, and she seems not to remember the suitor. From this scenario, it is evident that Carla possesses some form of beauty that grabs male attention even without any real interaction. Her beauty can be ascertained when she mentions that she has to attend a modeling meeting w ith Ralph Lauren. The second main character is Bethany; she is one of Carla’s friend and apparently a very good friend because she minds less interrupting Carla on the phone. She does this despite the fact that Carla requests her to be quiet. Bethany is a public accountant, and her job is very demanding. This makes her decide to take a break from work and go to the beach where comes across a lamp containing a magic genie (NY Essay 1). Bethany is granted three wishes and three chances by the magic genie to get something she would not have gotten in her normal life. The magic genie is used by Martin, to uncover Bethany’s discontent and hidden desires in her life (NY Essay 1). After testing the magic genie, Bethany races, to inform Carla that the genie is real. She requires assistance in deciding what her last (third) wish should be. For Carla, it is all about the money but for Bethany, it is the desire to become like Carla. She desires her glamorous life style and beauty . Bethany tells Carla that beauty is the actual deal and that she, (Carla) is the center of any moment in her life; people stare and men flock at her (Christian 27). Carla responds by saying that she cannot engage a conversation without men coming to her. She suggests that she possesses no privacy and that she is hassled on the streets. She further says â€Å"Well, it’s not what I want.†â€Å"I have never read a whole book.†â€Å"I leave dinner parties right after the dessert because I’m out of conversation.†â€Å"I barely exist outside a mirror! You don’t want to be me†(Christian 27). Bethany is begged by Carla not make this despicable wish, but it is already overdue. In the end, they switch positions and become each other. Both Carla and Bethany had
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Paraphrase Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 14
Paraphrase - Essay Example pattern presents another similar scenario where the aim is to present the items, the services according to the needs, liking and taste of the superiors. The female here in a figurative manner is guided about the requirements expected against her existence and duties to appease the officials. Further, there is a clear talk of bias and non professional like and dislike in the work place. All this is further strengthened by the claims and findings in various forms. These include the findings from the surveys undertaken in the year 2010. These reveal that gender oriented promotions and decisions were in practice. Further, declining trends are seen in terms of women coming forth from the urban parts of the society. The declining rate is nearly up to 16 percent. Peoples university of Beijing revealed that interview short listing trends are largely defined by the gender and the women have a relatively large chance in terms of appointment and getting through. While the gender inequality may be part of any society, in Chinese account the new year festival organized further specified the problem at hand and how it is prevailing in the Chinese
Monday, September 23, 2019
Conduct of Monetary Policy in Kuwait Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Conduct of Monetary Policy in Kuwait - Essay Example The International Monetary Fund (IMF) noted: "The fastest pace of economic expansion since the 1990 Gulf war, combined with the oil-related terms of trade gains, has boosted per capita income by 34.5% during 2003-04 and helped build up assets for future generations at a record pace." It added: "With oil prices likely to remain firm over the medium-term, Kuwait's medium-term outlook has improved and is likely to remain favourable, supported by large fiscal and current-account surpluses, and low inflation. The Kuwait economy is characterized by sound creditworthiness which in turn reflects sustained macroeconomic stability, good governance, twin surpluses (the government budget and current-account), manageable domestic debt (17% of GDP in 2005), the sophisticated banking sector and huge net (official) external assets. Overall GDP growth has been increasing at a steady rate from 2001 to 2005 due to the stability of the money supply. Through a judicious application of effective open market operations, the central bank was able to mop up excess liquidity in the system resulting in a stable economic growth. The Central Bank of Kuwait (CBK) has imposed a ceiling on the credit to deposit ratio. It was implemented in order to address prudential concerns over rapid expansion of credit to the private sector in recent years without a parallel increase in bank deposits. Kuwaiti banks are, however, heavily capitalised and liquid. The capital adequacy ratio remained comfortable (17.3% as of end-September 2004), well above its minimum regulatory level (12%). In 2004-05, asset quality improved further and net profits and returns on equity/total assets also rose significantly. The Kuwait central bank had reined in liquidity growth in order to attain macroeconomic stability. This policy resulted in a minimal incr ease in M2 supply from 9646.3 million Kuwait dinar (KD) in 2001 to 10401.2 million KD in 2002. This strict monetary policy resulted in a high increase in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth rate of 11584 .5 million KD in 2002 to 14253.5 million KD in 2003. At the same time, inflation remained at respectable levels from 0.89 percent to 0.98 percent during the same period. The GDP climbed steadily from 14253.5 million KD in 2003 to 17466 million KD in 2004. The M2 supply increased only slightly from 10401.2 million KD in 2003 to 11655.2 million KD in 2004. The GDP scored a big leap from 17466 million KD in 2004 to 23588 million KD in 2005. Steady monetary policies kept the M2 supply level from 11655.2 million KD in 2004 to 13088.2 million KD in 2005.On the macroeconomic front, the authorities have pursued prudent monetary/fiscal policies, thus underpinning price stability and the exchange rate peg. Consumer price rises have averaged just 1.4% annually over 2000-05, thanks to a str onger currency and subdued import prices. The Kuwait central bank has maintained very stable exchange rate levels to maintain stable inflation rates. This effective policy has resulted in minimal inflation rates. The Kuwait dinar has been appreciating vis-a-vis the US dollar from 2001 to 2005. The exchange rate was 307.36 dinar to 1 US$ dollar in 2001 compared to 299.7 dinar to 1 US$ in 2002. Inflation rate at 2002 was only .89 percent. The local currency further appreciated from 299.7 dinar to 1
Sunday, September 22, 2019
History of Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Essay Example for Free
History of Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Essay The assignment was to select a significant event in the development of psychological testing, such as the Chinese use of essay exams for civil service selection, the use of alpha and beta testing in World War I, Wundt’s laboratory, or the development of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI). This paper will discuss the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI); explain its significance and how it has affected the development of psychological testing in the 21st century. Significance The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory was published in 1940 and the second revised version was published in 1989 (MMPI-2). It is used to measure adult psychopathology and is the most commonly used measurement in the world (Drayton, 2009). The test was developed with a set of answers that healthy adults would answer and then provides indirect questions as to prevent individuals from being able to skew their answers to get a more favorable result. This allows clinicians to have an objective measure rather than basing a diagnosis off of their minimal assumptions. The test (MMPI-2) is a self-report measure of a person’s psychological state and includes 567 items of true/false questions. According to Drayton (2009), â€Å"It has nine validity scales (or ‘lie’ scales), assessing for lying, defensiveness, faking good and faking bad and among others. These scales make it very difficult to fake the MMPI-2 results. The measure has many clinical scales assessing mental health problems (i.e. depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder), personality characteristics (i.e. psychopathy) and general personality traits such as anger, somatization, hypochondriasis, ‘type A behavior’ addiction potential, poor ego strength and many others†(p. 135). The MMPI-2 can be used to assess major social and personal maladjustment, identify potential applicants for high-risk public safety positions as well as give the ability to support a clinician’s expert testimony. It can also assess clients in substance abuse programs and assist in selecting the most beneficial treatment methodology. With rising divorce rates, this assessment can provide valuable insight for marriage and family counseling. Lastly, this test has affected the college and career counseling sector by providing support for recommendations (Ben-Porath Tellegen, 2008) Conclusion This paper discussed the brief history of the MMPI and the MMPI-2, what it measures and what is included in the assessment as well as the significance it has in modern culture. Included was the intended use of the assessment, the basic principles that the test contains as well as the vast modern use of the MMPI-2.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Foam Stored Pressure Fire Extinguisher Essay Example for Free
Foam Stored Pressure Fire Extinguisher Essay Introduction The fire extinguisher is a portable device used to put out fires of limited size. Such fires are grouped into four classes, according to the type of material that is burning. Class A fires include those in which ordinary combustibles such as wood, cloth, and paper are burning. Class B fires are those in which flammable liquids, oils, and grease are burning. Class C fires are those involving live electrical equipment. Class D fires involve combustible metals such as magnesium, potassium, and sodium. Each class of fire requires its own type of fire extinguisher. Foam extinguishers use an aqueous film forming foam (AFFF) agent that expels a layer of foam when it is discharged through a nozzle. It acts as a barrier to prevent oxygen from feeding the fire. Although each class of fire has a specific extinguisher, the foam extinguisher is useful for both Class A and Class B fires; however, it is best suited for Class B. This description explains to the general homeowner the structure, assembly, and operating principle of the foam fire extinguisher. Fire extinguishers come in many sizes depending on the preference of the buyer. Foam fire extinguishers consist of a metal cylinder filled with an aqueous film forming foam usually under pressure of some form of non-flammable gas. A siphon tube directs the foam up through an assembly consisting of a handle and operating lever, which is secured during any period of non-use by a safety pin. The operating lever, when depressed, allows the foam to spray out of a hose connected to the siphon tube. Most extinguishers are replaced after a single use in order to assure dependability and to lessen the possibility of malfunction. The foam fire extinguisher contains five interlocking parts: *Safety pin *Handle *Hose *Operating lever *Siphon tube (See Figure 1 on following page) Figure 1 Parts of a foam stored pressure fire extinguisher. Description and Function of Parts Handle. The handle is usually a solid, unmovable piece of metal that stretches horizontally above the cylinder. Attached securely to the metal cylinder, the handle is the part by which the fire extinguisher is meant to be carried and held while in use. Operating Lever. The operating lever is connected to the handle above and to the siphon tube below. After the safety pin has been removed, the operating handle can be depressed, allowing the foam inside to be released into the hose. Safety Pin. The safety pin is constructed of a durable metal and is intended to keep the operating lever from being depressed while not in use. The pin is intended to be removed before any use of the fire extinguisher. Hose. The hose is a piece of rubber tube approximately two to three feet in length. The hose is connected to the siphon tube through the operating lever. When the lever is depressed, it is through the hose that the foam is allowed to escape. During use, the operator must hold the hose in order to direct the foam spray. Siphon Tube. The siphon tube is a stainless steel rod approximately the same length as the cylinder. Located inside the metal cylinder, the siphon tube is connected to the operating lever. When the lever is depressed, the foam is powered up the tube by the pressurized gas and expelled through the hose. Metal Container. The metal container containing the extinguishing foam varies in size depending on how much liquid it holds. The typical household fire extinguisher usually contains approximately 2 liters of foam. The cylinder is constructed of several layers (See Figure 1). The outer layers are usually thin layers of fire resistant sheets. In the middle, the bulk of the cylinder is made of steel. The innermost layer is a thin sheet of aluminum that separates the steel core from the foam inside the container. Summary and Operating Description As described, the foam stored pressure fire extinguisher is quite simple in its design. Constructed from parts intended to make the extinguisher easy to use and also to allow the extinguisher to be safely kept in any household, the foam stored fire extinguisher is a necessary part of every home. For safe recognition, all fire extinguisher use picture/labeling to designate which types of fires they are to be used on. Most fire extinguishers are labeled with colored geometrical shapes with letter designations. Although the foam stored pressure fire extinguisher can be used on both Class A and Class B fires, it is best used for Class B; therefore, it is most likely to be only labeled with the Class B shape and letter designation (Figure 2). However, some companies place both Class A (Figure 3) and Class B descriptions on the cylinder allowing users to know that it can be used for both classes of fires. Figure 3 Class A fire labels. (Crown Fire Equipment) Figure 3 Class B fire labels. (Crown Fire Equipment) In the case of a Class A or B fire involving combustibles (such as wood, cloth, or paper) or liquids (such as oil or grease) the foam fire extinguisher is very useful. In an operating cycle, the fire extinguisher is picked up and held by the solid handle. After the safety pin is removed, the operating handle is depressed, allowing the foam inside the metal container to flow up the siphon tube and out of the hose to extinguish the fire.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Reflective Essay on Acutely ill Patient Mrs Smith
Reflective Essay on Acutely ill Patient Mrs Smith This essay will be a reflective essay focussing on a critical incident that took place whilst being at practice placement earlier in the year. A critical incident is defined as a learning technique that breaks an event down into its main components for the purpose of reflective analysis (Hoystonard, and Simpson, 2004) The essay will give a critical analysis of an event with an acutely ill adult and will use Gibbs model of reflection (1988) to do so. For the purpose of this essay, the patient will be referred to as Mrs Smith. The reflective model I have chosen to use is Gibbs model of reflection (1988). Gibbs model of reflection incorporates the following: description what happened?, feelings what were you feeling?, evaluation what was good or bad about the experience?, analysis what sense can be made of the situation?, conclusion what else could you have done?, and an action plan if the situation arises again what would you do?. The model will be applied to the essay to facilitate critical thought, relating theory to practice where the model allows. This incident occurred in the middle of my 10 week placement on the ward. My reason for using this critical incident is because of the impact that it had on me. I did not expect to see my mentor in a situation which she did not appear to be able to cope with, principally through lack of communication. Mrs Smith is a 46 year old lady suffering from acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). In order to provide treatment for this disease, it was decided that a Hickman line would be the most appropriate type of access for the patient, so this procedure was performed in theatre under sterile conditions. Mrs Smith was well enough to go home just a few hours after the procedure but started to feel unwell the following morning. She was experiencing extreme pain at the wound site so returned to hospital. When Mrs Smith returned to the ward it was clear this event was serious as her neck and chest were very red and inflamed looking and she was showing all the signs and symptoms of a severe infection, i.e. temperature of 38+C, heart rate greater than 90 beats per minute, respiratory rate greater than 20 breaths per minute and white blood cell count greater than 12,000. These combined symptoms are known as the Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome. This, in conjunction with a confirmed infection is kn own as Sepsis. My mentor and I immediately began the process of managing the infection, keeping Mrs Smith stable and preventing further deterioration in her condition. Although we managed to prevent Mrs Smith from progressing to septic shock, I felt the management of the situation could have been handled better by my mentor, enabling me to provide better care. This is the issue which I would like to reflect on. My thoughts and feelings towards this event were initially fear ,as I had not dealt with such a seriously ill patient before and I was worried that my mentor would expect more from me than I was capable of giving. I felt under pressure as things had to be done quickly and I did not want my mentor to think I was not capable in a critical situation. I also did not want the patient to feel that I was not able, and that she was not in safe hands. Durbin (2004) has said that critically ill patients may experience many unpleasant and frightening events, so the use of reassuring mannerisms and honest communication improves patient comfort. My mentor started to become flustered and was not staying calm which was what was needed in this situation. I felt that procedures were being rushed and not done as well as they could have been owing to the pressure of the situation. My mentor was trying to do everything herself and not communicating with either myself, the patient or other staff members, causing uncertainty and confusion. Houston (2009) states that keeping calm under pressure will enable you to make good decisions, have a better judgement, and be able to deal with patients and their families better. I was trying to think and plan ahead for Mrs Smiths care but knew I was not achieving this because of the lack of communication from my mentor. I wanted to ask my mentor to calm down as it was not helping the situation, and I imagined that it was making the patient feel worse and more anxious seeing this lack of control from the nursing staff who were supposed to be helping her. Mrs Smith just needed to be reassured and kept calm during this initial crucial hour, but I could see that we had not achieved this and she looked very worried. McCabe (2003) states that patient-centred communication is vital to encourage and support both nurse and patient in a critical situation and Radcliffe (2006) is a firm advocate of improving communication with patients . As blood cultures and urine samples were taken and the administering of antibiotics began, the patient eventually stabilised and vital signs began to improve which was a great relief as we both now felt more in control of the situation. It was not until then that my mentor began to deliver better care and I started to plan ahead for what would be needed next. Gillie and Thorman (2008) state that having a positive attitude will let you be more in control of a critical situation, and that being positive shows you have the strength to stand up to a negative situation. I did not go into this event with a positive attitude as I had never experienced this before and initially just felt panicked and under pressure. However, in future I will always have a positive attitude when going into a new and difficult situation as it will have a greater effect and better outcome for all involved. Mrs Smith was now being managed for sepsis and my mentor had removed the source of infection which was proven to be the Hickman line, and inserted a urinary catheter to monitor Mrs Smiths urinary output as she had not passed urine at all that day. She was given IV fluids to maintain her circulating volume and I continued to monitor her vital signs and assess Mrs Smiths mental state. The antibiotic therapy should have been started earlier, but owing to my mentor not contacting the doctor quickly enough, this delayed the patient being stabilised quicker. If my mentor had remained calmer then she would have been more focussed on what was a priority. Prioritising what has to be done first, is an essential skill nurses need in order to provide a good level of nursing care, Castledine (2002). I felt this was a negative aspect of my experience as I knew myself that we had not prioritised and that antibiotic therapy should be started shortly after diagnosis of sepsis to prevent further deter ioration. However, positive aspects of the experience were that I learned that I was calm under pressure and was able to reassure the patient when I did not think I could. Another positive aspect was that my mentor and I managed to control the sepsis before the patient went into septic shock. She was however, already showing signs of severe sepsis as her kidney function had altered. On looking back and analysing the situation, it was a worthwhile exercise as it was a good learning curve for me on how not to act in a critical situation. I did not want to be like my mentor who was flustered and panicking and therefore not thinking properly, as I saw how it affected the situation. Because of this critical incident occurring, I learnt valuable skills that I will use in other situations, should they arise. Skills such as, staying calm and not panicking, communicating with the patient to reassure them they will be ok and communicating with relatives as they need to know what is going on as well. Acting quickly under pressure, but not too quickly which may cause mistakes to happen. Also, very importantly, to ask for help when required. If this situation was to happen again, I feel I am more prepared and would not have the initial feeling of worry and fear, as I know what to expect and am capable of carrying out what may be asked of me. On making sense of the situation, I realise I am more confident now not only in this situation but other tasks that are asked of me in the practice placement. This incident began as what should have been a straightforward case of managing sepsis, but soon turned into a worrying case of possible severe sepsis and losing control of this situation all down to panic, lack of forward planning and lack of communication. Robson and Daniels (2008) discuss how the Sepsis Six Bundle could have been used in this situation, as it has been introduced in 2007 for cases exactly like this, reducing mortality rates by 25%. Six simple steps to be followed within the first hour and severe sepsis will be avoided. Mitchell et al (2004) looks at the changes made to the patients care if sepsis is managed well and how one of the roles of the nurse in this situation must be to keep the patient reassured as much as possible. Reassurance would have kept Mrs Smith from becoming more panicked and would have made the event slightly easier for myself and my mentor. Once the initial hour had passed and the management of the sepsis was under control, Mrs Smith became more stable and was relieved to have her pain under control. After a few days on a course of antibiotics, Mrs Smiths infection soon cleared. On reflection, I now know what was good and bad about this event and what to take from it. If a situation like this were to occur again, the first thing to apply would be a positive attitude leading to a more controlled and calmer management of a critical incident. Being more in control of the situation makes forward planning easier to do and better nursing care can be achieved. The patient would benefit greatly and a lot more quickly than a rushed, uncontrolled environment. Fewer mistakes would occur and simple tasks would not be missed as the nurse involved would be more focussed. Proper communication is a huge factor in how any incident turns out. Anderson (2009) states that breakdown in communication can cause negative outcomes, and warns about poor communication, especially with patients and their families. Lack of communication can lead to lack of trust and mean that any future communications could well be disregarded. Egan (2007) states that the face and body are very communicative and in this situation the patient was picking up my mentors uncertainty and panic eve n through her non-verbal communication, making her worried and ill at ease. McCabe and Timmons (2006) stress how important communication is in establishing rapport with the patient, again building up trust. Coulehan et al (2001) also note how communication, using empathy helps to establish a relationship with both patient and relatives. In a future situation I would ensure proper communication with all involved especially the patient, to put them at ease and reassure them that the staff knows what they are doing. Now that I have had this experience and learnt from it, I have gained a lot more confidence in how to better manage a patient in a similar situation, not just a critical incident. Being more confident lets the patient know that you are in control and can put their mind at ease, Penzien and Rains (2007). I would know not to show fear, as there was not anything to fear and the last thing the patient needed was to feel worried she was not in safe hands.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
“Shane†by Jack Schaefer Essay -- Character Analysis
In the novel â€Å"Shane†, by Jack Schaefer, Marian, the wife of Joe and the mother of Bob is initially played out to be a very simple character. She cooks and cleans and cares for her family. She starts to develop a more complex character as Shane arrives. You can tell from the beginning that Marian wants to impress her guest with her cooking and her curiosity of the latest fashions. But as the novel progresses you begin to see that Marian may want more from Shane than originally shown. In the beginning of the story, Marian just thinks of Shane as a guest, she cooks and cleans for him and makes sure he is at home. However, from the start she was drawn to him. He was as she said â€Å" dangerous†, and she liked that. Marian liked that Shane was different and unfamiliar, and was impressed by his ...
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Need for a Systems Development Process Essay -- Business Managemen
The Need for a Systems Development Process      The process is needed to address business needs and opportunities in a systematic and methodical manner that maximizes potential benefits while mitigating risks. It is a methodology that takes into account all aspects of existing processes, identifying its weaknesses and bringing opportunities light.      At a fairly early stage, the feasibility of the project is examined and the powers that be are given the opportunity to nip potentially disastrous projects before they can soak up too much cash.      Additionally, the process refrains from a potentially costly commitment to a particular physical solution by focusing on the logical model before formulating alternatives.      The process also ensures that the project remains on track and on focus thereby reducing the tendency for scope-creep. Mechanisms built into the process allow for control and oversight. And the paper trail generated in the faithful adherence to this process allows for a historical trace and is also the framework of the system documentation. What situations occur when system development fails?      The most egregious situation, in my opinion, that could develop would be that an enormous amount of capital is unknowingly poured into an unfeasible solution. Almost as bad would be if the same money were to be spent on a project that does not appropriately address the business concern for which it was intended. The implantation phase could...
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Starbucks Value Proposition
The Starbucks Value Proposition Starbucks’ brand strategy was centred on its ‘Live Coffee’ mantra. Starbucks created an experience around the consumption of coffee. The three main components to this branding strategy were: [pic] Channels of Distribution Starbucks had stores in North America in high-traffic, high visibility settings such as retail centres, office buildings and colleges.Product mixes varied according to the store’s size and location. The retail product mix in North-American Company operated stores is given in the following diagram. [pic] Starbucks sold coffee through non-company-operated retail channels too which were called ‘Speciality Stores’ and accounted for 15% of its revenues, out of which the various sources contributing to the speciality store revenues is as given in the following diagram. [pic]Realizing that many customers (almost 40%) had tried Starbucks earlier before entering their company owned stores; they focussed on these speciality stores to establish relationships with the customers and establishing their brand amongst them. Starbucks Partners The employees at Starbucks are referred to as Partners. The number of employees was 60,000 worldwide, out of which 50,000 were in North America. Hourly-waged employees at Starbucks are called Baristas. Employee satisfaction is the point of concern at the firm.They are provided with health insurance and stock options. The company encouraged people promotion and thus the higher manager ranks were occupied by employees who had been working at the company since a long time. This encouraged the partners to work for a longer duration and work well in the firm. Employee turnover rate at Starbucks was just 70% compared with industry average of 300%. And the employee satisfaction level was 80%-90%. ‘Manager Stability’ was the key to these favourable results and it also helped in serving the customer in a much better way.
Monday, September 16, 2019
My Favourite Day of the Week
Saturdays have always been special to me. When I lived in Mexico, Saturday was the most hoped for day of the week. I remember that my cousin and I were always wishing for the school week to end and for Saturday to begin. Every Saturday morning would start the same way: my cousin would come to my house to wake me up. Around 10 a.m. we would go out of town to my family’s ranch. Once at the ranch, we enjoyed a variety of activities. The sun shone down on us, as we lived out our wonderful Saturdays away from the city. We would play soccer, run with the dogs and sometimes hunt birds and lizards with my uncle. There were occasions when we got to help my uncle sow (plant seeds) corn or chiles. Those days were hard, but we still enjoyed them. When we came back from work, we would be rewarded with warm bowls of my grandma’s pasta and beans, accompanied by handmade tortillas and mugs of chocolate caliente (hot chocolate). After we ate our delicious feast, we would retreat to the lone pine tree behind the house to climb the branches and rest, at last. Usually in the afternoon my uncle would take us to the lake; the water was icy cold but it did not matter since there was nothing comparable to the fun that we had at the lake. There was a garden just a few miles away from the house, and often on Saturdays we would go there. Following our swim in the lake, we would eat luscious fruit from the trees. For two hours or more, we would savor sweet peaches, mangos, juicy oranges and sweet guavas. Then, we would return to the house at sunset. On our way back, my uncle would let us ride the mule, since the journey was long. At last, my family would gather around a bonfire to tell scary stories under the starry, dark sky. All of these meals and excursions were such heavenly funâ€â€it is easy to see why Saturdays in Mexico were the most exciting days of my life. My Saturday experiences have changed since arriving in the United States. Here, there is no longer my cousin to spend the day with me; however, I have my family and a boyfriend, who always tries to make Saturdays a different experience than the rest of the week. Now on Saturday I usually wake up around 9 a.m. and take a peacefully lengthy shower. Then, I sit with my family at the table to eat a delightful breakfast that my mom prepares for us. Sometimes I go with my family to play basketball at the park, where we indulge in meals of carne asada. Once in a while we go to the beach or visit my aunt in Ontario. When we go to Ontario, my mom and I go shopping with my female cousins and my aunt. Then at noon my uncle and father cook for us and we have picnic at the park near my aunt’s house. We spend the whole day with them and return home late at night. Also, there are some Saturdays that I spend with my boyfriend. He is not only my boyfriend, he is my best friend, my companion and my comfort. The Saturdays spent with my boyfriend are even more meaningful than those spent in Ontario with my aunt and her family. My boyfriend and I go to the theater to enjoy a movie or just stay home sharing the happiness and misfortunes of the week with each other. No matter what we do, our time together makes my Saturday a special day. I prefer Saturdays over other days of the week because I find harmony within myself. My life is always filled with so many things to do; on every other day I never seem to have a minute of peace. Monday through Friday I dedicate every waking moment to school, work and community issues. On Sundays I volunteer at a museum. Therefore, Saturday is my favorite day of the week because it is wonderfully different from my routine. Additionally, on that day I have the opportunity to spend time with my family and to demonstrate my love and appreciation toward them. There could never be another day of the week like Saturday. Saturdays are exceptional for me; they represent unforgettable memories from my past that I continue to preserve in my heart and mind. I will never forget those amazing weekends with my cousin in Mexico. They are memorable moments that make my Saturdays in the United States (almost) as enjoyable.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Ford Motor
Ford Motor Company [pic] Morten Anders Rosenkrands LUC 2004 Table of contents 1. Introduction2 2. What is the history of the Ford Motor Company till today? 3 3. Why is the Ford losing market shares in Denmark? 4 4. What can ford do to counter act this? 5 5. What are the Ford Motor Companies plans for the future? 5 6. Conclusion6 7. Literature list7 1. Introduction In the last 100 years The Ford Motor Company has been a leading contributor to the motor industry because of its dedication to create and design cars for the future.Today Ford is losing out on some of the markets in Europe and I would like to find out why? In the following text I would like to analyze what is the history of the Ford motor Company today? Because I think it is important to look back in time to good understand how it all came to be. I would also like to analyze why is Ford losing market shares in Denmark? And further more what can Ford do to counteract this? To end it all of I am going to write about what are the Ford Motor Companies plans for the future?This should cover the question why the Ford motor Company is losing out on some of the Markets in Europe. In the text in have limited down to why is Ford losing market shares in Denmark? Because if I had taken the Ford Motor Company it would have included other motor companies like Volvo, Mazda, Lincon, Mercury, Land Rover, Jaguar and Aston Martin, and that would have been to extensive. 2. What is the history of the Ford Motor Company till today? It all started in a tiny wagon shop in Detroit staffed with about 10 people.This was the place where the second largest motor company in the world had it’s beginning. The first car the company ever made was sold to a Detroit physician. He purchased a model A Ford just one month after the company had begun. But due to failure of the model A the company was in trouble and something had to be done so the company lunched the model T which immediately became one of Ford biggest success. After 20 years of production the model T was taken off the production line. At the time Ford had sold more than a million model T’s.In 1919 Henry Ford and the companies stockholders got in a fight and they demanded that Henry Ford was taken of the post as president of the company. Henry Ford had no choice and then had to leave his company but the blood stayed in the company because Henry Ford’s son Edsel Ford took over the company. Henry Ford was not company president any more but still played a vital role in Ford because he was now head chairman. People at the time where looking for something more stylish and the model T was not it.So after the production had stooped the company went back and began production of the first model A again because it was a more stylish car but before production started it had under gone a vast improvement. In the next 4 years 4,5 million model A’s rolled of the assembly line. Ford buys Lincon. In the 1930s people began to demand more fro m their cars. They wanted luxury and power and that was exactly what Ford gave them with the Mercury, which was a whole new concept for Ford. Ford had now succeeded in becoming a company that made cars for the middle class.Before that Ford was more for the lower classes of society because of the price. Ford had in the previous years been so cheap that standards had fallen. 1945 Henrys son Edsel Ford, Fords president at the time, dies because of a car accident and Henry Ford now has to go back in the seat as Ford Motor Company’s president but at that time Henry is old and worn out so after 2 years as president Henry’s grand son Henry Ford II becomes president of the company. 2 years later Henry Ford dies as and old man at the age of 83.Edsel Ford remained president until 1960 where he stepped back and became executive officer until 1980. Edsel Ford dies in 1997. 1979 Ford buys Mazda 1987 Ford buys Aston Martin 1990 Ford buys Jaguar 1999 Ford buys Volvo Today another For d is at the steering wheel of Ford. William Clay Ford junior is the present president and CEO of the company. 3. Why is the Ford losing market shares in Denmark? In the last couple of years there has been a tendency that people more often want cars which are more gas economic and are cheaper.Ford is today neither. Ford sold in 2002 Jan-Sept 7045 cars to the Danish market. The year after it only sold Jan-Sept 5227[1] cars. One of Ford main problems today is that is does not have a very good image. People see Ford as a middle class car with low class components and not very good mileage to the liter. One of Fords other problems is that Ford has never gotten very good grades in ncap[2] tests. This also adds to Fords not so good image. 4. What can ford do to counter act this? Strengths |Weaknesses | |Good production facilities, strong leadership, good image in USA, good |Image, quality of their cars, expensive for what you get in terms of | |sales in USA, owns several other car compani es in the world, well known |quality, | |brand, | | |Opportunities |Threats | |WAT in Denmark falls, other car manufactures drop the Danish market, |Prize of oil rises, WAT rises in Denmark, more car manufactures come in | | |to the Danish market, a serious fault is found on Fords cars, | From the SWAT analysis it is easy to see what Ford needs to do if they want to change their image and sell some more cars. In the future Ford should also try to make their cars a bit cheaper so that the quality of the car and the prize are match up. If Ford wants to change their image they should try to have a better-aimed marketing strategy because today Fords marketing strategy is aimed at a very large group of people. This is not the most effective way to sell cars they should instead try to focus on more specific groups of people.The problem for the Danish market is just that people in Denmark are very affected by the gas prizes this is why a lot of fuel economic cars are bought today. So if Ford would like to sell more cars they should try to make their cars more gas economic. This I think combined with good marketing scheme could be a very effective way to sell more cars in Denmark. On the other hand Ford could make their cars more luxuries but that would not be plausible on the Danish market. 5. What are the Ford Motor Companies plans for the future? Ford Motor Company has in the latest years intensified their research in renewable fuels. What they have come up with is that cars in the future could be driving on hydrogen. The good thing about hydrogen engine is that the only exhaust it makes is water.So there would be no problems with the toxic foams cars make today. The down side about the hydrogen engine is that the speed of it is still limited. Ford does not at this time have a plan for when they are going to start producing the hydrogen car but they expect it to be on the streets within 10 years. At the time Ford is desperately trying to change their slumping ima ge by re-lunching several of their old classic cars. In the last to years Ford has re-lunched 3 of their old classics the Ford Mustang, the Ford Thunderbird and the Ford GT40. By re-lunching these models Ford is trying to relive some of the golden years they had in the 1950s and 1960s.On the American market the cars have been a limited success. Although the thunderbird was named car of the year in 2003 the market is at this time getting a little tired of the car and sales have almost stopped completely. [pic] The problem for Ford in Denmark is just that none of these new re-lunched cars are ever going to be sold on the Danish market. The reason why Ford is not going to sell these cars in Denmark is because the Danish market would never buy that kind of fuel guzzling cars. This is what I think today is one of Ford biggest problems because Ford in reality has to design to different cars one for the American market and one for the rest of the world.Almost no other car manufacturer does this they only lunch one model for the entire world. By only lunching one model they can save some money on marketing because some adds can be used on the European markets as well as on the American markets. 6. Conclusion From the text it is easy to see that Ford is a great company with a lot of history and traditions. But today history and traditions do not sell cars people have in the latest years seen an increase in oil prizes that have changed the way they look at cars today. From thinking more about quality and strength people have a tendency to want cars that are cheaper and drive longer on the fuel.This has made it difficult for Ford to compete with the some of the Chinese car manufactures witch have a long line of tradition in making cheap and fuel economic cars. One of the things Ford then could do is to make more fuel economic cars or change their strategy and make cheaper cars so that their current prize and the cars quality match. This is why Ford in the future has plan s for hydrogen cars. Ford is also at the moment trying to change their image by re-lunching so of the companies most popular cars from the 1950s and 1960s. 7. Literature list Homepages: www. ford. com www. motormagasinet. dk â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [1] Sales numbers from www. transportmagasinet. dk/statestikcenter/bilsalgstal-sept-2003. pdf [2] ncap is a European car test agency where they test cars in crash tests.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Dances with Wolves Essay
Making friends with wolves and Indians? Two things an American soldier would have never dreamed of. â€Å"Dances with Wolves†is the name rightly given to Lieutenant John Dunbar by the Sioux Indian tribe he befriends. The director, Kevin Costner stars in this award winning film masterpiece. The plot of this movie involves unrealistic aspects that are convoluted yet resolved. The dialogue was simplistic and believable due to the complexity of communication between the white people and Indians. The unrealistic aspects begin the movie off when John Dunbar rides horse- back into confederate lines alone, and comes out without harm done. This act was viewed as an act of suicide yet John undermines this unbelievably. The themes in this movie include racism, love and friendship, and loyalty and betrayal. Racism is shown by the white American soldiers who judge the Indians by stereotypes before they meet them. John Dunbar is the exception because he shows compassion and peace toward them which is ultimately beneficial as they help each other in various ways, one being the buffalo hunt. Friendship is created by John showing kindness to the Sioux, and love comes later on when John marries the white Sioux Stands with Fists. When the Union soldiers came out to Dunbar’s soldier fort, then he returns from living with the Sioux, they mistake him as a trader. John unsuccessfully tries to show them he has not betrayed the Union, but made peace with the Sioux. The recurring symbols in Dances with Wolves are presented in the title: a wolf and a dance. Dunbar is at first afraid of the wolf, as the wolf is of him. Over time, Dunbar gets over his fear and becomes fascinated with the wolf. He gains the wolf’s trust by feeding him. Eventually, they become used to each other. It is unusual for these two natural enemies to become friends, but Dunbar’s willingness to â€Å"get to know†the wolf leads him to understand that the stereotypical view of the wolf as a savage killer is not accurate. This is an exact comparison of the relationship of Dunbar and the Sioux Indian tribe. The acting in Dances with Wolves was well done and very genuine in my personal opinion. Kevin Costner performed astoundingly well as John Dunbar. He really seemed to connect with the character. Also, as Kevin being the director gave a n advantage and emphasis on the way the acting turned out as a whole. The actors who played Indians were amazing, as they should be for being professional actors. These roles were tough to encompass but as a whole the cast was phenomenal. The viewers of this film, from my perspective were satisfied with the film and did not get bored as the action packed scenes keep you on your toes and engrossed in the movie at all times. The costumes were very realistic and and well made. The film was quite advanced being made in the time period it was. St. David’s field in Tennessee had a lot to offer the creation of the movie. The significance of the set was the vast landscape performed on. The great prairie has no limit on space which I feel the film benefited greatly from. The buffalo hunt could not have been filmed differently in regards to the land. Also the amount of horseback riding was greatly influenced by the plethora of open field and grassland. At the end of Dances with Wolves, the viewer is left awestruck by the forbidden love of a white man and his foreign friends. The courage of this white man to fight against all odds and accomplish something miraculous is unbelievable for the time period, making it the movie of a generation that will live on in the hearts of the viewers.
Friday, September 13, 2019
A Critique of Tess Onwueme’s Tell It to Women
To Women, we travel back to a Nigerian village in postcolonial Africa. The story enlightens the audience about the dichotomy of traditionalism versus modernism and the ways in which different cultures interact. It ends by revealing the true meaning of culture; the real quality in a society that arises from a passion for what is excellent in arts, manners, and customs. Overall, the play discusses the role of women within this Nigerian village and largely examines the conflict of whether it is better to advance with the rest of the world, or to hold on to the traditions that truly make a society independent and beautiful. The play begins with Yemoja, the most important woman in the village, in a house with Daisy and Ruth, two feminist western-educated scholars. They are the primary antagonists in the play. At this early stage, we see that Daisy and Ruth are not fond of Yemoja. Daisy and Ruth are leaders of the â€Å"Better Life for Rural Women†campaign, which inspires women to believe that they are not only equal to men in many ways, but are even superior in others. The two of them select Yemoja as the mediator between the village and the western world that they are so desperate to force upon the women. The movement causes a great disturbance in the village between the men and women, and especially with Yemoja’s husband and father. Back in Daisy’s home, she has been getting into many disagreements with her family. Her husband Okei, disagrees with her passion about the feminist movement and they frequently fight about it. Her mother-in-law, Sherifat, still encourages Yemoja to participate in the village’s traditional tribal rituals. Sherifat expresses that it would a terrible fate if Yemoja attempts to assimilate to the modern culture and loses her roots. As the story goes on, Daisy becomes estranged from her daughter Bose, as Bose is beginning to understand more and more the culture of the village and becomes closer to Yemoja and Sherifat. Towards the end of the play, the villagers organize a march, for which Daisy gives Yemoja steps to teach to the rest of the women. It becomes clear to Yemoja at that point that western culture is not for them. Daisy and Ruth’s superior arrives to enlighten the women about her ideas of feminism. She is the one that will decide whether or not the movement has succeeded or not. When it is time for Yemoja to perform the dance, however, she and Sherifat perform one of the Idu rituals instead. Bose even joins in the dancing. Ruth falls and becomes extremely injured while Daisy is thrust into the middle of the action. The play ends here in a beautifully tragic scene as Ruth chokes to death while the rest of the villagers celebrate having revitalized their culture. Tess Onwueme’s play was delightfully written and captivating to any audience. The story was intriguing and definitely matched it’s title. Now I see that, Tell It To Women, is a statement on how the women of the village are always being told to do or be something. Whether it is by Daisy and Ruth or by their husbands, the women never really find their own voice until the very end. We see in the first movement, Sherifat telling the chorus of women that being a wife is â€Å"meaning that a wife deserves to be treated like a daughter and not something that you possess. †Yet, throughout much of the story, we see the women being treated like servants and as subhuman to Daisy and Ruth, the village men, and western civilization as a whole. However, I believe that even as a woman, the author was at times, very objective in her portrayal of feminism. She was able to write a play that showed both the positives and negatives of modernism, while advancing the ideals of traditionalism. She does all this without losing sight of what is most important to women of a small village like that. At one part she even has Ruth say â€Å"these rural women are very gullible, you know. All you need to do is make them feel they are important†¦ we need them anyway, maybe even more than they need us. †The author is commenting here on the passive-aggressive attempts of Daisy and Ruth but also shows that the village women do not actually need to be modernized. Perhaps here, the author is a little biased because she is making Daisy and Ruth out to be selfish and slightly cruel. To a western reader, the play was not very easy to read. The names of the villagers were at times tongue tying and I found myself changing opinions about a character because I in fact, thought they were another. Onwueme also does not really explain the native African dialect and proverbial expressions that are used, which was slightly confusing as well. Many play-writes include footnotes at the bottom of the page to explain vernacular that is not known to the reader and that would have been very helpful here. That being said, the true meaning of the play was present the entire time. The clash of cultures and the lingering pains of colonialism in Africa come through wonderfully in the author’s interpretation. In one eloquent line we see that colonialism left its mark of the villagers. Sherifat says to Daisy that â€Å"it’s easier for those who inflict the pain on others to forget. †Tell It To Women, while at times was hard to follow, beautifully captured the struggle of traditionalism versus modernism and is a true mark of feminism. Overall, I thought that the play was well written and captivating. Even as a man, when sometimes it is hard to understand the desires of women, let alone women of another culture, I was able to grasp the true value of this play. It enlightened me about African culture and the roles of men and women in society. I believe Onwueme did a tremendous job in exposing the struggles of postcolonial Africa in an artful representation.
Persuasion techniques used in Jesus Camp film Essay
Persuasion techniques used in Jesus Camp film - Essay Example The persuasive techniques used in the film George W. Bush seems to be the icon for the children in this movie. A life size cardboard cutout is displayed in front of them, a waving American flag graphic projected behind it reads, â€Å"Here’s President Bush, come to visit us†¦!††The children come forward and pay respect to him, touch the cutout and one could see the charged emotions on their innocent countenances. After providing such a backdrop, the children are asked to pray and profound vocabulary of Christianity pours out, like flesh and blood, principalities and powers, rulers of the darkness in this world, spiritual wickedness etc. Do the children really understand what they are being taught? Not one of them perhaps, but their minds is being polluted and they develop deep grudge against something which they do not know precisely. They begin to hate that which ‘not Christian’ according to the new values taught to them in Jesus Camp. In a sce ne, children dance to the accompaniment of Christian Heavy Metal music, in strangely painted faces brandishing sticks and thrusting them to an imaginary enemy and shouting â€Å"War! Warfare!†The girl participants in the dance wear black. The Jesus Camp is against abortion. Good, but it is taught, as if through a system drawn through the prison manual. The mouths of the children are shut with a red duct tape with the inscription LIFE. Those running this movement of Christianity are not apologetic about their intensions and speak with deep convictions. They are on the mission to form a generation of "Conservative Christian Republicans." Another ‘highlight’ of the camp is all children, irrespective of their age, are taught the same Christian principles. A toddler and a teen are given the message, whether it suits their mind set or not, without applying any thought about the dangerous consequences as to what imprint it may leave on the tender minds. The words Satan and Sprit are often used and the children are made to believe that a horrifying evil monster continues to stand at their back to watch their actions. Any deviations in following the issues that are taught in the class, any lethargy, would destroy them! What could be the finished product, of the children who entered the camp as innocents, their mind fresh as the flower in bloom? Trauma is their bonus! How can their mind process such hard messages? The trans-inducing methods must have done irreparable damage to their life, which is difficult to erase. Most of the children look physically tired and emotionally exhausted, their eyes drained due to excessive tears they shed, and at the subconscious level, poisonous seeds are planted through the vicious lessons of Jesus Camp that will grow into saplings and will ultimately yield poisonous fruits. The mind-set of one such ‘finished product’ of this move, Levi, by name indicates the line of thinking of the future generation th e movie will sure to produce. At one stage of the movie, he clearly expresses his hatred for the non-Christians in equivocal terms. He is led to believe that everything about non-Christians is bad. This camp has shut the doors for the real Jesus. His teachings are abandoned in this class and some political figures are chiseled out of the personalities of the youngsters. They are taught about the dangers to Christianity and America, which in reality are not there! This indeed is the manufacturing unit of human bombs that will leave far-reaching consequences to destroy the society. 2. My opinion of the appropriateness of the techniques Religion is good; â€Å"religionism†is bad. Fundamentalism in the practice of any religion is the worst thing that can happen to humankind. It is a double tragedyâ€â€for the individual personality and for the culture of the Nation as a whole. As for Christianity, when the religious leaders give more importance to the cross on the neck than C hrist in the heart, the fertile field of true religion begins to rot. Jesus Camp (Heidi
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Topic Selection 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Topic Selection 3 - Essay Example s to recover from bankruptcy, legislation and business debt restructuring require that the underlying problems be assessed in order to ensure that the risk of another bankruptcy period does not occur. Debt advice is also required together with financial teaching about how to use money in accordance to how it is received. Help is needed in order to find other sources of income that will ensure smooth running of a business without the necessary need to borrow money. Debt settlement plans should be drafted so as to reduce the debt accrued over a certain period. Partial payment should be made in order to start build up of a company again (Wood, 2007). Psychology in business is what leads the business back to recovery, both in the market sector and the global sector. Using psychology, the cash flow burden to the company if minimal as it is done in a correct manner. When sales decrease, then the market value of a company decreases and recovery from such may take time. It dictates that a company should be more careful with the services and products that it is offering to the public otherwise there will be a shortage of customers. With the correct input of sales, the cash flow into the company will turn out to be more that the cash flowing out. This will enable the company to make profits and boost the economy (Wood,
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Museum Visit Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Museum Visit - Assignment Example The Egyptian history was written by priest Manetho, in the 1st Century. He classified the Pharaohs into 30 Dynasties. The Pharaonic Period is divided into five periods, which include Early, Middle, New, Late kingdom, the three intermediate Periods and the Persian Period (Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum & Planetarium 1). These periods are significant in the Egyptian history because they represent a break in the Pharaonic History via the decay or invasion of intermediate periods (the central power). The mentioning of Dynasties gives readers a bigger picture of the events that occurred, during specific periods, in the Pharaonic History, which is believed to be more than 3000 years old (Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum & Planetarium 1). One of the most common features of the Egyptian religious belief is the idea of life after death. They believed that their dead bodies had to be preserved, in the tombs, to provide a place for their spirits to reside in after life. Preservation of bodies is known as mummification. According to the Ancient Egyptians, cremating bodies was a sign of destroying an individual’s soul. They believed that souls had to interact with bodies, even after death. Preservation of bodies was enhanced by the Egypt’s geographical location and climate (Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum & Planetarium 1). Dry air and sand preserved bodies that were laid in shallow pits. In the Pharonic History, over 70 million mummies have been prepared in the past 3000 years (Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum & Planetarium 1). Pharaohs, who were both political leaders and gods, were buried in large pyramids, in the Old Kingdom. The Ancient Egyptians used the Rosetta stone to enhance the development of modern understanding of hieroglyphic writing (Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum & Planetarium 1). This stone is believed to have been created during the Ptolemaic era stele, in the 196BC. Its surface is covered with in scribbled texts, which is
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Marketing Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5
Marketing Plan - Essay Example has more distinctive products than McDonalds; it has fewer items on the menu, as it focuses more on individual products. It should be highlighted that McDonalds also use traditional print, electronic and radio media followed by internet and new media for publicity and promotion. The company also initiated a promotional campaign named â€Å"I’m Lovin’ it†, sponsored Olympic athletes, host charitable events, Social media etc. to entice maximum customers towards its stores. KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) is an American international food seller that has established more than 15,000 KFC outlets across 109 countries and territories around the world. Indeed, the business serves an estimated 12 million customers each day at its stores. The business is an important competitor of Carl’s Jr. because it offers various similar products. The company has an advertising budget of over $1 billion and sales revenue of $11 billion in 2009 that shows its financial strength and brand acceptance among fast food lovers. In addition, KFC also utilizes all traditional and social media channels. KFC focuses on Product and Market Development through induction of new recipes and food products (such as fiery wings) in its portfolio. Indeed, it launched promotional campaigns including free vouchers, Family Feast Combo, free gifts, KFC buckets, KFC cricket promotion etc. to tempt customers towards its stores. ( Hungry Jack is a subsidiary of Burger King Incorporation and it is operational in Australia since 1971. The company has strong brand recognition and establishment in Australia with over 300 stores in 2010. The franchise is unique in a way that it offers a complete range of breakfast, hamburgers, chicken meals, desserts, drinks, sides / salad and kids’ meals to its valued customers. Indeed, the company advertises heavily on electronic media to lure food freaks. Indeed, Hungry Jacks advertises heavily on electronic media for sales promotion campaigns. In addition, the
Monday, September 9, 2019
Global Banking Operations and Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Global Banking Operations and Strategy - Essay Example The bank lost its resilience and resistance capabilities (The Telegraph, 2014). Credit was one of the failed segments of RBS. RBS consistently relied on credit trading, which due to high economic crises build up, brought more damage to RBS’s existence. The bank needed to sideline the credit segment, which had lesser opportunity and more market risk (Treanor & Bowers, 2011). The weakness lied in RBS operations, which consistently failed to manage the net returns of the bank. The leakage of cash due to poor banking operations, RBS was unable to stabilize its cash growth (Risk Business International, 2011). RBS always had low capitals in its financial cupboard. The bank due to small capital resource was never able to put hand on major market segments. This made bank rely on small segments such as credit trading or bonds investment, which had more risk and lesser income return (BBC News, 2013). RTT News, 2014. European Markets Decline, RBS Drops On Results. [Online] Viewed at: [Accessed 17 March 2014]. The Telegraph, 2014. RBS report: the main points. [Online] Viewed at: [Accessed 17 March 2014]. Treanor, J. & Bowers, S., 2011. RBS failure caused by multiple poor decisions. [Online] Viewed at: [Accessed 17 March
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Analysis paper Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Analysis paper - Article Example He arguably concludes that western standards are being used in Arab programs. He believes that the show created by Saudi Arabians who emulated western ideals and wanted to convince the society that Islamic discourse is inferior over western discourse. Kraidy says that he used critical discourse and institutional research analysis which indicates that his response was negotiated. He came up with a conclusion based on the interviews and polling data that which reflected the thoughts of the citizens. He also interviews the elite in the society and compares it to the opinions of the public that indicates that his thoughts are purely negotiated (Kraidy 347). This negotiated response increases the trustworthiness of his study and conclusions. He does not consider all Islamic practices and hence his response is dominant. His major consideration is gender mixing, and he does not give any attention to Islamic cultures (Kraidy 346). Although most of his conclusions are based on research, he insists on his personal idea that women sovereignty should be valued, and hence his research is dominant and at the same time
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Writer's choice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 28
Writer's choice - Essay Example On the other hand, if oil prices dropped and the stock prices were on the rise, then the IMF assumed an increment in oil supply. These two forces explained the plunge of oil prices (Zumbruni, Para 1-4). The results indicated that during the first phase the oil price drop was attributed by weak global demand. For instance, crude oil declined from$ 105 to around $ 82. However, in the second phase, the oil prices for the crude oil dropped further to $ 50 and IMF suggests that a decrease in the oil price was due to increased demand. The estimates reveal that supply outdid the demand during this phase (Zumbruni, Para 1-4). The explanation aligns with the class materials effectively as it explains the effect of reduced demand and increased supply on prices. Accordingly, a decrease exerts a downward pressure in the short-run. Apparently, increased supply allows a surplus of the commodity in the market, therefore, exerting a downward pressure on the price levels. These aspects are reflected in chapter four that focused on demand and supply within the oil markets. The above information may be illustrated as follows; Zumbruni, Josh. Supply of Demand? The IMFBreaks Down the Collapse of Oil Price. Wall Street Journal. Real Time Economics. April 14, 2015. Retrieved from
Friday, September 6, 2019
Orca Whales- Greek God of the Underworld Essay Example for Free
Orca Whales- Greek God of the Underworld Essay There are three different types of Orcas species documented to date; resident, transient and offshore pods. The resident pods are separated geographically speaking and have been documented living spring, summer, and fall near the Washington coastline and have been spotted as far south as the Central California coastline. They have been spotted in the Puget Sound, Vancouver Island, Strait of Juan de Fuca, and the Southern Georgia Strait. While little is known about their movements; genetic data does suggest that these whales do not usually mingle with those from the other species. The Southern Resident Pod is currently on the endangered species list and is protected by the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) and a distinct species under the Endangered Species Act. There are 88 whales currently listed on the list for the resident whales that researchers have documented using the whales saddle patch’s as a signature to name and number each whale. All whales have a distinct marking behind their upper dorsal fin that in reference to humans would be like their own finger print; no two are alike. The resident pod is usually led by an older and wiser female whale and they usually stay together in large pods. They swim and hunt together. The male whales on average can grow up to 24 feet in length and weigh between 7 to 10 tons. They typically live up to 30 years but can live up to 50 to 60 years. The females on average grow up to 21 feet in length and weigh between 4 to 6 tons. They typically live up to 50 years but can live up to 80 to 90 years. These averages usually vary if they are in the wild or captivity. The pods grow to large numbers as the young never leave their mother’s side; so there will be times when multiple generations will be swimming side by side. While resident whales prefer fish their counterpart the transient prefers marine mammals. The transient pods are not as reliable as their counterpart the resident in that they do not live in large pods and usually have a family of only ten whales or less. They do not rely on the mother figure to lead the group as the resident whales do. The transient pods diet is often geographically specific. They share their boundaries with both resident and the offshore whales. The offshore orca pods are typically smaller in size and they are less sexual dimorphism; both the male and female share the same features and appear less visually different. The resident pod and the transient pods have distinct differences between the male and female whales; not only is the male a larger mammal the male also has a top dorsal fin that can reach up to 5 to 6 feet out of the water while the female fin is not as profound. These different Orca species do share some common features as well; the orca is a highly sociable and curious mammal. They communicate with one another using clicks, whistles, and pulsed calls. Orcas prefer cool waters and rely on echolocation for navigation and discriminating between prey and other surrounding objects. Each species may have their own dialect as people do from different parts of the world. All three pod species also can share some of the same threats that are endangering their species all together. The Orca has no one to fear except for the human being; there is not an animal in the ocean that they fear. The threats that come can be from contaminants in the water, to depletion of their prey, a ship collision or oil spills. Whales can be threatened by noise, industry and even military activities. There is also the possibility of being caught in a fisherman’s line.
Thursday, September 5, 2019
Introduction In Hotel Industry Tourism Essay
Introduction In Hotel Industry Tourism Essay Nowadays, due to technology in the hospitality industry improvement has been seen in all departments of the hotel service. In hospitality industry due to the latest trend of KONEKT V4 application we would reach through the customer in one click. The one more application is Dash Board application in which the customer can tell the name and number and to make their table reserved. And also by using Google, Iphone, Ipad system customer sitting at home can search any hotels, restaurant and resorts in which they can make their booking in advance. Due to increase in hotel industry managers lower their prices to stimulate sales when demand is low and rise during peak demands. In future hotel industry will focus on emotional and psychological needs. Medium sized hotels will merge with five star or seven star grading hotels. Another trends will be fusion cuisine where there is a mixture of eastern food with westerns ones to impress the public with new experiences. All managers have the responsibilities to understand human resources. They are also responsible to implement strategies, plans and motivate people to meet objectives of the organization. They are responsible to analysis data and make decision that benefits the company. The economic environment is very unpredictable and implementing change processes for each organization to make progress. Globalization and technology are the two main factors that drove the change in todays organizations. . In todays world to succeed in businesses become stronger, more flexible and customer-oriented. Staff turnover is a serious for manager in the hotel especially if u have to give the consistent service. The goal of our hotel is on exceptional customer service that will exceed customer expectations. The nature of the service, strategies for improvement, and understand the customers perception of having that is very popular among researchers over the past two decades (for examples, leonard and sasser, 1982; lockwood, 1996; johns and lee-ross, 1998). Increases the other hand, the growing economic importance of the service sector in many countries has been in quality initiatives including guided centrally based European Foundation for Quality Management. Many hospitality, tourism organization have taken this challenge focuses on customer orientation employee performance in the interface, the recognition of the centrality of meeting service (Breen and Liddy, 1998). By this definition, customer / employee interviews have the potential for conflicts. In a service context that feeling cannot be met exactly, but it provides a cautionary note for Service Manager, because the customers perception of product quality connection often depends on the interaction between customers and employees. The hotel has a very long history, but not as we know it today, back in the 6th Century began to develop BC, when the first inn in and around the city of London. The first match for travelers, offering them a simple roof to stay. This condition of the hotel was long before the industrial revolution in England, the new ideas and developments made à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹in the field to keep the inn. The invention of the steam engine to travel even more important. Who had more and more people are traveling not only for business but also for the sake of recreation. This will lead to the actual development of the hotel industry, as we know it today. Hotel today not only provide the basic needs of customers, such as food and shelter much more personalized services such as hotels, etc. are now a home away from home. There is evidence of the hotels and restaurants, since biblical times, when Mary and Joseph arrived in Bethlehem collected during the census. As shown in the Bible, Mary and Joseph had accommodation as it is. There is no room in the inn Since the beginning of time, people have traveled for business, religion, immigration, health, education, and recreation. As Texas Tech University, the mention of hospitality from the Latin root word meaning host or hospice. The University is also noted that the first hotel except private homes open to the public. Most, unfortunately, had a bad reputation. Under the influence of the Roman Empire and breakfast and hotels to satisfy the pleasure traveler began in an attempt to encourage visitors. The pressure was recorded in America in 1607 and paved the way for the first time many other things in the hospitality industry. The hotel is the first of the public (City Hotel), owned by New York opened in 1792. (Buffalo Statler. 1908.) Change in the hospitality industry, which has made it more practical and functional in the world! Types of services and facilities that are offered by the major industry and has emerged from the past decade. All this is possible thanks to the spread of technology, eco-friendly services, prices, market department, regional preferences, etc. in the field of technology and hospitality to strengthen in the years to come. The use of technology is present in each department of the hotel, the services offered by the update. Keeping the entire latest trend in the memory of the hospitality industry, KONEKT V4 application that you would definitely want to explore. This is the application that will help you reach your customers in one click. The main attraction is the dashboard application. Is an unconventional marketing tracker is sensitive facts giving minute to give you the latest campaigns and activities conducted by you. The time, name and number of customers who liked your Facebook page, make your table reservation, you asked for any questions or comments about your application also can track comments on the same page! CRM systems can increase the advertising campaigns for events, and you can send newsletters to customers core and build your brand. This system helps in all the digital platform and database that can help in getting the more and more customer to generate the revenue this type of system are comfortable to integrate with the old database which can help in single database. It works perfectly with the iPhone and iPad systems. Constructed so as to make you lose any opinion or report, even when youre away! Travelers increasingly will turn to their mobile devices not only research accommodation and travel options, but to book and communicate directly with the hotel options. Booking mobile channel has been multiplied by four between 2008 and 2010 according to Forrester Research. Revenue management has changed since the days it was first introduced by the airline industry in 1970 to be a complex science today. Managers always lowering prices to stimulate sales when demand is low and prices have risen during periods of peak demand. Hotels are now able to update prices for all future arrival dates to meet the market demands every day, through the application of advanced market information. Travel Click has reported passenger demand and visualize group bookings a year in advance. In addition, the Smith Travel Research reports that will soon provide information by looking at future bookings, rather than historical figures that. (By Robert A. Rauch, CHA) .A capsule hotel is a type of hotel, developed in Japan, which is a large number of very small rooms (capsules) cheap and easy accommodation for guests who do not require offers the services of more conventional hotel services offered. A condo hotel, also known as the hotel-condo or a Condotel, is a building used as a hotel and two condominium. Condo hotels are usually high-rise buildings developed and operated as luxury hotels in major cities and resorts in general. These residential units which allow someone to have a holiday full service. Ice hotel is also a great example of todays hospitality innovation. An ice hotel is generally made up of snow, sculpted blocks of ice, and, in some cases, some steel from these type hotels are generally sponsored by a single owner and feature a luxuries facilities to the traveler who are interested in unique novelties and unusual Environment and thus are in the class of destination hotels. A lobby is often filled with ice sculptures, and food and beverages specially chosen for the circumstances. A Turbaza is, generally the Soviet era, the Russian form of cheap, spartan, holiday, a visit or a base camp tour. Turbazas are generally rented to groups or companies who rent the entire facility for holiday accommodation Oops for their members or employees. They are gene rally rustic located in rural areas that offer outdoor recreation. Eat, sleep, and often is housed in a large open space and common. Gueridon a form of service in restaurants food service to their customers is provided. This type of service includes the preparation of food (mainly salads, main dishes such as beef stroganoff, or desserts) in direct view of the customer, with a round table. A table usually consists of a trolley equipped for cooking, preparing and serving food. There is a gas stove, cutting board, cutlery drawer, cold room region and for general working capital. The hotel industry is in the midst of a transformation that affects virtually all aspects of the industry and its stakeholders. Essences the transformation of the hotel industry is changing its approach to concentrate more focused on the customer and brand incentive. Product and support services are developed around the perceived needs and desires of the customer for customer satisfaction. In the future, the focus will be customer focused to a level that transcends medical examinations. It will focus on the emotional and psychological needs and wants more precisely defined target audience. Hotels then use this knowledge to market a wide range of products and services through strong brands to a loyal customer for life. Some ramifications of changes will be made as reserves, trading activities and high taste information will be more automated. There will be a greater personal guest of technology accurate and fast service. Medium sized hotels will be taken by brand chain like the Sheraton, Holiday Inn, Ramada, etc. while location will be the priority to choose a hotel by future traveler, brand names will be the next preference. Another aspect of future trends would be fusion of cuisines. The French started this trend with the Nouvelle Cuisine mixing eastern food products with western ones. Fusions restaurant will grow as the new adventurous public will search for new gastronomic experiences. (Sudhir Andrews, 2009) In the hotel managers are responsible for all management of human resources, or as appropriate, all managers have the responsibility to understand their human resources. When providing services to our clients, our primary resource is our people, our workers, our employees. Successful hospitality managers must be able to work with people. We need to develop guidance of people in our management approach. As a manager with responsibilities for human resources, your concern is that people of their needs, wants, and desires fit the needs and desires of the hotel company. We define managers as the implementation of strategies, plans and programs to attract, motivate, develop, reward and retain the best people to meet the objectives of the organization. Mike Hurst also emphasizes the role of management changes over management in the past and in conduit. The hospitality is based on the gift of friendship friendly people who care; it has become imperative in a service management concentrate on the benefits to the people and his style. The managers of today have earned a place of respect for their contribution to organizational value. The contemporary role of managers with the human resources responsibilities is a critical one to any hospitality organization. Most of the people spends more than one-third of their waking hours at their jobs, and as a manager you will make the decision that affects and influence the lives, dreams, goals and ambitions of these individual and their families. Manager in the hospitality industry participate in strategic planning sessions, understand financial documents relating to the work and the bottom line. Many managers in the host organization is part of the management team. The managers role is more important than ever before in the hospitality industry. It is up to us to keep management informed of what their needs and desires of people to be productive, and to be faithful. (Mary L. Tanke, 2000) The globalization of labor and continuing advances in technology are changing the way the labor market. Knowledge workers are known for their special properties. These are people who analyze, synthesize and evaluate information to solve different problems. Knowledge workers actually use their intelligence, ideas, products, services and processes to implement. Youre most important asset of an organization is its ability to collect and analyze data and make decisions that benefit company. (Jyothi, 2010) Technology has had a positive effect on the internal processes of an organization, but also changed the way the work of the HR staff. Some managers in the hospitality industry will see the application of technologies to operational issues as a problem. It is true that technological systems used in the bar, front office, restaurants, etc. much more advanced and complex than those currently available only for a short time, continue to grow, these systems quickly. The approval of the computer and other technologies from all levels of an organization is a major challenge in view of the sponsoring organizations. For example, if the systems are updated and new technologies have made à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹the workers struggle to adapt. (Hayes, 2009) The economic environment is very unpredictable and implementing change processes for each organization to make progress. Globalization and technology are the two main factors that drove the change in todays organizations. Globalization has opened new doors for business opportunities. It has led to many interventions, but also for how reform, reorganization, merger, downsizing, etc., in order to succeed, companies need to make these changes that have taken place with staff to manage the challenges occur. Change Management Sun is working smoothly for the vital organization. (Bohlander G. a., 2009) Due to the shortage of workers in the industry and the defection of customers of the quality of service that is affected. If the workload increases the performance of the employee moves. By too much work pressure, reduces the employees performance and, in turn, affects the quality of service. It is very important to overcome the various challenges faced by the organization to success. Company is now a day to develop the human resource functions, because the meaning of HRM has been seen in the highly competitive market that exists today. To succeed, businesses become stronger, more flexible and customer-oriented. Hr after for these changing market trends is adjusted. (Karan, 2009). Turnover of staff is vital to the hotel, especially if you have a high quality hotel as us. The goal of our hotel on outstanding customer service to exceed the expectations of customers, and therefore we are investing heavily in our people. High rate of staff turnover has an immediate impact in the hospitality industry, particularly in the areas of customer service, and we cannot afford to lose an employee. The rate of staff turnover in the hotel industry in general higher than in other sectors. (Jason C. Cho, 14 June 2011) The hotel industry has a high turnover, which decreases productivity and costs companies time and resources. A number of factors affect the fluctuation in the hotel and one of the reasons is ineffective in recruiting. Identify many hotels and difficult to recruit the right people. Hotel staff need advanced knowledge of beverages, which are difficult to measure for recruiters during the interview. However, recruiters develop recruitment strategies that will identify the best opportunities and recruit the best workers. Do you understand what a candidate looking at the recruitment stage can help the hotel staff turnover. (Rose Johnson, 2008) To overcome this turnover to keep in mind a bit. What help reduce turnover? Understanding why employees leave. Each organization should carry out a confidential interview face to face with the human resource managers (except the head). Benchmark your company against industry and current location. Set advanced development policies clear and transparent and fair. If an employee believes that they are not promoting their role and career development has no control, after a while you will start to look externally for new mail. Develop effective policies in the workplace and maintain a positive culture. In future there will be not much problems for managers and service due to the use of present technology. The main job of service manager is to understand the problems between customer and employee about services they give. There will be more and more modern equipment used in hotels which will decrease the training on kitchen manager and restaurant managers. Due to increase in hotel industry managers lower their prices to stimulate sales when demand is low and rise during peak demands. They are also responsible to implement strategies, plans and motivate people to meet objectives of the organization. They are responsible to analysis data and make decision that benefits the company. The hotel industry has a high turnover, which decreases productivity and costs companies time and resources.
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