Saturday, August 31, 2019
Nutrition analysis verB
a. How many grams of fat can you consume in a day and not exceed 30 percent of your calories from fat? Use the CNPP recommendation for your daily calorie recommendation to calculate your answer. How did you do in this area for the day you recorded?On the â€Å"standard†daily calorie intake of 2,200 recommended for very active young women, the upper limit for fat intake is 73 grams (660 calories). If I was to be sedentary man or an active woman, I would roughly have to meet the same requirement, which is not to take in more than 73 grams of fat in a dayb. How many grams of saturated fat can you consume in a day and not exceed 10 percent of calories from saturated fat? How did you do in this area for the day you recorded?I need to consume only ten percent of calories from saturated fat, meaning, I may not exceed more than 300 mg of saturated fats in day. Saturated fats such as cholesterol, and trans fat which is not only bad for my diet but will also clog up my aorta(major hear t vein).c. For the day you recorded your intake if you ate a serving of a high-fat food, for example, lasagna, how could you avoid exceeding the recommended fat intake for the day?During the event that I eat food containing high amounts of fat, to be able to balance the amount of fat intake, I eat food that contain less fat and eat foods that were boiled, broiled or grilled. In doing so, I end up taking in less fat and still eating a lot. Because even if we avoid frying food it will still most likely contain fat, so I will at least minimize the amount of fat included in everything else I eat.d. If you could substitute a serving of lower fat lasagna for the higher fat choice, what effect would this have on your other food choices and on your calorie and nutrient intakes for that day?Replacing the lasagna, which contains a large amount of fat with lasagna that contains a lot less, will definitely make it a lot easier for someone to compensate concerning the other food options that I m ay have. Instead of having to choose low calorie and fat containing food, which may turn out to be bland, I can opt to eat regular food options that can not only fill my stomach but also fill my calorie requirement for the day.e. Considering regular lasagna, which ingredients most likely contribute most to the total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol in the higher fat lasagna selection?Perhaps lasagna could be included in one’s diet once a week, like on Sundays or special holidays. Making lasagna, with all its calories and fats, a part of one’s daily diet is not only irrational but is also risky when it comes to one’s health.f. How could you change those ingredients to reflect a reduction in fat content?I can reduce the fat content of lasagna by placing whole-wheat lasagna instead of the regular pasta, decreasing the amount of virgin olive oil that is placed in it, placing less butter, and also using ground chicken rather than ground beef.g. How did the dayâ₠¬â„¢s recorded total for calories and vitamins compare with your recommended amounts? Did the day’s meals meet or exceed your need for energy? Describe how your actual intake varied from the CNPP recommendation.Happily, I was able to exceed the needed amounts for calories and vitamins for the day. As for the vitamins, I was happy to see that I exceeded it because it means that I am eating a healthy diet. Although for the calorie intake, it scares me a bit because eating a calorie pack food without expending it properly will result to added body fats.h. Did your meals present too little of any of the vitamins and minerals listed in the CNPP materials? Which ones?Actually, my vitamin intake for the day exceeded what was expected from me greatly. I was able to take in more than what was required from me according to CNPP, which means none of them where under-represented.i. What changes in your choices among those foods would have improved the energy or vitamin or mineral totals for the day?Improvement when taken in a standard meaning would actually mean to increase, but in my case, to improve my diet I would have to decrease my energy intake and simply maintain my vitamin and mineral intake for the day.j. Did your choices provide enough folate to meet your requirement?I am glad to say that I actually met the required amount of folate that I had to take in within one day. In fact I was able to take in twice the required amount of 400 micrograms and was able to take in 784.5 micrograms.k. What are the sources of niacin in your day’s meals?Niacin is not really that abundant in standard food. Niacin can actually be found in whole refined grains. When mills refine grain they are required by law to add folic acid, NIACIN, iron and riboflavin. So therefore eating refined grains at least once a day may add to my Niacin intake.l. What about Vitamin C? What percentage of your daily need of Vitamin C did your meals provide? Which individual foods were the main contributors? To what food groups do they belong?I was able to take in a total of 126.78% vitamin C within one day. Vitamin C or Ascorbic Acid is abundant in Citrus filled drinks and meals such as lemons, oranges and lime, all of which are in the Fruits part of the Food Pyramid. Also aside from normal food intake, it is easy to receive vitamin C by simply buying it in a local drugstore.m. How did your total energy intake compare with your energy recommendation? Is this consistent with your nutritional goals?In my food intake, I was able to take 6604 kcal worth energy, which is three times more the recommended 2339 kcal goal for a day. It is very impressive to see that I was able to take in that much energy. However, it is also true that if I am not able to expend that energy within a day, it turns to body fat which is terrible to have.n. Which of your foods are â€Å"vitamin bargains†? Those would be foods which are vitamin-dense, providing the most vitamins for the fewest c alories.Fruits and vegetables of course give me the most amounts of vitamins without having to increase my total number of calories significantly. In fact it can be noted that the best source of vitamins are vegetables because they don’t contain fructose like fruits do, but they contain a minimal amount of starch which makes up a good low calorie diet.o. Breakfast cereals are a great source of vitamins. What characteristic of these foods makes them so rich in vitamins?Breakfast cereals are made from plants specifically corn, wheat, and grains. Corn in itself is full of vitamins and wheat and grains may contain some vitamins as well. In addition, the fact that when we eat cereals it always comes with full cream or filled milk, which adds a significant amount of vitamins in a persons diet.p. What can you say about your recorded food intake and the vitamins and minerals that you obtained from the foods you ate that day?I can say that I actually exceed the requirements that are s et for a balanced diet. Although this is not such a good thing because too much of certain food groups may cause complications to my health.ReferencesDietary guidelines and the Guide to the Food Pyramid. West Virginia University, December 22, 2007, from Guidelines for Americans 2005, USDHHS, USDA, December 22,2007. fromKantor, L.S. December 22, 2007, from J. Appel, M.D., M.P.H., Benjamin Caballero, M.D., Ph.D., and Fergus M. Clydesdale, Ph.D. Dietary Guidelines for Americans. December 22, 2007, from Institute of Mental Health. (1990). Clinical training in serious mental illness (DHHS Publication No. ADM 90-1679). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
Friday, August 30, 2019
On the Subway Essay
The poem â€Å"On the Subway†by Sharon Olds is a free-verse poem about a white woman and a young black man who find themselves alone with each other on the subway, facing each other from the opposite sides of the car. As they observe each other, the woman relates her thoughts about the situation, which reflect the fear and tension of living an urban life. The fact that the young man before her is black is of particular significance to her. She reflects on the general predicament of blacks, and emphasizes the inequality between her and the young man. Most of the poem’s intended message, expressed from a socially-aware perspective, is explicitly stated; although Olds uses symbolism and figurative language, even a literal take on the poem will deliver much of her intended meaning. Virtually everyone who reads the poem will be familiar with the issues it takes up, so the poem does not inform, but reminds the reader of the woeful imbalance of power and privilege in society. It is only through the poem’s title that the reader knows the setting and contextualizes the poem’s body; even before body of the poem is read, the title is able to set the tone to some degree: the subway is a dark and lonely place, where people are squeezed together but remain cold and uninterested in each other. The woman finds herself alone on the car with a young black man with the â€Å"casual cold look of a mugger,†as she puts it. She also mentions that she wears â€Å"†¦dark fur, the / whole skin of an animal taken and / used†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (11-1), which prefigures her coming discussion of the propensity of her â€Å"kind,†which is the white race, for taking advantage and stealing the rights of others. This brings her to a consideration of the boy’s possible behavior towards her, making her contemplate the possibility that the boy would choose to take his vengeance on this member of his white oppressors. The speaker’s thoughts revolve around the imbalance of power in the car, and she contrasts it with the imbalance of power in society in general. The narrative is communicated from a socially-aware perspective. She speaks of â€Å"†¦eating the steak / he does not eat†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (19-20) of â€Å"†¦how easy this / white skin makes my life†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (27-28), where â€Å"†¦without meaning or / trying to I must profit from his darkness†(22-23). She is here speaking of the prevalent racial inequality that is still very much a part of social reality. The narrator is the more â€Å"privileged†side of this temporary dichotomy, although the distribution of privilege becomes obscure in the brief period of time that they share the small space on the car, isolated from the rest of civilization: â€Å"I didn’t know / if I am in his power†(14-15), â€Å"†¦or if he is in my power†(18). The two observe each other quietly, without interacting. In this tense situation, she observes how weak she is, and how the young man is physically superior to her. She is â€Å"†¦wearing dark fur†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (11), and she points out that â€Å"he could take my coat so easily, my / briefcase, my life†(16-17). She observes â€Å"†¦how easy this / white skin makes my life, this / life he could take so easily†¦ †(27-29). She is aware that, without the protection of society, she could easily become the oppressed, and he the oppressor. By juxtaposing her concrete physical powerlessness compared to the boy with what she believes is the general powerlessness of blacks and the weakness of the black identity in the white-dominated world, she creates a striking pseudo-paradox. The speaker contrasts her socially-constructed position of privilege with the boy’s obvious â€Å"privilege†of strength and almost absolute power over the speaker as long as they are in the car. Here the speaker highlights the irony found in the fact that, although she belongs to the more powerful â€Å"race,†she is temporarily powerless before this young member of the less powerful portion of society. There is perhaps something objectionable about the speaker’s attitude towards the young man. She speaks of his â€Å"casual cold look of a mugger†(8), and of his shirt, which is â€Å"red, like the inside of the body / exposed†(10-11), suggesting an association with violence. She immediately associates the young man with urban crime, and gives him too little credit for being a person in his own right, but instead reduces him to a stereotype, to no more than a representative of the suffering and wickedness of his race. She does not blame him or his race, however, but instead blames â€Å"†¦the murderous beams of the / nation’s heart†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (24-25). Nevertheless, her condescending â€Å"appreciation†of the boy’s predicament is probably as unwelcome as the oppression that she unintentionally â€Å"inflicts†upon him. Granted, the situation discourages any attempt of either passenger at getting insight into the other’s personality, so she cannot get any deeper appreciation of the young man. Olds uses a simple and familiar situation, which is riding on the subway, as a vehicle for her reflections on the perversities of society. It is an extremely familiar worldview that the poem’s narrator expresses, and thus there are no radical ideas. The essence of this poem is nothing that has not been said before by countless others, but the poem stands out because of the juxtaposition of the two kinds of power that she reflects upon as they observe each other. However, to fully appreciate this poem, it must be realized that the speaker is not to be trusted entirely; she does a disservice to the black race by the method of her approach to the matter. She ignores that fact that the young man is a person and instead renders him into an abstract entity. Thus, the poem provokes a two-fold criticism of the white race: their oppressiveness, and their tendency to stereotype the oppressed. The heavy realism and simplicity of the poem effectively delivers its message of condemnation for the perceived oppression of whites by blacks. This message also benefits from the poem’s free-verse form. There is also no explicit pattern and no pretensions in the delivery of the speaker’s thoughts, suggesting the narrative’s unadulterated honesty. Through the poem’s simplicity and directness, what Olds ultimately communicates is an attitude of abstract concern for a concrete individual.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Censorship in Huck Finn
Many people claim that the novel is racist due to the frequent use of racial slurs and the disrespect and mistreatment of the character Jim who is a runaway slave. Mark Twains famous novel is not a racist text because it is a historical account of the south during the 1840s, when racism was commonplace. The books purpose was to emphasize real life and mock the faults in human nature. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, a young boy named Huckleberry Finn runs away from his life and travels down the Mississippi River with his friend Jim, a runaway slave. The story follows Hucks moral growth and maturity throughout his many adventures and experiences. The major turning point of the book is when Huck realizes that Jim cares about him, and that he cares about Jim in return. As a child, Huck is taught that Jim isnt a person because of his skin color and that he does not deserve respect, but Huck discovers that Jim is a person and deserves more respect than most people Huckleberry met on his journeys. He comes to this decision because Jim cares for him and treats Huck better than his own father. Huck says â€Å"All right, then, Ill go to hell. when he decides to go against the racist teachings of his childhood and help Jim get his freedom (Twain 216-217). The book was written to show what life was like in the 1840s and successfully revealed the way people viewed each other and people of other races. In the beginning of the story, Huck treats Jim poorly because he is taught that Jim isnt a real person and he could get away with it. One of the many tricks Huckleberry plays on Jim was hiding a snake in the cave they were living in, but the snake bites Jim and Huck realizes how cruel his trick was and begins to feel sorry for how he treats Jim (Twain 55). Events like this are the reason people believe that Mark Twains book is racist, but without these examples the books purpose is muddled and the historical reliability is gone. The book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is considered a controversial text because it contains derogatory language and examples of disrespectful behavior towards people of color. Speech and actions like the ones in the book were common in the setting of the book (Knab 1). People want to ban or edit the original text of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, because of these elements, but they still allow these remarks in other literary works. Fredric Douglass used the same language in his narrative that was published in 1845, forty years before Twain published The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, but people dont challenge his work because he was a slave and his story is a historical account of a slaves life (Bowker). The two stories are based in the same time, are about the same topic, and both aim to be realistic portrayals of everyday life in the 1840s, yet one is constantly challenged while the other is allowed to be as it is. People today are concerned with being â€Å"politically correct†and â€Å"non-offensive†, but they have reached the point where they are willing to change history to protect the feelings of certain people (Kay). If these â€Å"racist†remarks and actions were removed from The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the message of the book would not be evident, its historical accuracy destroyed, and the book would just be a meaningless childrens story. Censorship is useful to an extent, it allows people to keep mature information from children, but when it is used on history it takes away from the importance of knowing about and learning from the past. The reason racism is so important to avoid now is because of the negative effects it had in the past. If people dont learn about these effects, then they can not understand the importance of equality now. When books are censored, their historical accuracy is lost and they are unable to educate people on the importance of the past to modern-day (Kay). Without learning about the good, bad, and ugly of the past, people wont be able to comprehend why the world is the way it is and how they can avoid the mistakes of the past. If the offensive content of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is removed, then people will not be able to see the severity of racism during the 1840s (Bosman). If the book is censored, then the point where Pap starts ranting about the â€Å"injustice†of a well educated black man being able to vote will not have the impact it should, representing the opinion of the average white male in the south (Twain 28). The novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is seen as a masterpiece (Mark Twains Adventures of Huckleberry Finn) and a classic (Robert OMeally) due to the original riting and arrangement. Without these elements, that people want to change, the book would not be as renowned or highly regarded. Although The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn may have some content that offends some people and they believe that it would be better to remove the offensive content, it would take away from the plot and meaning of the story. If the novel really offends someone, then they do not have to read it again or even finish reading it, but they do not have the right to change the words of someone else to suit their own ideals. The words of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn were all carefully picked by Mark Twain to carry the message of his story and editing them would be defacing his hard work. Twain often complained about his proofreaders and editors changing his work (Kurutz). The book was written by Mark Twain and if he saw the need to add these controversial elements, then we should not interfere with his decision or his historical accuracy (Kay). Then novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is not a racist text, nor is Mark Twain a racist himself. Mark Twains novel was written as a historical account of life in the 1840s and as a result, any content that could be considered offensive to some is all added to make the literary work more realistic and a more accurate portrayal of life in the setting. Without these elements, the story of Huckleberrys moral growth would not be as developed and the message of the book will not be as prominent. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn should not be censored because the way the book is written provides an accurate account of life in the 1840s and without the writing staying as it is, the whole integrity of the work will be diminished. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is considered a classic because of how it was written. Changing the text changes the whole book and since the book is so highly regarded as it is, it should remain the same. When people claim that a book is racist, they make this assumption based on the content of the book. What people need to note is when the book is set, its publication date, and the purpose of the offensive content. With The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the story takes place in the 1840s when racism was very common. It also was published in 1885 when people in the United States were struggling with racism after the Civil War. The offensive content of the book is used to portray what life was like in the 1840s and to mock the behavior of the people of that time. When the book was written, language like that used in the text was still common and not seen as offensive as it does now. Mark Twains novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is not racist, it just contains racist content, and this content makes the story what it is and develops its meaning. To take away this major element of the literary work to protect the feelings of some individuals would ruin the story and would hurt more people than it would help. To censor The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn would take away a valuable source of historical knowledge that allows us to see the importance of how our society has changed and developed. Without this knowledge, people will forget the importance of the progress humankind has made and will not be able to avoid the mistakes we have already made as a whole in the past. Because of these reasons, changing the great literary work of Mark Twain Is unnecessary because The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is not a racist text and exposure to the harsh realities in the story will help the people of today to truly understand our past as a whole and improve our future. Works Cited Page Bosman, Julie. â€Å"Publisher Tinkers with Twain. †National Post. 4 Jan 2011. Print. Bowker, Gene. â€Å"Mark Twain, racism and Huckleberry Finn. †Examiner. com. Web. 9 Feb 2013 lt;http://www. examiner. om/article/mark-twain-racism-and-huckleberry-finngt; Kay, Barbara. â€Å"We Shouldnt Censor History. †National Post. 10 Jan 2011. Print. Knab, Jakob. Racism in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. 2011. Print. Kurutz,, Steven. â€Å"A Twain Scholar Reacts to the New, Censored Version ‘Huckleberry Finn’. †National Post. 9 Jan 2011. Print. PBS. â€Å"Mark Twains Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. †Web. 9 Feb 2013 lt;http://www. pbs . org/wgbh/cultureshock/flashpoints/literature/huck. htmlgt; Twain, Mark. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. New York: Barnes and Noble, 2003. Print.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Relations between Knowledge and Reality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Relations between Knowledge and Reality - Essay Example Ideas about relationships are certainly developed and predicted on the basis of the conditions they fulfill. Thus, the relationships and their concepts are dependent of the performances they make. The author also alludes to various forms of concepts described by Locke, which include action-concepts, physical concepts and moral concepts (106-107). Locke has also established the patterns of relations, where he declares cause and effect as the most important one in this regards. He has also shown the relationship between various ideas on the basis of the concepts established. He called relation between idea and thing as the real existence. (110) Locke has presented different sorts of agreements on perception about ideas, where he aims to view knowledge as unlimited in nature and scope, though knowledge of coexistence is narrow and limited one. Hence, Locke asserts the existence of knowledge on the basis of perception of agreement or disagreement between ideas, without taking into consid eration the very difference in perceiving the same. (117) Locke, Law & Law of Nature Rogers (1999) has identified the moral and natural law described and discussed by John Locke in his philosophy. Moral law, according to Rogers, enjoys the central place in Locke’s political writings (Atherton, 1999:47), which can also be viewed in association with his opinion about scientific inventions and advancements. It is partly due to the very reality that scientific discoveries are also the outcome of the scientists’ curiosity for exploring the countless phenomena of nature with the help of observation and empirical estimation. Hence, God and the universe on the one hand, and natural law and scientific discoveries are interrelated according to Locke (48-49). The individuals’ activities also reflect natural laws, and parents’ affection for children is natural, while their hatred for children looks unnatural and astonishing act. Consequently, natural law lays stress upon morality for the individuals (51), and reiterates upon applying best of faculties and skills while performing an act or obligation. Locke has also sought inspiration from the Newton’s law of gravity that every object of nature acts according to the commands of natural law, and deviation from the same could invite disorder and chaos in its wake. It is therefore Locke, in his Essay, looks for seeking knowledge about the laws of universe in order to explore the realities existing all around humans. (53-54) Rogers also cites Locke’s examples regarding the affects of various objects on others, where the reaction of different objects is almost same, as hemlock takes the life of the person consuming the same. Locke has also explored relation between the law of nature and the laws of nature, where law of nature identifies the existence of God, His laws and the entities to obey the same, and laws of nature repeat their course in order to implement the law of nature. Moral Weakness by Spinoza Harris (1973) has elucidated Spinoza’s doctrine of moral weakness by making its comparison with the goodness theory articulated by renowned Greek philosopher Plato.Â
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Eugene Delaroix Libety Leading the People Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Eugene Delaroix Libety Leading the People - Essay Example Initially, the literature of romanticism referred to the romances characteristics, whose profligacy carried pejorative connotation in some way. The term however came to assign another type of exotic landscape in the 18th century that evoked the melancholy pleasant feelings. Throughout the early 19th century, romanticism remained an intellectual and artistic movement that is characterized by individual focus on the freedom from political restraints and social conventions, on the nature and human imagination in a typically idealized form. However, most of the romantic authors had special interest in particular culture within the middle ages (Christensen 141). This paper therefore seeks to discuss the characteristics of romanticism and the liberty leading the people. Romanticism is particularly concerned with much of emotion than mere rationality. It put a lot of value on individuals more than it does to the society in general, and values nature over the city. Romanticism questions rule s, social protocol and conventions. It figures out humanity as living in nature in form of a morally superior and a civilized humanity. The literature of romanticism conceives children by nature as those corrupted by their nature of surroundings. It focuses on the expression of individual and personal emotions. Romanticism was not only evident in the literature in the 19th centuries, but also exhibited in music, art and architecture. The American Romanticism was influenced by the frontier promises of growth, expansion, and freedom. However, this spirit of optimism was not in Europe. Imagination led to emergence of the new perspectives and culture (Richardson 14). Generally, romanticism has the following characteristics: Static characters with no development The setting and the characters are set apart from the general society Mysterious, incomprehensible, and irrational universe Causality gap A formal language Silences within the text showing universals instead of truths Justice for the good A plot that demonstrates honor and integrity, romantic love, and self idealism Supernatural visions The primary aim of romanticism included things like: belief in the humanity goodness and return to nature; the exaltation of emotions and the senses over intellect and reason; the nationalistic pride development; and the discovery of artists like a supreme creator of individual. Nevertheless, romanticism was particularly a revolt of philosophy against rationalism (Richardson 21). Liberty Leading the People is a romantic painting. The painting was influenced by political and social events as well as historical conditions. This makes painting a reaction of the transformation and changes of the society. The liberty leading painting was painted by Eugene Delacroix in 1830. During this century, physical materialism, Neo-Classical, industrialism and quest of knowledge was brought about during this period. Delacroix utilized romanticism in his art. This is due to its reflection of the current style of art. Romanticism combines violence, terror, and heroism, this makes war it’s an ideal vehicle. This is clearly depicted in the Liberty Leading the People in its depiction of the revolution of July 1830. Just like any other romantic art, Liberty Leading the People contains a sublime quality because it communicates intensity, grandeur feelings and greatness. Romantic paintings of
Monday, August 26, 2019
Critical Thinking Questions - Week 4 (675) Assignment
Critical Thinking Questions - Week 4 (675) - Assignment Example Alterations in the material that a particular student learns may differ with that of another learner in a different content area. Every learner is unique. They vary in numerous ways such as physical traits, cognitive aptitudes, experiences, social settings, backgrounds and personalities. Teaching experience and contemporary research postulates that every brain has a distinct state and experiences impact from previous experiences. With such knowledge, success-oriented teachers understand that students cannot go through the same education plan. Research and experience ensues to present insights regarding the human brain. Every learner is unique and has exclusive opportunities. It is, thus, reasonable that every learner learns differently and has different preferences, wants, interests and likes. This addresses the need for differentiated instruction in learning institutions (Tomlinson, 2001). It is pertinent to consider a learner’s background when examining and designing a lesso n framework. The cultural orientation of learners differ with the nature of learning that the culture values and the way the culture understands the learning concept. When structuring the lesson, it is paramount to determine how different students’ backgrounds may implicate on dynamics and learning in the classroom. It is also important for instructors to overlook the possible assessment when designing a lesson structure (Gregory & Chapman, 2013). Determining the method of assessment is essential to knowing the method that would elicit positive feedback in terms of excellence in the classroom. Determining the learner’s background in lesson framework design ensures that the instructor designs a framework that that benefits all students at every level. The best lesson framework is that which aids in the collection of accurate data regarding every student in the classroom, which meets the learning needs of all the learners. The teacher should concentrate on areas where th eir students are not performing as anticipated. Instructors should further emphasize on driving positive improvement in such weak areas to meet the learning needs of each and every learner in the classroom (Gregory, 2008). Through differentiated instruction, the student can perform exemplarily because with the assessment intelligence, the instructor is able to monitor their performance and assess their achievement. Instructors can differentiate product, content and process for learners. Content differentiation refers to an alteration in the material that the student learns. For instance, if the classroom goal is for students to draft persuasive essays, some are learning how to write topic sentences and support sentences, while the others learn how to utilize outside sources and defend their views. Process differentiation inculcates the differentiation of how the learner accesses the learning material. One learner in the classroom may explore a learning centre as the other gathers in formation from the internet. Product differentiation concerns the modification of how the learner depicts what they have learned (Tomlinson, 2001). For instance, in demonstrating a comprehension of a narrative\s plot, one learner may compile a play when the other drafts an account of an event. Teachers should choose differentiation approaches rooted in the proper prospectus and learners’
Sunday, August 25, 2019
American fast food in China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
American fast food in China - Essay Example However, McDonald's is the easily recognizable Fast-food brand in China. KFC has got the largest chains of fast-food restaurants in China with approximately 4000 fast-food restaurants. These restaurants are both domestic and foreign brands. The founder of this fried chicken chain of restaurant, Colonel Sanders, is one of the most recognized American faces among the Chinese. There have been emerging scandals that have been aired in relation to the excessive levels of antibiotics that have been used by American fast-food restaurants in China. Brands like KFC and McDonalds have been held responsible for claims that they have led to an epidemic of obesity in China. This weight gain can also be linked to the Chinese breakneck development. Other developing nations are rapidly undergoing an economic transition but China seems to be dragging behind as a result of a large majority of people gaining weight thus cannot manage to work properly to build the nation.The number of obese people in Ch ina grew from 18 million to 100 million in 2005 and 2009, whereas its national GDP doubled at that same period. However, it is quite surprising that even though China is known to have a population that eats a lot, the situation tends to be worse because China is considered to have another problem of having a malnourished nation. Other nations that experience the same are Vietnam and India. Diseases that are caused by consumption of excess sugar and fat have become popular in China. These diseases include high blood pressure, heart diseases, and Type 2 diabetes. An estimate of 9.7 per cent of Chinese country have diabetes especially, Type 2. This data is close to the findings of America which are 11 per cent of the total population. These findings were from a study conducted by New England Journal of Medicine. There are various reasons which have made the contribution towards the realization of massive profits by American fast food restaurants in China. This paper concentrates on the reasons as to why these changes have occurred and why they happen as they do. A lot of research has been done in an effort to investigate this phenomenon and Smith (2006) notes that localization of meals is what has contributed to the attraction of native customers in the foreign country. Localization of mea
Study case 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Study case 1 - Essay Example It is regarded as morally wrong unless that person is your wife. The man declined to remove his pants for the X-ray due to his protestant stand which does not allow females to see their private parts and this also the main reason as to why he refused to cover himself with a towel. Most of them would even prefer to die than to be treated by a female doctor which does not make sense at all. Just because, this female doctor is going to see your private parts does not mean she is going to do anything with them, all she is interested in is treating you and therefore fulfilling her duty at work (Nam, 11). Most of our cultures misguide us by the things they make us believe, and they may destroy us rather than build us. Religion is supposed to build and unite us but not to tear us apart (Nam, 11). Therefore, everybody is supposed to respect each other, and that includes their religion too. We all believe in something even if not God. We believe He exists though nobody can really prove that he does, we all therefore want the religion we believe in to be superior to the others. However, personal views on religion should be banned in all healthcare facilities and clinics as they helps in promoting unity. If personal views are brought up in the health facilities, it may bring up religious conflicts which bring a poor working environment. This is the main reason as to why one has to compromise his or her religious views for the sake of healthcare. It is very unfair for one to think of banning the religious garb or the jewelry to the healthcare yet they do not know what these things mean to these people. It is their belief that is being disrespected and therefore mocking their belief (Nam, 10). What they do not ask themselves is how they would feel if they were in their position or what they would do if the same was being done to them. But no, of course they did not ask
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Reflective Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Reflective - Essay Example Much of this confidence came from the level of cooperation that I had with the unit manager, under whom I was working. Taking permission to start such a project was not that difficult specially that the unit manger is very supportive and the ER consultants are very enthusiastic to do so. The very first of the processes for working on the project was to get a proposal ready. So on the 13th of December, 2012, I submitted my proposal to the manager about education for public about Triage process. Though I thought this was going to be a very useful area to research, the manager disagreed with it because one of the emergency consultants started that project and was almost done. I felt disappointed because I had to start searching for another topic and time get shorter. I went to my manager again and we had a discussion to find another topic. Using his experience at the workplace over the last seven years, the manager showed clearly that there were different goals that he had, which were m ore suitable to our working conditions than I had given. I was made to evaluate some of these goals and out of it, landed on one of them, which would later become the research topic. The research problem was based on a problem identified in the immediate environment of the hospital. It was observed from the emergency department that the number of pediatric attending A/E room is high so we decided to see why and then we started the project of education. Once I got the approval from the manager I was relaxed and I started to do my project. I started the actual action towards the project two days after I had received the final approval on the topic from my supervisor and this was on the 20th of December, 2012. The very first action taken by me was to start looking for secondary sources of information to prepare my research questions and themes for the literature review. First I started with the pamphlet which has information about fever management for children at home before attending accident emergency. After all necessary information was collected I went to the marketing department for an approval to start undertaking the education section for the patients. But yet again, I will receive a shock to the success and smooth progress of the project as I was informed when I went to marketing department and find out that I still needed approval from the pediatric consultant who was not available in the hospital by that time. This made me highly uneasy and upset because I started feeling bad about the success of the project again because I felt the time was delaying. It is for this reason that I say that actions depend on situations because whenever things went right, my actions were positive and joyful. On 25th of December, 2012 when I was informed that the paediatric consultant had travelled, I became very disturbed and thought that some people wanted to sabotage the progress of my project. But after the consultant returned in two weeks, I found that the situation wa s nothing like what I thought about her or the people in the department. After 2 weeks she came back and we discussed the project together and she welcomed the idea and supported me to do so. Once I got the approval I started the data collection over a period of 2 weeks. I some faced problems at first with data collection because most of the parent when they bring their children to the
Friday, August 23, 2019
Italian Renaissance Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Italian Renaissance Art - Essay Example Neo-Platonism seeks the existence or relation of the ideal or The One in the human life. This is what renaissance artists such as Botticelli, Leonardo, Raphael and Michelangelo are trying to depict through allegories in their art. Botticelli, to start with, was one of the early artists to reflect neo-Platonism in his works. He used symbols and figures from pre-Christian beliefs to convey neo-Platonist ideas. Take one of his paintings for example, the Primavera which translates as spring. This painting includes nine figures from Classical mythology. On the center is Venus coupled with Cupid. On their right are Zephyr, Chloris and Flora and on the left are Mercury and the three graces. The figures on the right represent the coming of spring, nature and its beauty. In contrast to that are the figures on the left which represent reason and the pleasures of human life. These are two different points which harmonizes on the center figure. Being a prime mover of neo-Platonism in art, Botticelli’s techniques are yet to be developed. The symbols he portrayed are literal and, for the educated and elite, too obvious. But even at this point he has already defined the essentials for neo-Platonism, the fusion nature and grace. Then came Leonardo da Vinci and Raphael. They both relate ideas in their own way. Leonardo focused on structure and Raphael on evoking emotions. Leonardo is known on our time as an inventor and a scientist, and these qualities can be seen through his art. He was a master of proportions, shading, depth and ways of making his work look â€Å"real†. Even outside of the standard of beauty as long as his work looks alive, for him, achieves the harmony of neo-Platonism. Raphael took it further by involving and evoking emotions through his paintings. He was also interested with philosophy which shows that he is an artist as a scholar. This is seen on School of Athens which shows Plato and Aristotle along with other philosophers. On this painting, Plato is seen pointing heavenward explaining the facts of the universe while Aristotle points downward stating the society and the views of the world. Both of them are supervised by the statues of Apollo and Minerva, ensuring truth and wisdom respectively. Towards the end of the renaissance there came the meeting point of pagan beliefs and the Christian cultures. This was when Michelangelo lived and experienced neo-Platonism as a whole. Not as visual parts nor as philosophical representations but as its entirety. But this also meant the end for neo-Platonism for Michelangelo accepted spirituality towards the end. His representations and the transition can be seen on the paintings on the Sistine chapel. On the earlier paintings like The Creation of Adam, his interest on the beauty and elegance is apparent. His poetry also reflects his belief in the divine origin of beauty. But through time and the influence of the Roman Catholic Church, Michelangelo lost his interest in physical beauty and no longer believed in its representation of spiritual excellence. Later painting shows more Christian representation loosing detail and grace. He eventually fully lost his interest and decided to no longer paint becoming guilty of his love for physical beauty. In a way this was the end of neo-Platonism for Italian renaissance art. 2. The common denominator among Della Francesca, Alberti and Mantegna are their contribution to the perspective aspect of renaissance paintings. Each has professions other than being artist and this variety of expertise made the development possible. Della Francesca, aside from being an artist, was a mathematician. He studied and wrote books which involved arithmetic, algebra and geometry. One of his books is the On Perspective for Painting. He also made innovations on solid or three-dimensional
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Group Signature Essay Example for Free
Group Signature Essay Group signature schemes allow a member of group to sign a message on behalf of the group anonymously and in unlinkable passion. However, a designated group manager can easily identify the signer. The signer of a valid group signature is needed to be a member of the group. These features are important in some specialized applications. This scheme is to be used in electronic business transaction. The scheme needed to satisfy six properties to be secured. These are unforgeability, anonymity, unlinkability, no framing, traceability and coalition-resistant. Mathematicians and computer scientist continues their studies to improve their proposed schemes. It is to satisfy the six properties with no doubt. Key words: group signature, unforgeability, unlinkability, no framing, traceability, coalition-resistant Group Signature Introduction The process, in which certain anonymity is needed to perform a task in spite of a collection of people or groups, is the based the concept of group signatures is born. Chaum and van Heyst first introduced this. The concept of group signature provides a member of group to sign certain messages anonymously and unlinkably on behalf of the whole group. On the other hand, a designated group manager has power to unveil the identity of the signer in cases of dispute. A group signature is verified through a series of algorithm to ensure that the signer is a member of that certain group. However, the group’s structure is still concealed and the signer can only be identified if the necessity occurs. With this features, the group signature scheme have potential application. Such applications are needed in electronic transaction that needed to be signed. The anonymity of the signer is essential to prevent others to see organizational structure of the signatory group. A group signature is needed to be secured to preserve the unlinkability and anonymity. A group signature scheme must satisfy the six properties. One is unforgeability. This is the property which ensures that only members of the group can sign on behalf of the group. This feature is necessary to make sure that invalid members or revoked members cannot sign on behalf of the group. This provides a way on which if there is dispute in a valid group signature, the group manager can easily find out who the signer is or it can be concluded that it is a member of the group when the message is signed. Number two is anonymity. This feature assures the members of the group that the identification of the signer will be hard except to the group manger. This is one of the main features of group signature. It conceals the identity of the signer. Consequently, it conceals the organizational structure of the group. The third one is unlinkability. This is feature which tells that determining whether two valid signatures were generated by a common member will be hard. This feature is necessary to go with anonymity of the signer. Since if you can identify two valid signatures coming from single member then it will easy to identify the signer. Number four is no framing. This is ensures that no member or the group manager can sign on behalf of other members. This is necessary to protect any member from a wrong identification when a dispute occurs. The fifth one is traceability. The traceability means that a group manager will be able to open a valid signature and determine the identity of member who signed it. It means that in a dispute, the group manager can easily identify the signer. Additionally, this property does not the possibility of not identifying the signer. The last one is coalition-resistant. This means a subset of members of the group or even the whole group cannot generate a valid signature on which the group manger cannot link on one of the members of the subset group. This ensures that a certain valid group signature can always be associated with a single member of the group not with subset of the group. There are many studies which ensure that the six properties are satisfied. There are many proposals of which contains algorithm that is claimed to satisfy the six properties. There are some summaries of articles of proposals and advancement in group signature. The reader would find these summaries of articles to contain dispute of other schemes. Security Remarks on a Group Signature Scheme with Member Deletion The Kim-Lim-Lee group signature scheme is scheme which claims to have a member deletion function, security and unlinkability. These claims are put into consideration because it is found to be unsecured and linkable. This will present some remarks which will prove the unsecurity and linkability of the Kim-Lim-Lee group signature scheme (Wang et al. , n. d. ). This scheme consists of different stages. These are system set up, join, delete, sign verify and open phases (Wang et al. , n. d. ). The system set-up is done by the membership manager in which he sets parameters and compute for secret and public keys. At the same time, the revocation manager selects his secret key and then computes and publishes his own public key (Wang et al. , n. d. ). At the join stage, the user who wants to join the group need undergo an interactive protocol on which he is assigned to a generated membership key and given the public key. Additionally, current members of the group update their membership key (Wang et al. , n. d. ). The deletion stage happens when a member is voluntary or involuntary leaving the group. The membership manger performs a series of algorithm and updates the group’s public key. He then computes fro the renewal public key. Here, the membership manager publishes the two new public keys. Then, every valid members of the group updates his secret property key (Wang et al. , n. d. ). In the sign stage, a member needed to sign some message. The member submits his membership key and his secret to generate the group signature (Wang et al. , n. d. ). The group signature generated in the sign stage is then subjected to verification. The verifier then uses a series of computation to verify the signature. The verification will yield a result which indicates if a valid member of the group signed it or not (Wang et al. , n. d. ). In the case of dispute, the open protocol is done. The open protocol is done to trace the identity of the signer. Only the group manager can do this (Wang et al. , n. d. ). The process of which the Kim-Lim-Lee group signature scheme under is found to be unsecured. This is due to proven accounts its security parameters is lacking in some cases. It is proven the two parameters used in the scheme are not sufficient to ensure absolute security (Wang et al. , n. d. ). The unlinkability claim of this scheme is also taken to account. The unlikability claim was proven wrong. The group signature scheme of Kim, Lim and Lee is prove to be linkable. It is proven that it easy to associate a given group signature to member of a group. This is due to invariance in the group signatures within time and even in all time periods. It means two signatures can be traced back to signer simple computational analysis (Wang et al. , n. d. ). A member deletion stage is then scrutinized by disproving the claim of which a deleted member cannot generate a valid group signature. The problem with this is identified in the process of the updating the members secret key. It is said a deleted member can simply update his secret along with other valid members since he can compute for a member secret in a given time. At the same time, a new member can get a version of his secret membership in the past time when is not yet a member (Wang et al. , n. d. ). Thus, the security of the Kim-Lim-Lee group signature scheme is proven to unreliable and unsecured. It is needed to revised and improved to satisfy the needs for a good group signature scheme (Wang et al. , n. d. ). An Efficient ID-Based Group Signature Scheme The ID-based signature scheme is proposed to be more efficient than other predecessors. The scheme is based on the process of the ID-based electronic signature. The identity-based signature uses publicly known identifier such as IP address, e-mail address and other identifiers. It is use to compute for public key component of the pair use for digital signatures, encryptions, and key agreement. The private key is computed by a trusted authority. This scheme is aimed to have better efficiency and to cope with large number of members in a group (Popescu, 2000, 29-35). The identity based signature scheme is done in several phases. The set-up process is done by the trusted authority which leads to the extract phase in which the user provide the ID. The ID becomes the public key and the trusted authority returns a private key which is needed to make for the signing protocol (Popescu, 2000, 29-35). The verification of an identity based signature is done by inputting the message with the signature, the parameters and a public key ID. The verify stage outputs the validity of the signature (Popescu, 2000, 29-35). There is another type of ID-based signature which is from the pairings on elliptical curves. This scheme is done to improve the efficiency of the ID-based signature processes. It is basically similar with the conventional one. However, the computations are different and more appropriate for large number of users (Popescu, 2000, 29-35). The scheme use in ID-based signature is put into the context of group signatures. The set-up procedures are similar with the ID-base signature but the group public key and the secret key is computed differently. Compared to other group signature schemes the set-up stage is done more efficiently (Popescu, 2000, 29-35). In the join stage, the user sends the ID to the group manager and the group manager computes for the membership certificate and secretly sends it to the new member in a secure private channel. This process is more efficient since the stages were reduced. However, the security is still intact because of the process in the set-up stage that lessens the work at other stages (Popescu, 2000, 29-35). The signing stage makes use of the public and private key pair which was generated by the user himself. The pair key is use to compute and generate the group signature. It is combined with a random number for it to be anonymous and unlinkable (Popescu, 2000, 29-35). The verify stage is split in the two parts. The first part is that it verifies if the signer is definitely a member of the group. If the signature generated by the group is valid and it is signed by a member of the group, the second stage commences. It is to verify that a member signed the group signature and not the group manager (Popescu, 2000, 29-35). The open stage is done when there is time that the signer needed to be identified. Like other schemes, the group manager can only do this. This process is very easy for the group manager since the manager knows the identity of the user who is associated with the group signature. This is because in the join stage the bind between the user and the manager was forged (Popescu, 2000, 29-35). The ID-based group signature scheme keeps the security properties of a good group signature in tact. The identity based signature guarantees some the properties and the added processes in the group signature scheme made other necessary security measures (Popescu, 2000, 29-35). The ID-based group signature from elliptic curves was derived from the identity based signature scheme. This scheme can handle a large number of members in a group without compromising the security and the efficiency of the process involved. However, the disadvantage is that the efficiency of the group signature is based on the efficiency of the identity based signature scheme it uses (Popescu, 2000, 29-35). Practical and Provably Secure Coalition-Resistant Group Signature Scheme Group signature concept is dual to the identity escrow which this scheme uses to create a coalition-resistant group signature scheme. The identity escrow can replace the membership certificate which other group signature uses. The use of identity escrow in group signatures can be regarded as group-identification scheme with revocable anonymity. This is scheme is just the second coalition-resistant group signature scheme which is an improve version of the first (Ateniese et al. , 2000, 255-270). This group signature scheme differs to other scheme in the efficiency of the join process. The user needs not to send his secret to the group manager not like other conventional schemes. The feature of which the user sends secrets to the group manager is found to be susceptible to attacks. This scheme eliminates such possibility and is proven to be coalition resistant even against adaptive adversaries (Ateniese et al. , 2000, 255-270). The model use by this scheme is somewhat similar to conventional group signature schemes. The group signature scheme undergoes several phases. These phases are the setup, join, sign, verify and in some cases open. Like the other group signature schemes every phase has algorithm need to be follow to ensure the properties to be intact (Ateniese et al. , 2000, 255-270). They only differ in the sign process as this scheme provides an interactive process between the signer and the verifier. The process is derived by replacing the call of the user to the hash function to the call to the verifier. The interactive protocol between the user and the verifier gives way to a more secure group signature (Ateniese et al. , 2000, 255-270). This scheme was proposed to have two major advantages over other conventional group signature schemes. One is the join process is more efficient than other scheme. This is since the new member just needed to provide proofs of knowledge of discrete logarithms in contrast with other schemes which requires new members to prove that a number is a product of two primes. The other advantage is that join process is more secure since it does not require the new member to send his membership secrets which is required in other schemes. Additionally, the property of being coalition resistant against adaptive is in fact an extra advantage (Ateniese et al. , 2000, 255-270). Generally, this scheme surpasses all other schemes created before it in terms of performance and security and it is proven to be coalition-resistant. It is because of the feature like spliting the group manager in two, a membership manager and a revocation manager (Ateniese et al. , 2000, 255-270). Group Signature Scheme with Revocation A number of group signature schemes had been proposed. However, these schemes don’t consider a growing membership or shrinking membership as well. In the real world, a member of a group can join, voluntary or be expelled from the group in any time. This done by other proposed schemes by not issuing changes to public keys and re-issuing group memberships. Thus, Popescu, Noje, Bede and Mang from the University of Oradea proposed a group signature scheme with revocation (Popescu et al. , 2003). There are other several group signature schemes that were proposed. However, these other proposed schemes lacked in efficiency and other others in security. There is a scheme which was proved to be efficient and secured but it requires time periods which any and all verifiers must know, thus requires more time in the verification stage (Popescu et al. , 2003). They proposed a group signature scheme in which every step or phase is different from other group signature schemes. It consists of different computational procedures (Popescu et al. , 2003). In the setup procedure, the group manager needs to undergo several steps which will yield the public key P, the secret key S and a group membership certificate consisting of two integers X and ? satisfying a certain equation which relates the two integers (Popescu et al. , 2003). In the join stage, a user wants to join a group. The scheme requires a secure and private communication between the group manager and the user to protect the anonymity of the user. The user chooses an element from a set formed by the parameters set by the group manager. From the chosen element the user will compute and send an ID which he needs to prove before he chooses a random number from a designated set. The group and the user computes and send computation results to each other until the user received his membership certificate. After this process, only the user knows his membership certificate and that the group manager only registers the ID of the user in the data base which was obtained in the first computation (Popescu et al. , 2003). The user is then allowed to sign to represent the whole group. At the signing process, the user can create a group signature inside a message by computation. The computation starts with the computation with his membership certificate. The user is the only one who knows his membership certificate so he remains anonymous to others. The group signature is then sent to the verifier for verification (Popescu et al. , 2003). In the verification phase, the resulting signature inside a message is verified through a series of computations in which the check the proof of equality between the double discrete logarithm of F (a part of the signature) and the discrete logarithm of D’s representation base on the element of the set that the group manager defined in the setup process. If it is equal the verifier concludes that the user who signed the group signature is a member of the group (Popescu et al. , 2003). When the time comes when it is needed to know who signs the message containing the group signature. He can do this by checking the correctness of the group signature. If it is incorrect, the group managers abort the process. Other wise, the group manager recovers a certain ID in the database and prove that the ID is relative to the D (a part of the group signature) (Popescu et al. , 2003). When a member of the leaves the group the group performs a series of algorithm which will result to the publication of the revocation status of a user in the Certificate Revocation List which was assumed to be available at all times in a well-known public servers. The CRL is also assumed to be signed by the issuer, the group manager or other trusted party (Popescu et al. , 2003). In this scheme, there are strong considerations in the security as provided different calculations that ensure the impossibility of some scenarios that compromises the anonymity of the members of the group. Furthermore, the cost of the revoke process is linear to the number of revoked members. Additionally, this scheme provides fixed signature size and constant work of the signers which makes it more practical than other group signature schemes. However, the opening process of this scheme can result to hundred of exponentiations per signature due to the proofs involving double discrete logarithms (Popescu et al. , 2003). Quasi-Efficient Revocation of Group Signatures This scheme is specified to address the inefficient and unsecured revocation methods use by other group signature scheme. The security of a group signature is not met if it uses an inefficient way of revocation. Additionally, the quasi-efficient revocation methods provide a practical public keys and signatures (Ateniese et al, n. d. ). The importance of a good revocation method is seen in groups with shrinking number of members. The security of the group is compromised if the revocation process is not well established since a revoked member can still sign in spite of the group (Ateniese et al, n. d. ). There are a number of group signature scheme which provides good revocation methods but they need to use synchronized clocks and the signature size is relative to the number of revoked members. The use of loosely synchronized clocks in revocation of membership needs to notify all existing members about the revocation. It modifies the membership certificate of all members and consequently, affects the size of group signature generated (Ateniese et al, n. d. ). This revocation method is made in line with the ACJT signature scheme. The revocation methods can only be done by revising the backward unlinkability to unconditional unlinkability. However, the easiest way of revocation is reissuing of the membership certificates and regenerating the public key. This costs a lot of work to the group manager and the members since they have to repeat parts of the join process. Additionally, the verifiers need to be informed of the changes. However, there is a way to eliminate this inconvenience by generating public keys and membership certificates automatically. This is will eliminate the interactive process between the manager and the members. On the other hand, it has impracticality in the process since it requires issuance of new certificates to existing members (Ateniese et al, n. d. ). The efficient way to overcome this problem is to avoid issuing new membership certificates in the event of revocation of a member. This is done in some scheme in which they use a Certificate Revocation List (CRL). However, the scheme’s group signature presented contains an encrypted version of the CRL. It is necessary to prevent the linking of the group signatures. However, the problem is resolved here by including the latest CRL to the group public key in which the unlinkability is preserved (Ateniese et al, n. d. ). The efficiency of this scheme is measured by the size of the signature, the signer cost, verifier cost, CRL size, and the CRL issuance cause. This scheme had passed all requirements since it minimizes the size of the signature as it fixed, the cost of the signer is constant, the verifier costs is also constant, the CRL size is inevitably rising but it is minimize and the CRL issuance cost is also unavoidable, however it is the least significant (Ateniese et al, n. d. ). The revocation method with the ACJT group signature scheme had been proven to be efficient and secured. This more practical than other group signature due to its features that fixes the size of the signature and requires constant work by signers. However, the ACJT group signature scheme requires the use of proofs-of-knowledge involving a double discrete logarithm (Ateniese et al, n. d. ). Conclusion These articles had proposed changes to other group signature schemes and some presented their own schemes. Generally, these articles aim to the advancement of the concept of group signature in relation to efficiency. The articles above had proposed methods of how to satisfy six properties needed fro a secure group signature scheme. These schemes are still subjected to further research to optimize its efficiency without compromising its security. References Ateniese, G. , Camenisch, J. , Joye, M. , and Tsudik, G. (2000). A practical and provably secure coalition-resistant group signature scheme. Advances in cryptography, CRYPTO, 1880, 255-270. Ateniese, G. , Song, D. , and Tsudik, G. (n. d. ). Quasi-efficient revocation of group signatures. The Johns Hopkins University University of California. Popescu, C. (2002). An efficient ID-based group signature scheme. StudiaUniv. Babes-Bolyai, Informatica, 47, 29-35. Popescu,C. , Noje,D. , Bede, B. and Mang, Ioan. (2003). A group signature scheme with revocation. University of Oradea. (Popescu et al. , 2003) Wang, G. , Bao, F. , Zhou, J. , and Deng, R. H. (n. d. ). Security remarks on a group signature scheme with member deletion. Infocomm Security Department, Institute for Infocomm Research.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Gods Word in Schools Essay Example for Free
Gods Word in Schools Essay Currently our country is in moral decay because we are not raising our children under the authority of Gods Word. For example, some parents feel as though their children should not have to do chores around the house. It is our responsibility as parents to educate our children on what Gods Word says about all of lifes issues, including chores. In Jane Smileys, The Case Against Chores she attacks parents that have their kids do chores saying that it alienates children from the family, but it my family it brings us together because we all pitch in to get the job done. In 1 Samuel 16:11 it says when Samuel came to anoint David, he was in the field tending the sheep. He was doing his chores! This passage clearly indicates that God wants kids to do chores. Whether or not our kids do chores is not the biggest issue though. In the 1960s the U. S. Supreme Court decided to take prayer out of our schools. From that point on our country has seen a vast moral decay resulting in things such as AIDS and the murder of millions of innocent babies. Are we to blame the government for this? How about the school system? We need to look at ourselves as parents. Since our school systems are not going to allow the Word to be taught we parents must take up the sword and teach our children what God has to say about lifes major issues. Traditional family values are quickly becoming a thing of the past. In her article Ms. Smiley states, And dont the parents love their children anyway, whether the children vacuum or not? This is insinuating that the only reason parent’s love their kids, is because of the work they do. To that I say its because we love our kids we assign them chores. This helps them learn responsibility. The Bible says, Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6). Its not just about teaching our children what the Word says, but we must show them in our relationship with them. Ms. Smiley says in her article when she was taking care of her horse she saw the purpose of her labor. If we educate our children about Gods Word they will see the purpose in everything they do. Colossians 3:23 says, And whatever you do work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. When Gods Word is in our heart our entire life takes on new meaning. Ms. Smiley says in her article when she was a girl she had a problem with a teacher because she (Ms. Smiley) always did what she wanted to do. She had no responsibility. She would leave for school with her room a mess and return home and it would be cleaned up for her. Its clear that Gods Word had not been taught to Ms. Smiley. The Bible says in Romans 13:1 that we are to submit ourselves to authority. Proverbs 15:33 tells us the fear of the LORD teaches a man wisdom. Had Ms. Smiley been taught the Word there would not have been a problem. In the case of Ms. Smiley we can see where our culture is going astray. We have gotten away from God in the home and in the schools and we now have one generation passing down their values (or lack thereof) to another. In order to restore our country to what our founding fathers intended it to be we must start in the homes. We can do this by giving our kids chores, disciplining them when needed, telling them what they need to hear as opposed to what they want to hear, spending time with them, showing them love, and most importantly teaching them about our Heavenly Father. In doing so we can bring up a nation of young leaders who can restore this great land to what it once was, one nation under God with liberty and justice for all.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
An Overview Of A Constructions Productivity Construction Essay
An Overview Of A Constructions Productivity Construction Essay Recently, construction productivity is on a long-term slide and it is recognized as industry challenge. System, people, materials, information and energy must flow effectively and efficiently to produce its objective at high productivity to complete construction at lowest possible cost with possible shortest timeframe (Picard, 2005). Productivity is critically important in construction industry. Many researchers have expressed their concern over productivity in construction industry. Defining productivity is not a simple task to everybody. Different people will give different definition and understanding. Most of them agreed that marketable output was essentially the main measure used. Increased productivity was a leading concern to all Committee stakeholders such as users, contractors, and construction labor unions and led by the owner. The construction users emphasized the need of collecting data directly relevant to productivity improvement. The Committee was concluded that the front-line construction foreman/supervisor would be a reliable source of information. These informants would be asked to provide their judgment of the greatest impediments to a productive construction project (Tucker, 2003). Definition of productivity Within these several decades, many researchers have defined the productivity term in their studies in a number of ways. The term productivity has different meanings to different people. Many individuals automatically think only of labor unions when the term productivity is mentioned. Others associate capital expenditures with the term. Each of these interpretations is only partly correct (Adrian, 1993). Many researchers have attempted to define precisely the meaning of productivity and below are some of it that referred from their studies: Oglesby et al. (1989), presented that productivity can be defined as in-place value divided by inputs . Some researchers have defined it as works-hours divided by the equivalent quantity of work. In construction, productivity normally can be understood as work quantity divided by man-hours (or work-hours) consumed to accomplish the work. Productivity = Work Quantity Man-hours According to Dolman, Parham, Zheng, (2007), productivity is a measure in order to know how much output is produced per unit of input. Diewert Lawrence, (2006) presented that productivity can be defined as the level of economic output per unit of input and also per worker. Productivity is important to the wealth and well-being of a nation and give efforts to improve productivity occur at all levels of society. According to Hwang and Liu, (2005), productivity is an effective index that can indicate output of construction work quantity versus the input of resources. Productivity of a crew is directly impacts the cost and time needed to complete a task. By analyzing and forecasting productivity, project manager can be more effective to control and predict project time and cost throughout execution up to completion. Thomas and Mathew, (1986) presented that no standardized productivity definition had been established in the construction industry. It is difficult to define a standard productivity measure because companies use their own systems which are not standardized. Association simply illustrates the productivity between an output and an input. The form has been widely used and existing in literature over the years in construction industry is; Productivity = Input/Output Prokopenko, (1987), defined the productivity as effective and efficient utilization of all resources, labor, plant and materials. According to Jugdev, et al.,(2001), productivity is a ratio between inputs and outputs. In calculating the productivity, it is important to specify the inputs and outputs that to be measured because there are many inputs such as labors, materials, equipments, tools, capital and design in construction system. Uusi-Rauva and Hannula, (1996), presented that productivity can be defined as internal efficiency of the organization or other object to be measured. A more precise definition of productivity is the following: output divide by the input that is used to generate output. Output is consists of products or services and input is consists of materials, labor, capital, energy, etc. Productivity is not only affected by the quantities of inputs and outputs but also the qualities of inputs and outputs. According to Halligan, et al., (1994), there are many ways to define productivity. In construction, it is usually taken to mean labor productivity which is units of work placed or produced per man-hour. Teicholz, (2004), stated that productivity in construction industry was measured by constant contract dollars of new construction work per hourly work hour The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS, 2009) of the U.S. Department of Labor was defines productivity into two type which are labor productivity and multifactor productivity. Labor productivity can be measures as output per hour of labor and it is used in over 40 industries including construction. Productivity can be calculated by dividing the quantity of work completed (Quantity) by number of labor hours used to complete the work (Man Hours). A productivity value represents performance of an operation with respect to time and cost, where activity duration and activity cost is directly affected by productivity. Duration (Hours) = Quantity of Works (Quantity / Man Hours) = Quantity of Works Productivity The formula above indicates how critical the reliability of the productivity factors in estimation time. Measurement of productivity There is controversy surrounding productivity that rooted in the differences in data collection. It is due to incorrect in assuming productivity measured uniformly and that all published productivity values have the same basis (Whiteside, 2006) Overall conception of productivity is difficult to express or to measure. It is sometimes expressed either in terms of output from labor or from services or from capital invested. These parts of expressions often do not give an accurate picture of the overall position. Although, there are measurements of some or all of the inputs and outputs of the industry but they still failed to combine these measurements into any satisfactory measure of efficiency. In fact, the ratio is easy to compute if the unit uses a single input to produce a single output (Choy, 2008). According to Whiteside, (2006), production is average direct labor hours to install a unit material. He also stressed that in perfect world, perfect productivity (1.0) will be accomplished in 40-hour work week, with everyone taking all of their holidays and vacation days planned. It is regarding to all the engineering drawings must be 100% complete, there would be no delays of any kind, everyone would work safely, everything would fit perfectly at the first time, the weather would be 70 degrees Fahrenheit and there would be no litigation at the end of the project. But, we do not live in perfect world and true productivity is often poorly understood. The first challenge in understanding productivity is lacking of common terms. The definition of hours identified as direct labor should be consistent. Second is too much focus in determining productivity which is incorrectly placed on the individual worker. Productivity is something to do with the worker because many workers work at the s ame rates. The main thing should be focused in productivity measurement is proper or complete planning. It is because like-out-sequence work will contribute to lower productivity due to the rework hours required to complete the original task. The final challenge is how to make productivity comparison when the data used in productivity studies before have the same basis. Productivity is not based on wage rates or cost data alone and it is improper to combine wage rate, hours and material quantities to make productivity comparison. According to Hwang and Liu, (2009), construction productivity studies have centered on the identification of factors that influence productivity and quantification of the impact of such factor on productivity. As a result, there were various qualitative and quantitative factors have been discovered and various methods for productivity have been presented. Majority of those methods are based on relationships between productivity and factors. Based on Thomas and Yiakoumis (1987), they stated that theory underlying the factor model is the work of crew is affected by a number of factors. If the cumulative effect of these disturbances can be mathematically represented, then the expected actual productivity can be estimate. But, it is not always feasible to quantify the impact of various factors and represent the relationships mathematically. Another limitation is the value of many related factors in future is not available and thus, they have to be estimated. In fact, some of the factors can be correlated with others which the correlation may be higher or lower under different situations. There is several research efforts have been devoted to developing models. The models that being used in the construction industry are such as below: According to Sonmez and Rowings, (1998); Portas and AbouRizk, (1997), recommended Neutral Network (NN) techniques which have been used to develop method of productivity prediction. Everett and Farghal, (1994), recommended learning curves that for various activities. Abdelhamid and Everett, (1999), have applied time series analysis to evaluate hoisting performance comparing the CRANIUM technology with the conventional technique. According to Brockwell and Davis, (2002), ARMA (autoregressive moving average) models are used to model time-lagged relationship of self-correlated observations within a single series. Cumulative Average and Simple Moving Average that wisely used to model a single time series Exponential Smoothing produce forecasts of weighted value of past observation with exponentially decreasing weights (NIST, 2006). Although there are numbers of publications exist on construction productivity, there is no agreed upon definition of work activities nor a standard productivity measurement system. Most of researchers have concluded that it is difficult to obtain a standard method to measure construction labor productivity because of project complexity and unique characteristics of the construction projects (Oglesby et al. 1989). The uniqueness and non repetitive of operation in construction projects make it is difficult to develop a standard productivity definition and measure (Sweis, 2000). Current measurement of productivity in construction industry Our labor productivity experts specialize in labor productivity analysis and may utilize the following industry-recognized methodologies, where appropriate: Measured Mile Analysis Work Sampling Comparable Work Study General and Specialty Industry Studies (Mechanical Contractors Association of America [MCAA], Construction Industry Institute [CII], Business Roundtable, etc.) Total Cost Method Modified Total Cost Method Time and Motion Studies The selection of a particular productivity analysis methodology is depends on the project facts, the nature of the events being analyzed, the nature and extent of available labor data and may vary from project to project. Each of the above-referenced productivity analysis methodologies has inherent its own advantages and disadvantages. Interface Consulting has extensive experience handling construction labor productivity claims and construction claims consultants are skilled at tailoring productivity analysis approach to suit a projects needs and constraints (ICII, 2009). Factors influence productivity in construction According to Tucker, (2003), he presented the most factors that can affect the construction productivity especially on site as below: Design: specifications, drawings, documents have to be improved Field support for timely responses; have architect/engineer on site with field competency Coordinate Design/Review Timely RFIs/RFPs (Request For Informations/Request For Proposals) Construction/Project management competency He also suggested that productivity improvement should be done based on this area: Constructability of the design documents with input of major contractors on schedule quality and realism Coordination among major contractors Pre-project planning Communication and teamwork between owners, design professionals, contractors and labor Improvement of the construction management process. Parisi, (2008) presented that potential factors influence the construction productivity are many, including out-of-sequence work; skilled labor shortages; worker crowding/congested work areas; interference of trades; owner interference; design problems and defects; contractors inadequate management/supervision; failure to properly staff the project; overtime; and acceleration. Lim et al (1995) studied factors affecting productivity in the construction industry in Singapore. Their findings indicated that the most important problems affecting productivity were: difficulty with recruitment of supervisors; difficulty with recruitment of workers; high rate of labour turnover; absenteeism from the work site; and communication problems with foreign workers. Olomolaiye et al (1996) studied factors affecting productivity of craftsmen in Indonesia, with their findings indicating craftsmen in Indonesia spent 75 % of their time working productively. Five specific productivity problems were identified: ie lack of materials; rework; absenteeism; lack of equipment; and tools. Kane et al (cited in Herbsman et al, 1990) classified factors affecting construction productivity into two main groups: technological factors and administrative factors. The technological factors encompass those related mostly to the design of the project; the administrative group factors relate to the management and construction of the project. Technological factors comprise sub-groups such as design factors, material factors and location factors. Administrative factors comprise sub-groups, such as construction methods and procedural factors, equipment factors, labour factors, and social factors. Heizer and Render (1990) classified factors influencing site productivity into 3 groups: labour characteristic factors; project work conditions factors; and nonproductive activities. Olomolaiye et al (1998) stated that factors affecting construction productivity are rarely constant, and may vary from country to country, from project to project, and even within the same project, depending on circumstances. They classified factors influencing construction productivity into 2 categories: external and internal, representing those outside the control of the firm s management, and those originating within the firm.. External factors included the nature of the industry, construction client knowledge of construction procedure, weather, and level of economic development. Internal factors included management, technology, labour, and labour unions. Enshassi et al 2006, Enshassi et al 2007, and Al Haddad 2007 stated that among the problems which the Palestinian construction industry is facing are material supply schedules and project scheduling techniques. Although a number of training courses were conducted to local contractors, these training efforts did not focus enough on the abilities to use project scheduling techniques such as Microsoft project and Primavera. Therefore training effort should also be tailored to improve methods of studying productivity and ways of productivity improvement on construction sites. The important productivity rate in project scheduling The duration of construction project is a key factor to consider before starting a new project which is it can be determine project success of failure. Despite the uncertainty and risk level is very high in construction industry, current construction planning which is more relies on traditional deterministic scheduling method is still not clearly ascertain the level of uncertainty involved in the project. Subsequently, it can prolong a projects duration and cannot be completed within the allocation time of the project (Lee, et al., 2009). Construction projects are subjected to changes which it require constant performance monitoring and follow-up schedule updates. Project manager must take proactive attitude to analyze project data and to predict potential problems and delay in order to make timely decisions and to reduce the negative impact on cost and schedule (Hwang and Liu, 2005). Planning in construction is a complex and iterative process. A plan usually is prepared based on the estimates by the participants actual commitment. Therefore, construction productivity plan plays a significant role in the process. Based on Parisi, (2008), in estimating labor, there are several key factors that should be considered: Productivity of its field forces Union labor agreements and requirements Past experience with the owner, designer, and construction manager Labor availability Specialty trades Therefore, if the actual construction work deviates from the anticipated plan, once the contract is signed and the project is underway, several situations may result as below: The job may take more time because the progress is not being made at the rate projected in the original baseline schedule and thus, project completion must be extended. (In such cases, acceleration of the remaining activities may be implemented to recover time) More hours of labor may be required to install the work items because materials are not being installed by the contractors workforce at the productivity rates (the anticipated quantities of material to be installed per hour) same as estimated in the original bid. An overrun of both time and labor may occur. In order to succeed, the companies must make a phase affirmative action into the total management of productivity through a formalized, documented process such as depicted in Figure 2.0. The process should be started with historical productivity analysis. The knowledge that gained from this processes should then be utilized to forecast and manage future productivity. The supervisor that involved in this process must implement and monitor the predetermined productivity values. Only then the companies can be more competitive and successful in todays global market Figure 2.0: A model to manage construction productivity Construction industry seemed as low sector when there is low technology and low skilled employments occur. According to Saad, (2002), in order to raise level of construction productivity, it is recommended that the projects should have the following features: High degree of standardization Design is preferred to use pre-fabricated units or pre-assemble forming system Building system should be easy and simple to construct and repetitive Well managed construction methods with details planning and specification High level of mechanized methods and skilled workers Roof works Roof is a basic human need is for shelter, which for most of us consists of a few walls and a roof over our heads. Roofs come in many shapes and sizes. One of the main reasons for having a roof is to keep out rainwater and snow. The selection of roof is based on the following characteristics: Stability Protection from the sun, weather, wind and rain Durablity Heat resistance Brightness and ventilation Beauty Construction of roof must be strong and able to support the load and stressed that going to happen. The load that is attributable to roof, firstly is dead load which is the weight of the roof trusses, roof covering; secondly is live load which is consists of tools, equipment, workers, rain water and lastly is wind load. Wind is a major stress to the roof which is difficult to forecast accurately. Roof stability is depends on the support such as roof trusses, column, walls, beams and foundation of the building. Design of roof also takes into account the respective functions of the building. Building for residential and office should have a comfortable situation in terms of condition, light, air and dam parts sounds. Industrial buildings and warehouses may require heat insulation on the roof to maintain the same conditioning in buildings. Traffic in the building to allow use of the pillars supporting the roof of the short-range distance. Roof for theater and stadium, must be supported by long span of roof trusses and the support in the middle will distrupt the view and noise and sound effect protection from the audience. Productivity work to be consider in roof works The productivity works to be considered in this study as below: Installation of roof trusses (cold form) Installation of insulation Installation of roof covering (concrete roof tiles and metal decking) No. of workers in group Daily Productivity (m2) METHOD PRODUCTIVITY OF ONE WORKING DAY Handling Half Mechanized Full Mechanized Summary From the literature review of the productivity in construction is important especially to provide accurate duration of task in building project scheduling. Rerefences: Dolman, B., Parham, D., Zheng, S. (2007), Can Australia match US productivity performance?, Retrieved May 7, 2007, from Diewert, W. E. and Lawrence, D. (2006), Measuring the contributions of productivity and terms of trade to Australias economic welfare, Retrieved May 7, 2007, from Oglesby, C.H., Parker, H.W. and Howell, G.A., (1989), Construction productivity improvements, McGraw Hill, New York Adrian, J.J. (1993), Construction Estimating: An accounting and productivity approach 4th Edition, 1993 Hwang, S. and Liu, L.Y. (2005), Proactive project control using productivity data and time series analysis, Computing in Civil Engineering 2005 Thomas, H.R. and Mathew, C.T., (1986), An analysis of the methods for measuring construction productivity, SD 13, Construction Industry Institute, The University of Texas. Whiteside, J.D., (2006), Construction Productivity, AACE International Transaction, 2006 Picard, (2005), Construction productivity qualifications, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA Prokopenko, J.,(1987), Productivity management, Geneva International Labor Office. Jugdev, K., Thomas, J. and Delisle, C., (2001), Rethinking project management old truths and new insight, International Project Management Journal, 7(1), pp. 36-43 Uusi-Rauva, E. and Hannula, M., (1996), Measurement A tool for productivity Improvement, 9th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, pp. 13-29 Halligan, D.W., Demsetz, L.A., Brown, J.D. and Pace, C.B., (1994), Action-response model and loss of productivity in construction, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 120 No. 1, March 1994 Teicholz, P., (2004), Labor productivity declines in the construction industry: Causes and remedies, AECbytes Viewpoint #4, April 14 2004. Tucker, W.W., (2003), Construction Productivity Study Summary, Eastern Michigan University, 2003. Choy, C.F., (2008), Productive efficiency of Malaysian construction sector, Built-Environment Department, Faculty of Engineering and Science, University Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia. Lee, H.S., Shin, J.W., Park, M. and Ryu, H.G, (2009), Probabilistic duration estimation model for high-rise structural work, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, December, 2009 Hwang, S. and Liu, L.Y. (2009), Predicting short term productivity I: Contemporaneous time series and forecasting Methodologies, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, December, 2009 Sonmez, R. and Rowing, J.E., (1998), Construction labor productivity modeling with neutral network, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, December, 124(6), 498-504 Portas, J. and AbouRizk, S. (1997), Neutral network model estimating construction productivity, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 123(4), 399-410 Everett, J.G. and Fargahl, S. (1994), Learning curve predictors for construction field operations, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 120(3), 603-614 Abdelhamid, T.S. and Everett, J.G., (1999), Time series analysis for construction productivity experiments, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 125(2), 87-95 NIST, (2006), Engineer statistic handbook Oglesby, C.H., Parker, H.W., and Howell, G.A., (1989), Productivity improvement in construction, McGraw-Hill, New York. Sweis, G.J., (2000), Impact of conversion technology on productivity in masonry construction, PhD dissertation, Northwestern University, Evanston, III. Interface Consulting International, Inc.(ICII), 2009 Parisi, R.F., (2008), When the best-laid plans go astray A primer on labor productivity, Capital Project Management, Inc. Saad, D.A, (2002), Standard labor productivity of reinforced concrete building structures and factor affecting on it, Thesis presented to university of Technology, Iraq FACTORS AFFECTING LABOUR PRODUCTIVITY IN BUILDING PROJECTS IN THE GAZA STRIP Adnan Enshassi1, Sherif Mohamed2, Ziad Abu Mustafa1 and Peter Eduard Mayer3
Monday, August 19, 2019
Internet Security Essay -- essays research papers
Security on the Internet How do you secure something that is changing faster than you can fix it? The Internet has had security problems since its earliest days as a pure research project. Today, after several years and orders of magnitude of growth, is still has security problems. It is being used for a purpose for which it was never intended: commerce. It is somewhat ironic that the early Internet was design as a prototype for a high-availability command and control network that could resist outages resulting from enemy actions, yet it cannot resist college undergraduates. The problem is that the attackers are on, and make up apart of, the network they are attacking. Designing a system that is capable of resisting attack from within, while still growing and evolving at a breakneck pace, is probably impossible. Deep infrastructure changes are needed, and once you have achieved a certain amount of size, the sheer inertia of the installed base may make it impossible to apply fixes. The challenges for the security industry are growing. With the electronic commerce spreading over the Internet, there are issues such as nonrepudiation to be solved. Financial institutions will have both technical concerns, such as the security of a credit card number or banking information, and legal concerns for holding individuals responsible for their actions such as their purchases or sales over the Internet. Issuance and management of encryption keys for millions of users will pose a new type of challenge. While some technologies have been developed, only an industry-wide effort and cooperation can minimize risks and ensure privacy for users, data confidentiality for the financial institutions, and nonrepudiation for electronic commerce. With the continuing growth in linking individuals and businesses over the Internet, some social issues are starting to surface. The society may take time in adapting to the new concept of transacting business over the Internet. Consumers may take time to trust the network and accept it as a substitute for transacting business in person. Another class of concerns relates to restricting access over the Internet. Preventing distribution of pornography and other objectionable material over the Internet has already been in the news. We can expect new social hurdles over time and hope the great benefits of the Internet will continue to ove... ...o that its confidentiality and integrity are preserved. That is, the data remains secret to those who do not posses the secret key, and modifications to the cipher text can be detected during decryption. Two of the most popular symmetric ciphers are the Data Encryption Standard (DES) and the International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA). The DES algorithm operates on blocks of 64 bits at a time using a key length of 56 bits. The 64 bits are permuted according to the value of the key, and so encryption with two keys that differently in one bit produces two completely different cipher texts. The most popular mode of DES is called Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode, where output from previous block are mixed with the plaintext of each block. The first block is mixed with the plaintext of each block. The block uses a special value called the Initialization Vector. Despite its size and rapid growth, the Web is still in its infancy. So is the software industry. We are just beginning to learn how to develop secure software, and we are beginning to understand that for our future, if it is to be online, we need to incorporate security into the basic underpinnings of everything we develop.
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